The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 507: Special formation

His master seems to have slacked off a bit. Xiao Luo'er came later than his master, and her cultivation level is about to catch up with him. If she encounters some crisis, I, my master, may not be able to help her.

 No, after Xiao Luo'er comes out, he will start practicing according to the plan. I originally thought that I could live a more casual and relaxed life when I came to a higher continent to practice, but why was it more stressful than in a lower continent?

Mu Changling glanced at Deng Changze and said, "As long as you understand."

 This is also the reason why he sent Qi Hao away.

Qi Hao is still young and his level is not high enough to need to know these things, but Deng Changze, as Yu Xiangluo's master, must know.

I wanted to wait for him to realize it by himself, but now looking at Yan Xiangluo's footsteps, I can't wait for him to realize it by himself. The realm of cultivation is different between wanting to be a strong person and wanting to be a guardian of the strong. Especially Deng Changze was very worried. Taking care of his little disciple is also a good spur and motivation for him in his cultivation.

Mu Changling was actually a little envious of the master-disciple pair, Deng Changze and Yuan Xiangluo. The master-disciple must have formed a good relationship in their previous life, and they had such a close relationship as father and daughter in this life. They were both on the right track for each other. Guidance and motivation.

Qi Hao returned to the courtyard where Mu Changling lived. Mingli came out of the room to greet him, "Xiao Hao, why are you back alone?"

“Senior Brother Mingli, my ancestors asked me to come back and have a good meal.” Qi Hao was too smart to say anything else.

He was very smart at a young age and knew that although his ancestor felt sorry for him because he was hungry, he was also trying to get rid of him. He should have something to tell his master.

Mingli was not brainless in being able to serve beside Mu Changling. On the contrary, he was transparent and smart. He didn't ask any more questions and said with a smile, "Xiaohao is just growing up, so he doesn't have to be good at it." "Eat, you wait, senior brother will go to the kitchen to get you some food."

Mingli didn’t know how to cook, so he had to go to the sect’s canteen to get food for Qi Hao. When it came to eating, he, who had no appetite, was eager for the food cooked by his uncle. It was the most delicious food he had ever eaten in his life.

Qi Hao said sensibly, "No need to go to such trouble. Just take me to eat today, senior brother, and I can go there and eat by myself in the future."

Hearing this, Mingli liked Qi Hao even more. This kid was so rare, "Okay, senior brother will introduce you to other senior brothers."

Qi Hao went to the sect’s dining hall for dinner for the first time. Although it was dinner, there were many people. They were all children who had just joined the sect and had not yet reached the level of cultivation that did not require eating.

With Mingli's introduction, Qi Hao soon became familiar with these children. Although they were all teenagers, there was no one as young as Qi Hao in the sect. In addition, the atmosphere between the brothers in the sect was already very tense. Harmony, therefore, were all friendly to him.

After dinner, Qi Hao didn't go to the cave to wait. He couldn't do anything to help. In the past, he made his ancestors and masters worry, so he might as well stay here to practice.

His mood has changed a lot in the past few days. He knows that he cannot hold himself to the standards of other peers. His master is extraordinary. As his master's disciple, he must work very hard. He can help without asking for help. Master, please don’t hold me back.

Moreover, he still shouldered the blood feud of all his relatives, so he had no reason to be lazy.

After seeing Qi Hao come back, Mingli went back to his room to practice. He felt very emotional in his heart. This kid's self-control was not very strong. He could still restrain himself to practice at this time. No wonder everyone who met him liked him. .

When eating just now, he thought Qi Hao would play with those disciples after dinner. After all, they all liked him and invited him.

But Qi Hao refused. Although it was a few days too late, he went to practice as soon as he came back. Obviously, he didn't want to delay his practice.

Mingli looked at the mountain and went to practice in the room where he was resting. He was no longer in his thirties and might as well be a child.

Ji Jiuchong in the space is still unconscious and has no intention of waking up.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo took out a food box and was sitting on the nine-layered lotus to eat.

She has been researching for a whole day. Although she has not yet found a solution, she has some clues. Her mental energy has been consumed too much. She takes a break to recover her mental energy and eat some delicious food to relax herself.

 Fortunately, she habitually puts all her things in the storage ring given by her parents. If she had put them all in the space, she would not be able to take them out now.

Hingry eyes flashed for a moment. The formation here was very special. It actually had the effect of sealing the space of living creatures, sealing only her and things with life, such as the Pangu Space that can contain life, and her own spiritual pets.

  However, existences like the storage ring and the Qiankun bag will not be closed.

 The only difference between them is that one is a dead thing and the other is alive.

Yan Xiangluo was very excited. As long as she broke this formation, she would be able to set up such an formation in the future. She was not used to fighting with formations, but sometimes formations could really solve a lot of troubles.

