The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 490: No one goes in

Deng Changze waved to Qi Hao, "Come here and tell me how far you have learned in alchemy."

Qi Hao's attention was immediately sucked away, and he reported to Deng Changze what he had learned with a serious expression.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo followed his ancestor Mu Changling towards the back of the bamboo building where he lived. There is a small road at the back. It looks like it is the road up the mountain. You can't tell it unless you look carefully. It is obviously deserted because no one walks on it often.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the direction and found that he was indeed walking towards the mountain. I don’t know where the ancestors took her to.

Mu Changling is dressed in a white robe, with white hair and beard. Coupled with his unique free and easy temperament, walking on this weed-covered mountain road feels quite otherworldly and fairy-like.

Yan Xiangluo felt that she had once read about immortals described in novels, and that was it!

“When I chose to build the sect here, in addition to gathering spirits here, another important reason is that I discovered a mysterious place here.” Mu Changling said as he walked.

Yu Xiangluo asked, "Is this mysterious place where my ancestors want to take me?"

Mu Changling nodded, "Yes, the reason why it is described as mysterious is because this place clearly feels that there is something extraordinary inside, but no one can enter."

“Can’t the ancestors go in?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Mu Changling shook his head, "No, no one can get in yet. Your master and I also brought him here, but he couldn't get in either."

Yu Xiangluo was a little disappointed. Even his ancestors and master couldn't enter a place, so it was probably in vain for him to come.

 But she just thought in her heart, no matter what, it was the intention of her ancestors, and since she was here, she would give it a try.

“Have all the disciples of the Xianyun Sect been here?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Mu Changling nodded, "As long as you are a disciple of the sect, no matter how talented you are, I will give it a try."

Yan Xiangluo was really curious. What kind of place could so many people not be able to enter? What were the restrictions? What are the conditions for entry?

Just when she was about to ask something else, Mu Changling pointed to the front and said, "Right in front."

Yan Xiangluo looked in the direction of his finger and saw a cave in front of him. The cave was not big, only one person high, and only wide enough for one person to pass through. It looked nothing special.

Standing here and looking over, I don’t think there’s anything special.

Yan Xiangluo glanced behind her to confirm her position. They were probably halfway up the mountain. They are all people with high spiritual power, so it is easy to climb a mountain.

 If it were Mu Changling himself, he would be there in a teleport. After all, if you break through to the **** level, you can teleport. In order to take care of her, we came together.

The two of them walked to the cave. Mu Changling pointed at the entrance and said, "Use your spiritual sense to feel it and see if you can sense anything?"

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo let go of her consciousness and curiously looked into the cave. In the faint cave, she could sense everything at first, but after a moment, she found that there was a very strong spiritual energy in front of her, but she wanted to find out where the spiritual energy came from. There is no way to detect whether there are any spiritual treasures inside.

She withdrew her consciousness and told Mu Changling truthfully, "I can't see anything but a very strong aura."

Mu Changling nodded and stroked his beard, "How do you think the spiritual energy inside is stronger than outside?"

Yan Xiangluo did some calculations and said, "The difference is about ten times." You must know that the spiritual energy of the higher mainland is very rich, and the spiritual energy of Xianyun Sect is several times richer than outside because of the spirit gathering array. The spiritual energy in the cave It is actually more than ten times richer than the spiritual energy of Xianyun Sect, which shows how dense the spiritual energy is inside.

Yan Xiangluo is really curious, where does such rich spiritual energy come from? Why are they gathered in the cave?

“Most disciples cannot even sense the spiritual energy, except for some extremely talented disciples who can sense the rich spiritual energy inside.” Mu Changling explained.

Yan Xiangluo is a little puzzled. Why can't someone feel such a strong spiritual energy? She thought that anyone with spiritual consciousness could sense it.

"Try it and see if you can walk in?" Mu Changling looked at her hopefully.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the entrance of the cave and asked, "Just go in like this?"

 Didn’t it mean that no one can enter? Will she hit some invisible barrier when she walks in like this?

"No matter what method you use, as long as you can get in." Mu Changling said.

 After all, no one has ever gone in, and no one knows how to get in. For more than three thousand years, he has used every method he can think of.

After finishing his words, he added, "However, although we only sensed that the spiritual energy inside was particularly strong and did not sense any danger, we are not sure that there is no danger inside. If you can really go in, it will be fate and life or death. The ancestors can’t help you either.”

Yan Xiangluo's foot that was about to step out was pulled back because of Mu Changling's words about fate. She looked at Mu Changling aggrievedly and said, "Ancestor, if I don't bring you to scare people like this, should I go or not?" Not going? "

Mu Changling smiled, "You girl, what are you pretending to be here? You can't wait to rush in right away!"

Yan Xiangluo didn't explain. Her ancestors still didn't understand her. She was a person who cherished her life.

 For her, it is not easy to have a healthy body, nor is it easy to live happily. Therefore, when faced with any life-threatening danger, she would first retreat unless the temptation was sufficient and she was fully prepared.

Just like entering the Lingquan Secret Realm, wasn't it because she had no choice but to go there? Pangu Huakai's second level was imminent, so she had no choice but to go in.

 Mainly because Pangu Space is there, she has the confidence. Otherwise, although she would go in, she would not be so proactive.

 The current situation, if it were the previous situation, she would never go in.

However, her ideological realm changed a lot yesterday because of Mu Changling, which also affected her views and decisions on some things.

Opportunities are in front of her, it depends on whether she is brave enough. The path a monk has to take will be accompanied by dangers throughout his life. Danger and opportunities also exist at the same time. Just like her along the way, every huge opportunity is not Is it accompanied by life-threatening dangers?

If she hesitates and retreats every time she encounters danger, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to reach the level of a truly strong person like you, and how will she pass the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming.

I'm afraid it's just a luxury to want to go to Jiuchongtian to see the evergreen trees.

Yan Xiangluo knew that she had to break through this knot in her heart in order to have higher room for growth. For a monk, having knots in his mind is not a good thing.

Yan Xiangluo took a long breath and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

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