The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 508: nine layers of memory

Four gentleman's swords are still suspended around Yuan Xiangluo, and the nine-story lotus platform is still there? She thought that those light **** were real, but she didn't expect that the nine-story lotus platform was also real.

 She thought that except for those glowing balls, everything else was illusory.

After all, she saw with her own eyes the nine-story lotus platform appearing in the light, unlike those luminous **** that appeared in small recesses opened on the stone wall.

The mental energy consumption was too great, which made Yan Xiangluo’s head hurt and made her whole body feel very uncomfortable. However, she was very calm and slumped on the nine-layered lotus, thankful that she had escaped the disaster.

At this time, she somewhat understood that the nine-layer lotus platform should be something she had in her previous life. The other party could use her past things as a guide to pull her soul out of her body.

She didn't know what her identity was in her previous life. She actually wanted to kill someone who wanted to find her reincarnation. It wasn't as simple as killing her. She wanted to destroy her soul and make herself disappear completely. The soul was destroyed. There is no future.

Why does anyone hate himself so much? How much hatred is this?

 How many such people are there? Maybe that man wasn't the only one.

Yan Xiangluo has already thought about what her future life will be like. Danger will appear anytime and anywhere. It is difficult to guard against it. It is not easy to live long enough to recover her memory.

She sighed secretly, Master, when will the spirit of your old man appear? Can you explain my confusion to your apprentice? If not, you can let me recover my memory quickly. You must let me know who the enemy is and why. Put me to death so you can be on guard.

If this encounter happened again, she couldn't guarantee that she would be so lucky to escape every time.

 The master she was talking about was her master in her previous life. Until now, she had no useful memories from her previous life. The memory this time was simply worthless.

Regarding the relationship between this cave and that man, Yan Xiangluo now also knows that this place was not set up by a man. After all, those black dumplings are real benefits and have been swallowed up by her black dumplings. This means that this place is indeed a place. Her chance, Black Tuanzi should also have something to do with her previous life.

That man must have discovered this place and used everything here to make this game, waiting for himself to come in this life.

 This also shows that not all things and opportunities left to you are safe.

 After recovering a little, Yan Xiangluo slowly got up, sat cross-legged on the nine-story lotus platform, and began to restore her mental strength.

 She did not take back the Junzi Sword. The formation was cracked and the connection between the enclosed space and the spiritual pet was restored.

However, she needs to restore her mental strength now. It's not that she doesn't believe in Ji Jiuzhong, but that from now on, she must learn not to rely on anyone, so that she can respond as quickly as possible when she encounters a crisis in the future. This is the only way for her benefit.

 Therefore, she will not leave her own safety in anyone's hands in the future.

However, because her mental power was consumed too much, she didn’t look at what was happening in the space. Now that she even used a little bit of mental power, her head hurt.

Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian rushed out together after regaining contact with their master. One fell on her shoulder, and the other turned into a hairpin and inserted it into her bun.

Anyone who sees their posture will understand that they are trying to protect their master, Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo naturally sensed the clouds and the sky, and the corners of her lips curled up. They existed with her through life and death.

 But because my head hurt so much, I didn’t communicate with them and immediately fell into cultivation. A small whirlpool appeared in the empty sea of ​​consciousness, and the remaining mental power began to rotate with the vortex. Every time it rotated, the vortex became larger, and some mental power was restored. The more it turned, the larger the vortex became. When the vortex was full, Throughout the sea of ​​​​consciousness, her mental power was completely restored.

It’s true that Yan Xiangluo has consumed almost all her mental power before, but she has never consumed her mental power like this in an instant.

 That's why she was extremely uncomfortable and had a severe headache. I'm afraid the recovery time this time will be longer.

Sure enough, three days passed after the recovery, and the incense stayed in the cave for nine days.

Ji Jiuzhong woke up on the eighth day. When he woke up, he immediately saw that the space was still restricted, and at a glance he saw Yu Xiangluo sitting on the nine-story lotus platform practicing.

The space restriction was lifted. Ji Jiuzhong felt relieved when he saw that Yan Xiangluo was fine, but when he thought of everything he experienced when he was in a coma, a look of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The past few days when he was in a coma, it was as if he was watching another person's life, except that this person looked exactly like him, and his experience could be described as extraordinary.

He knew that these should be his experiences in his previous life, because he had recovered some memories before, but they were just scattered pictures and could not piece together the plot he needed. This time, he had many more memories. Luoluo was very important in his life. The presence.

However, these memories are still not a complete life, and the scenes of some key moments are blurred, especially the memory of the fall that he wants to know most about has no memory at all.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know why he suddenly recovered so many memories. He didn't know if it had something to do with his rapid improvement in cultivation or the place where Luoluo was.

 But at this time, he felt very heavy, because Luo Luo's cultivation status was very high in his memory, and she also shouldered an important mission. As for what this mission was, he didn't know what it was.

It's not that Luoluo didn't tell him, but that she couldn't tell him because of the law of heaven.

 His identity is exactly the opposite of Luo Luo. He guessed that this was an important reason for his fall.

Although many key memories have not yet been recovered, he also knows that his love affair with Luoluo can be described as difficult and dangerous.

I don’t know how he and Luoluo died. Did Luoluo complete her mission? But he saw Luoluo protecting him and standing by his side again and again, paying a heavy price for it, and it made his heart hurt just to see him like this.

Ji Jiuzhong just stood and looked at Yan Xiangluo outside the space, without moving for a long time.

After recovering his memory, what he cared about most was what Luo Luo's master said to him, "You are Luo'er's calamity. You can't escape, you can only face it."

That was the only time he saw Luo Luo's master, but her master's words made him crazy.

Luoluo's master has been watching his defense calmly. He said that he loves Luoluo so much, how could it become his calamity? He will protect Luoluo with his life, and it will definitely not be Luoluo's calamity.

Luoluo's master said two more words, "Fate."

His tone was very helpless. At this time, Ji Jiuzhong in the previous life did not understand what he meant, but Ji Jiuzhong in this life saw it very clearly. It was helplessness that he knew but could not stop.

Ji Jiuchong had a gut feeling that his subsequent death should be related to him.

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