In Yan Xiangluo's world, she will not refuse any skill she can learn, as long as she has time and energy. Because she knows very well that learning any skill will not be in vain. Maybe you will never use it, but once you use it, it may save your life.

She doesn't often use formations, but it's because of her high attainments in formations that she has the chance to get the Gentleman's Sword and leave the Valley of Fire alive. It's the same now, because of the formation, she can leave here.

 Otherwise, she can only be trapped here, waiting for the master of the formation to come and take her life. Thinking of that man, Yan Xiangluo curled up the corners of her lips. Now he is about to collapse. Although she was a divine soul body at the time, she underestimated the power of soul control, especially when the other party knew that she was a person in her previous life. In the case of the Heavenly Master.

 She can't do anything to his body, but it's easy to do what she wants to do to a person's soul, even if he is far away in a place she doesn't know.

If you want to kill yourself, you can't do anything else to his body now, but you can still punish him. Just let him lie down for a few years. As for how many years, it depends on his own strength.

 It could be one, two, or three to five years, it all depends on him.

 This is also an opportunity she gave herself, an opportunity to become stronger.

Thinking of the scene she saw in the illusory world, although it was illusory, the illusion was based on the real world. It was not the Nine Heavens she had seen in her dream, nor was it the place where the higher continent should be. Could it be that this world On the Continent, there is still a place that the world doesn’t know about between the Higher Continent and the Nine Heavens?

After Yan Xiangluo completely gave up relying on her heart, her brain was still very useful.

 After finishing the snacks in his hands, he put away the food box, and his mental strength was almost restored, and he continued to study the formation breaking.

 Everything will have to wait until we get out.

Even if she had some clues, it was still two days later when Yan Xiangluo started to break the formation. In other words, she had been in the cave for six days.

Yu Xiangluo held the Junzi Sword in her hand, and the formation eye was on the nine-layered lotus. This was the conclusion she came to after three days of research.

But this formation is very special. There are actually four key points to break the formation. If you want to break the formation, you must use four powerful weapons with balanced power at the same time.

 For others, this may be a bit difficult. After all, even if there are treasures, treasures with the same power are not easy to find.

 But this is too simple for Yan Xiangluo.

 She has a gentleman's sword!

With a thought, the Gentleman's Sword appeared in front of her. With a stroke of her hand, the Gentleman's Sword was divided into five swords. The plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum swords appeared in front of her in their respective forms.

Input spiritual power and push with your hand, four beautiful gentleman's swords will fly up, then land on the four sides of the nine-layered lotus, floating steadily on the nine-layered lotus.

 The formation eye was suppressed by her Junzi Sword. After the suppression was successful, Yan Xiangluo did not pause at all, and a stream of spiritual power rushed towards one of the glowing balls.

Although the backlash force still existed this time, it was much smaller, and the ball was successfully knocked down by her spiritual power.

However, the falling ball did not fall to the ground, but flew towards Yanxiangluo, or to be precise, towards the Nine-layer Lotus.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes, used her mental power to accurately wrap the ball, and directly forced it into an empty storage ring of hers.

The reason why she put it into the empty storage ring is very simple. Yan Xiangluo was worried that the ball would be still hot and would ruin other things. She still had a lot of treasures, and she would feel bad if any of them were ruined.

So using an empty storage ring to hold these **** will never be a problem.

 After a ball was put away and a ray of light was lost, there was a gap in the entire formation. Yan Xiangluo input spiritual power into the four gentleman's swords and shouted "Broken."

The four gentleman swords made a strong buzzing sound, and spiritual power was injected into the four holes of the formation. After a muffled sound, the formation was broken open.

The light of dozens of spheres was instantly retracted, and then, those light spheres flew towards Yuan Xiangluo like shooting stars.

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. She had never expected such a situation. If these scalding **** hit her body, they would definitely be completely disfigured, and they might even burn her whole body. Even if As long as she was alive, she had her own way to treat burns, but she didn't want to suffer that fate.

Hence, powerful spiritual power is released, blocking all the **** of light and then trying to wrap them.

This is the first time that Yan Xiangluo has used so much mental power in an instant. She doesn't know yet whether she can succeed.

 Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, which showed how quickly her mental energy was depleted.

 “Take it.” Yan Xiangluo shouted while biting a mouth of snow-white teeth.

Dozens of spheres disappeared before her eyes, and Yan Xiangluo suddenly fell onto the nine-layered lotus.

The glowing ball disappeared, the light disappeared immediately, the halo and patterns on the ground also disappeared, and the cave instantly returned to darkness, but there was still one place that was bright in the darkness, which was the nine-story lotus platform.

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