The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 501: Nameless Palace (2)

Chapter 501 The Nameless Palace (2)

 He thought that Yan Xiangluo would at least ask about the function of this nine-layered lotus.

How does he know that Yan Xiangluo is very aware of his current situation.

What she appears here is only her soul, and her physical cultivation in this life has not yet broken through to the divine level, which is incomparable to the cultivation of the man in front of her. What's more, this nine-layered lotus was engraved by the man's powerful self in the previous life. Up.

  She is not so arrogant that she forgets her identity and situation just because of the man's respect for her and the words "Heavenly Master".

 She is not who she was before, and her strength is not the same.

Yan Xiangluo was very precious about her life and would never hit an egg against a stone. The nine-layered lotus gave her a very strong feeling.

As for asking her what she doesn't know, men who can speak will naturally tell her. If she can't, it will be in vain for her to ask.

The man glanced at Yan Xiangluo, who continued to walk up, and narrowed his eyes. Even if he didn't remember anything, she was still the same person. He glanced at the Nine-layered Lotus and continued to walk up after Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo finally reached the top of the steps. Sure enough, there were ninety-nine steps. She also saw the majestic main hall, which had a sense of showing off its wealth.

The man stopped when she was walking far away from her, "The main hall of the Celestial Master was rarely used before. The furnishings inside have never been moved since the Celestial Master left. They are exactly the same as before."

Yu Xiangluo stood at the door of the main hall and looked inside, taking in an overview with just one glance.

It is indeed a place for discussion. The main seat is a chair carved into a lotus. Although it is not as domineering as the dragon chair where the emperor sits, it has a unique coolness and immortality.

Yan Xiangluo is a little curious about what kind of person she used to be? I have such strength, but what about my master and senior brothers?

Although the seats on both sides are not in the shape of lotus flowers, they are also different from ordinary chairs. They are all in the shape of auspicious clouds. Sitting on them feels like sitting in golden clouds.

Yan Xiangluo looked at it, turned around and walked towards the side of the main hall, preparing to go around the main hall and continue walking inside.

 When the man saw that she did not go in, he blinked and continued to follow her.

Going around the main hall, there was a large square with many buildings around it. Yan Xiangluo didn't see the door to the back, so she stopped not knowing where to go.

“This is where guests and those who serve the Heavenly Master live, but no guests have lived here since it was built.” The man explained to her while making a sign to go right.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the right side, which was the veranda in front of the house. The end should be the door at the back, and walked to the right.

 “You live here too?”

 The man said, "I live in the back and have a separate palace."

Yan Xiangluo understood that the people who served her were also divided into three grades, and the status of men should be higher.

“Are you alone here now?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

 The man nodded, "Yes."

 Thousands of years have passed? He couldn't even remember it. He was so lonely that he forgot how prosperous this place once was.

 At first he was still counting the days, but when did he change from counting the days to staring at the palace gate eagerly every day? Yan Xiangluo walked slowly on the verandah, thinking about what the man said, no guests have lived here since it was built. How many years has it been since it was built? Have no guests been here? Or are guests never allowed to stay overnight?

There was indeed a door to the back at the end of the corridor, and the two doors opened automatically when Yan Xiangluo walked there.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused, and she crossed the threshold. There was still a large square place inside. The buildings around the place were much shorter than the main hall in front, and it was obvious that it was a living area.

"This is where the disciples of the Heavenly Master live." The man's words were simple, and Yan Xiangluo understood. The man could only tell her what the various parts of the palace were used for.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the buildings in a circle. If there was one disciple per room, there would be quite a few disciples. No wonder Qi Hao wanted to worship him as his teacher in his previous life. Such a posture can indeed intimidate people.

Yu Xiangluo didn’t ask her how many disciples she had and were they all still alive?

"Where do I live?" Yan Xiangluo suddenly lost interest in continuing to visit here. She felt that there was no smell of fireworks here. She didn't know if she liked it before, but now she is very sure that she doesn't like it.

The man pointed to the back and said, "It's right behind."

Yan Xiangluo looked behind and sighed secretly. She might as well go and have a look.

Looking at the terrain, there should be the last building group behind. After walking out of a door, there is an alley with high walls on both sides. Yan Xiangluo looked around and saw that there should be buildings at the end of both sides.

But there is a door diagonally opposite, which looks much more exquisite than the door in the front courtyard.

"This is where the Heavenly Master lives. There are some residences on both sides of the alley. I live in the yard at the end on the left." The man walked to the door and said to Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo walked to the door and the door opened automatically.

Standing in front of the door, she also saw the appearance of the yard. She was surprised. She thought that the place where she lived would be more luxurious. As a result, it was just a simple house and a huge field.

 It looks like it feels empty.

Yan Xiangluo crossed the threshold and walked inside step by step. She found that the man had not followed her. She turned around and saw that the man was standing outside the door.

When the man saw her looking over, he immediately explained, "This is where the Heavenly Master lives. No one is allowed to enter, not even the Heavenly Master's disciples, nor me."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, is there such a rule?

It's just that she didn't expect the man to be so observant. He was alone here. He didn't know how long he had been dead in his previous life. She learned from the three senior brothers that it was at least several thousand years. He still abided by the rules he had set. rules?

Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything. There must be a reason for her past self to set such rules. Now she doesn't intend to break them and continues to move forward alone.

The entire ground is paved with gold. No, it should be said that the entire palace is refined, but the material for refining the weapons is gold.

She had always felt that something was wrong here, but now she realized that there were no green plants at all.

Also, the entire palace is made of refined materials. There is no land at all. Trees and flowers cannot be planted at all, except for potted plants. However, no one has lived here for a long time. The man is here alone, so naturally there are no potted plants. .

 There was no green, and it felt like there was no life here. She didn't like this feeling very much. Could it be that she used to like it?

Listening to the information revealed by senior brother, second senior brother, and fifth senior brother, you are not that kind of person?

The square is very big. She doesn’t understand why such a big square should be kept since it is a place to live and not allow others to come in. Then why not build a smaller courtyard?

 (End of this chapter)

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