The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 505: Paralyze the soul

This also meant that his plan did fail this time, and he wanted to know what went wrong and why it failed.

 After his soul returned to his body, he accepted the memory of his clone. When her eyes changed, she realized that her soul was so powerful, and her power to control the soul was even stronger than in the previous life. Sure enough, she was right to set up this situation in advance.

The man rubbed his temples and felt a little irritated. It seemed that he had to go and deal with her in person.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with his soul. Why did he feel numb?

The consciousness immediately sensed his own soul, only to discover that the culprit was actually the soul that had just returned.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm looking down on you. With such a low cultivation level and still in the state of the soul body, you can actually manipulate my soul without letting me notice. It seems that you will be more difficult to deal with in this life." ”

 The man immediately mobilized his spiritual power, trying to expel the numbness in his soul from his body.

Originally, he thought it would be a piece of cake, but no matter how much spiritual power he used, he could not get rid of the feeling of paralysis. On the contrary, the feeling of paralysis in his soul became more and more frequent. If it continued, it would be difficult for him to move.

How did she do it? It is impossible for a soul body to carry poison with it. And if it was really poison, he should be able to feel it the moment the clone returned to his original body. The physical paralysis was felt only after he received the clone's memory, which meant that the hands and feet that Yan Xiang made on his clone could avoid the detection of his powerful spiritual consciousness.

 What is it if it’s not poison?

 What else could make his soul slowly lose consciousness?

His brain was spinning rapidly and he couldn't think of a reason, but the current situation did not allow him to think any more. If he delayed any longer, his whole soul would be paralyzed, and he would be the meat on the cutting board for others to chop at will.

Thinking of this, he immediately mobilized the spiritual power he could still use to seal his other souls that had not been paralyzed, preventing the paralysis from continuing to spread. Even though he reacted quickly, one-third of his soul was paralyzed.

 The remaining soul was sealed. Under such circumstances, he could do nothing but wait until the paralysis of the soul disappeared completely.

  In other words, it is impossible for the main body to find Yan Xiangluo and get rid of her now.

 Fortunately, he could still move his body, but at this time, he was no different from an ordinary person, and his spiritual power could not be mobilized at all. He walked back to his room, lay on the bed, and waited.

Apart from this, there was no other way. He clenched his hands tightly into fists. In the last life, she was so strong that he could beat her. But in this life, when he found her reincarnation when she was still weak, he didn't believe it. She didn't even believe it. She is already so much weaker than him, but he still can't get rid of her.

 But he was still very afraid of Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power. He had never seen anyone like him plot against him like this. She was much more cruel in this life than in the previous one.

It seems that he was careless. This time he should take action. There is no regret in the world. Taking advantage of the fact that he can only use his brain now, he thought about it. If he takes action again, he will definitely not give her a chance to survive.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo stood up from the nine-layer lotus platform, looking at the nine-layer lotus platform under her feet, a dark light flashed across her almond-shaped eyes.

 Obviously I have returned from the illusory world, but why are the nine-layered lotus still there, these lights still there, and the apertures and patterns on the ground also there?

No, that clone is real, which means that the place he was in just now is not an illusory world, and the palace is not completely illusory. Some things are real. It is precisely because of these real things that the illusion can be achieved. The palace of nothingness comes.

 It also shows that her soul was simply moved there by some means.

Does the stuff here actually exist? For example, the nine-layered lotus, or the ball of light on the stone wall. Yan Xiangluo felt that she was free now and was no longer controlled by that void force.

She jumped down from the nine-layered lotus, landed on the ground, and walked towards the edge of the cave by stepping on the layers of rings.

There was no resistance this time. Yan Xiangluo walked to the edge of the cave, turned around and looked at the nine-story lotus platform, and then looked up at the glowing **** of light surrounding the top of the cave.

 When this place was first formed, the light ball first emitted light to form a pillar of light, and then there were the nine-layered lotus and the halo and pattern on the ground.

 Should taking away those light **** destroy all the illusory scenes? The rest should be real objects.

Yan Xiangluo had a feeling that the Nine-layered Lotus was definitely closely related to her. That golden palace should also be real, but it just had something to do with her in her previous life. She didn't have that part of memory yet, so she didn't have any memory of it. I know, but it doesn’t feel like a good place.

 She wished that the nine-layered lotus was a real thing, that would be the best.

Thinking of this, she looked at the stone wall of the cave and rose into the air, flying towards the light ball above her head. When she reached it, she reached out to get the light ball, and suddenly retracted her outstretched hand. The light ball could not be sensed. Why is the heat so hot?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the fingers she touched and saw they were burnt.

Looking at the incense **** falling to the ground, he took out a few herbs to refine the burn ointment and applied it on the burned fingers. Soon, the fingers were back to normal.

Yan Xiangluo frowned and looked at the dozens of light **** in a circle. She still had to think of a way to get them.

She tried to wrap the light ball with her mental power to see if she could throw it directly into space, but she found that the closer the mental power was to the light ball, the more her head hurt. Seeing that it was still several meters away, she pressed give up too much and hurt her nerves. Consciousness is not a good thing, and this method will not work.

If the mental power really touches the light ball, the consciousness will definitely be seriously injured.

 Try to use spiritual power again to attack the light ball and drop it. Anyway, what you want is to change the position of the light ball.

A spiritual power attack was directed at the light ball closest to her. Although she did not use a lot of spiritual power, all the spiritual power she used was counterattacked by the light ball, and the intensity was doubled. If she had not reacted quickly, she would have been hit by her own. Double power for attacks.

I patted my heart with lingering fear, but I couldn’t take it directly, my mental power wasn’t working, and my spiritual attacks couldn’t do it either. What should I do?

Originally, she wanted to see if Yun Tuan could do anything, but her connection with the space and her spiritual pets was cut off, and it has not been restored yet. She can only rely on herself.

The connection with the space was cut off, and she could not take out the things in the space. Fortunately, her previous things were all placed in the storage ring and were not moved to the space by her. Her consciousness began to store things. Are you rummaging through the ring to see if there's anything you can use?

 I searched for a while, but couldn't find anything useful.

 Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

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