The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 506: Not the only one

All the phenomena formed here must not be for no reason. The light ball also has the ability to fight back. It seems that only the formation can do this. Is it the formation?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the light **** and nine-layered lotus on the stone wall, as well as the apertures and patterns on the ground. She ignored their light and only cared about their positions. She sketched their positions in her mind. After pondering for a while, Jue A bright smile suddenly appeared on her beautiful face.

 It’s really a formation.

Yan Xiangluo slowly walked around the Nine-layered Lotus. She had never seen this formation before. The reason why she was sure it was a formation was because she placed the light sphere and the Nine-layered Lotus's aperture pattern. the conclusion.

Although I have never seen it, as long as I am sure it is a formation, it is easy to say. The formation itself is ever-changing, but it is always changeable. Breaking the formation is just a matter of time.

 Breaking the formation is actually very simple. As long as you find the formation eye and destroy the formation eye, the formation will naturally be broken.

 It is simple to say, but in high-level formations, it is not easy to find the formation eyes. Whether the formation eyes can be broken is still unknown.

After all, the formation master who sets up the formation also knows how to destroy his own formation. Not to mention that the formation eye is well hidden. The position where the formation eye is located is the most powerful place of the formation. If it cannot be broken, the backlash of the formation eye will be It is very likely to kill the person who broke the formation.

Yu Xiangluo is not a reckless person, nor is she an arrogant person.

 She is confident in her formation skills.

She calmed down and started to break the formation. She didn't know if it was her imagination. After she calmed down, she found that this formation seemed familiar.

Yan Xiangluo understood that this should be due to the memory of her previous life. After all, this was the first time she had seen this formation in her life.

Her eyes lit up when she thought of the fragments of life she remembered in the golden palace. Could it be that if she wanted to restore the memory of her previous life, she needed something from her previous life as a primer?

But when I think about the colored glaze lamp, it was also my own thing in my previous life. Why didn’t I regain any memory when I got the colored glaze lamp?

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, shaking off these confusions, and concentrated on studying the formation. Restoring his memory is not the most important thing now. The most important thing now is to break the formation and leave the cave.

Another day passed, and Mu Changling, Deng Changze and Qi Hao stood outside the cave like this for another day.

The afterglow of the sun set on the top of the mountain. Mu Changling glanced at Deng Changze and said, "Xiaohao has been eating dry food for the past two days, and today he has eaten nothing. You take him back to have some hot rice first, before his master comes out." It hurts to see how hungry I am.”

Deng Changze’s mouth twitched, and the worries in his heart were somewhat diluted by his ancestor’s words.

Qi Hao immediately said, "Ancestor, I'm not hungry."

Mu Changling smiled and rubbed his head, "Your master will be fine. You have to take good care of yourself first, so that you have the strength to take care of the people you care about."

Qi Hao blinked and understood what his ancestor meant. He immediately saluted and said, "Ancestor, I can go back alone. I can just go find Brother Mingli to eat."

Mu Changling smiled. No wonder Luo Yatou accepted an apprentice at the age of sixteen. This young apprentice was indeed not very clever.

Watching Qi Hao go back down the mountain to the courtyard where Mu Changling lived, Deng Changze asked, "What did our ancestors discover?"

Qi Hao has been waiting here with them for three days, always eating the dry food he brought with him. Although his ancestor loved Qi Hao, he would not dote on Qi Hao to the point where he would feel distressed after eating dry food for only a few days. He must have something to say to him. Only then did he push Qi Hao away.

Mu Changling said, "There are changes inside. I can feel the breath of the formation." Deng Changze was stunned. It seemed that his cultivation level was still too low. He kept using his spiritual sense to check, but he didn't sense anything. , the ancestors actually sensed it.

"Since there is a formation, Xiao Luo'er should be breaking it." Deng Changze frowned and used his spiritual sense to explore inside, but he still didn't sense anything.

Mu Changling nodded, "With my level of cultivation, I can only sense the breath of the formation. I'm afraid this formation is not a formation from the higher mainland."

Deng Changze’s expression paused, “Ancestor, do you mean that the formation here is from the Nine Heavens?”

 If it’s not from the Higher Continent, it can only be from the Nine Heavens.

Mu Changling shook his head, "Not necessarily. You have just arrived and you don't understand some of the secrets of the higher continent. Jiuchongtian is not the only higher continent above the higher continent."

Deng Changze was really surprised this time. After he came to the Higher Continent, especially after coming to Xianyun Sect, he read almost all the books on the Higher Continent's historical records. He really didn't know this.

Even the monks in the Higher Continent practice with the goal of going to the Nine Heavens, which shows that people in the Higher Continent also think that the higher continent is the Nine Heavens.

Mu Changling explained, "Many secrets are passed down orally and there are no written records, and these secrets are only known to some big families. I only know some superficial knowledge. There is no way to know the details. The secrets of high-level continental families are absolutely It won’t be leaked. I know that I learned some of these things by chance in a secret place shortly after I arrived.”

Deng Changze's eyes darkened, "In other words, there will be some beings on the higher continent who are not from this continent, but few people will encounter them."

Mu Changling nodded and said, "A place like this can only be encountered by people with great opportunities. Ordinary people cannot. And most of the people with great opportunities are geniuses in this continent. People who get such opportunities are also It will not be announced to the outside world.”

Deng Changze looked at the cave again and asked, "Ancestor, do you mean that this is a place like this?"

“I wasn’t sure before, but now I can be sure when I detect the aura of the formation.” Mu Changling sighed.

 “Are our ancestors worried about Xiao Luo’er?”

Mu Changling shook his head, "It has been more than three thousand years since I discovered this place. I don't know how many years it existed before. However, no one has been able to enter from the time it was discovered to now. Xiao Luo'er entered easily, which shows that this place It’s her chance, I’m not worried about her safety, but about her future.”

Deng Changze's eyes paused, and he immediately understood what his ancestor meant. Xiao Luo'er had such a great opportunity, which meant that she was the darling of heaven. People like her must have a mission, and the road ahead must be difficult.

 Especially in places like the High Continents.

Thinking about Yan Xiangluo’s experience growing up, it was indeed different from that of a normal child. She has gone through so many hardships, but every hardship made her grow faster.

Deng Changze suddenly realized that his ancestor was indeed a very thoughtful person, and his vision and state of mind were not what ordinary people could have.

 His master, who was a young man, didn't even see this.

 “Xiao Luo’er is indeed a man of great fortune.” Deng Changze sighed.

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