The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 500: Nameless Palace (1)

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him, waiting for her to come back? Did he already know that he could come back here in this life?

 Do the people here have such magical powers?

 Can only my soul come back, or can my body in this life also come back?

No matter whether her body can come back in the future, her spirit is back now, so let’s go in and see how magical this place is.

Looking at the dazzling golden palace again, Yan Xiangluo was a little disbelieving. The person who had such a special hobby that she had just complained about was actually herself in the previous life. What did she think at that time that she actually built such a palace?

Although he cursed himself inwardly, his expression didn't show it at all and he walked in.

The man followed her. After she entered, he raised his hand and the heavy and luxurious palace door was closed again.

Yan Xiangluo looked back and saw that the luxury inside the palace gate was no less luxurious than the outside, or even better.

These two doors are also telling her that this is not a place for ordinary people to come. Without spiritual power, these two doors cannot be opened because they are too heavy.

Withdrawing your gaze and walking forward, it feels really different to step on a road paved with solid gold under your feet.

“Where is this place?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

 The man said respectfully, "The place where the Heavenly Master lives."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and said, "If you have a question that you can't answer, you can tell me directly. There is no need to be so perfunctory."

There is no difference between this answer and no answer.

The man was stunned and said, "This is indeed the place where the Heavenly Master lives."

 “No name?” Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Did he not understand the words?

The man understood clearly and said, "The Heavenly Master used to call this place this way without giving it a name."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, she didn’t expect it to be like this.

Since it is the place where you live, how can it not have a name? Don't you like it here?

“However, because there is no name here, those who respect the Heavenly Master call it the Wuming Palace.” The man explained again.

 The nameless palace?

  Is it because it does not mean a name, or does it not mean fame or fortune?

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes. When she heard this name, everything about her past life seemed to be revealed in front of her. But why did she feel a sad feeling in her heart?

 Is it because of the master and six senior brothers that I haven’t remembered yet? Or everything that has ever happened?

The man saw Yan Xiangluo stop, so he stopped too, without disturbing her, and stood quietly aside.

 A fragment suddenly flashed through Yan Xiangluo's mind. It was about this man. It was a fragment. He followed her respectfully and politely, never breaking the rules.

Yan Xiangluo looked back at him and asked, "What's your name?"

 The man shook his head and said, "I can't say anything until the Heavenly Master remembers it."

Yan Xiangluo sneered, "It's quite interesting."

Her words were very meaningful. When the man heard this, his eyes paused and he pursed his lower lip. He wanted to say something but held back.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the palace built of gold again. She didn't feel the same as before, but felt a little repulsed.

  No matter which life she lived in, her intuition was very accurate, and this intuition helped her avoid countless times.

Yan Xiangluo continued to walk forward. There was a magnificent palace sitting high up in front. According to the palace she saw in the air, this should be the main palace, which is equivalent to the living room at home. This palace is on a very high step. After just a glance, Yan Xiangluo knew that there should be nearly a hundred steps. According to experience, there should be ninety-nine steps. Nine-nine is the same, regardless of whether you are practicing Both people and those in control of the imperial power are obsessed with this number.

Stepping onto the steps, Yan Xiangluo looked down and saw patterns carved on each step. She had just seen these patterns before, between the halos in the cave.

There are seventy-seven and forty-nine there, and there are ninety-nine steps here. Are there more patterns here than between the halos?

 Although the pattern is on the steps, the surface of the steps is still very smooth without any bulges.

"Tell me what you can say about this." Yan Xiangluo said to the man who was three steps behind her without looking back.

“Yes.” The man responded and began to speak, his voice neither high nor low, neither urgent nor slow.

“In front is the main hall, which is where the Celestial Master used to discuss business and receive visitors. There are ninety-nine steps that the Celestial Master walks up, and each one has a mysterious pattern carved by the Celestial Master himself..."

Yan Xiangluo stared at it for a moment. These patterns were indeed Xuan patterns. No wonder they looked like patterns, and the steps were very smooth. If these were Xuan patterns, it would make sense. The Xuan patterns engraved on the patterns would naturally not have any unevenness.

“These mysterious patterns contain the soul power of the Celestial Master, and only the Celestial Master can activate it…”

 Soul power?

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at his feet. Yes, he called himself a Celestial Master. A Celestial Master is a very sacred profession in the higher continents. He is a **** who can see through the past, predict the future, and change people's destiny.

In the eyes of the world, the Celestial Master has the extraordinary ability to communicate with all things in the world and is omnipotent.

Especially the Celestial Master who has strong power to control souls.

Her mother, Long Moran, was able to separate her soul into one soul and keep her in two lifetimes. This was actually the skill of the Heavenly Master.

It's just that there are no heavenly masters in the lower continents, and no one except the nine families knows how terrifying the Long family's soul-controlling power is.

 It is true that in the higher continents, the Heavenly Master is extremely worshiped, and can even be said to be arrogant. Yan Xiangluo has read the historical records of the Higher Continent. It can be said that precisely because of the existence of the Celestial Master, the Higher Continent is not ruled by imperial power, but is controlled by various powerful forces.

 Just because there is a feared heavenly master here.

Yan Xiangluo sensed it, maybe because she was now in a divine soul body, she could clearly sense the soul power faintly emerging on the steps, which was much stronger than her current soul power.

After Ruan Xiangluo accepted the inheritance of the power of soul control from the Long family, she did not practice it just because she felt a little unsure. She originally wanted to wait until she saw her mother and ask her questions before deciding whether to practice or not, but now it seems that, This power of soul control really can't wait, we have to learn it quickly.

Yan Xiangluo's thoughts were spinning rapidly and she didn't stop walking. When she reached the 7749th step, she reached a platform. A nine-layered lotus was carved on the platform. It was exactly the same as the nine-layered lotus formed under the light pillar in the cave. look.

Yan Xiangluo stopped and looked at the nine-layered lotus on the ground. The rosette was in full bloom on the side she came from, towards the main hall.

The man happened to have reached this point.

“The pattern on the ground is a nine-layered lotus. It was carved here by the Celestial Master back then. No one can step on it except the Celestial Master.”

The man Hua Luo thought she would step on it and try, but Yan Xiangluo raised her foot and walked around the nine-layer lotus and continued walking up.

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