The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 509: Confused and helpless

Because in his memory, Luo Luo loved and trusted him so much in his last life. If it was really because of him that Luo Luo died, Ji Jiuzhong closed his eyes. He couldn't imagine whether Luo Luo regretted it in the end.

 Chaotic and unclear memories disturbed Ji Jiuzhong's heart. Originally, he thought that they were destined to fall in love with Luo Luo in this life, and that he would be happy. However, now he feels that it should be the unfulfilled wish of the previous life, so that he can meet and fall in love with her again in this life.

 But he also knew that in this life, he loved deeply and Luoluo loved very rationally.

He can recover the memory of his previous life, and sooner or later Luoluo will recover the memory of his previous life. He is a little scared now, afraid that Luoluo will no longer give him a chance after knowing the memory of his previous life. Worried that they will follow in the footsteps of their previous life.

How to do it?

Dark gleams flashed across the phoenix eyes. When living in this life was not easy, he had never been confused and helpless. Now he was actually confused and helpless.

Ji Jiuzhong just stood in the space and watched Yan Xiangluo for the whole day.

 At the evening of the ninth day, Yan Xiangluo finally recovered her mental strength and found that her sea of ​​consciousness had expanded again.

 The expansion of the sea of ​​​​consciousness indicates that the mental power has been strengthened.

 It seems that although I walked on the edge of life and death this time, I still gained a lot.

 After all, every monk knows how difficult it is to improve spiritual power.

 Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many monks stuck at a certain cultivation level throughout their lives and unable to go any further. Wouldn’t it be because their spiritual consciousness is not strong enough and their talent is not enough?

Although Yan Xiangluo can restore her mental power and enhance her mental power by consuming her mental power, she has not been able to increase her mental power so much all at once.

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes, stood up, and glanced at the nine-story lotus platform she was standing on. She recovered her mental power very quickly on the nine-story lotus platform. Not only did she quickly expand her sea of ​​consciousness, she also improved her spiritual power level.

 Could it be that this nine-story lotus platform also has the function of improving spiritual power?

 If this was the case, it would be a rare treasure, a treasure that could not be measured by money. After all, she had not heard of anything in the world that could help improve spiritual power.

 Whether it has this function or not, it cannot be left behind and must be taken away.

 The nine-story lotus platform should be something from her previous life, and may be used in the future. Even if it is used for practice, it is an excellent assistant.

 Jumped down from the nine-layer lotus platform lightly, locked his mental power on the nine-layer lotus platform, and wanted to put it away with a thought.

Huh? The nine-story lotus platform actually didn't move at all.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment. She couldn't put it away. How could it be possible? Isn't the nine-story lotus platform her own?

Unwilling to give up, she tried again. This time she increased her mental strength, but the result was that she still could not close the nine-layer lotus platform.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the nine-story lotus platform in confusion, why couldn't it be put away?

“Wowo, why can’t I close the nine-story lotus platform?” She could only ask Shiwo.

Shiwo’s voice rang out in her mind, “I’ll clean it up and then you’ll obey.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She didn’t realize that the Nine-layer Lotus Platform had any spiritual consciousness. Could it be that the Nine-layer Lotus Platform was some kind of divine object? My cultivation level is too low to feel it?

As soon as the voice of Shiwo fell in her consciousness, it appeared in front of her. Then she saw that Shiwo had grown in size, bigger than the nine-story lotus platform, and then turned upside down to cover the nine-story lotus platform inside. .

 “Master, set it on fire.” Shiwo called to her.

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Is this what Qingshiwo said about cleaning it up? Although she was speechless, she moved quickly. As soon as Shiwo finished speaking, she threw out a stream of flames that fell to the bottom of Shiwo, and now the top, and burned it.

She did not use her own fire-based flames, but the flames from the Five Elements Fire Beads. The main reason was that she was worried that her own fire-based flames were not strong enough.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know why Shiwo wanted to burn the nine-story lotus platform, but for a treasure like this, the higher the flame level, the better.

 “Increase the heat,” Shiwo shouted.

Yan Xiangluo threw out another flame, and she didn't say it was enough until three flames were thrown out.

She couldn't see the situation inside the stone nest. She didn't know how it was burned. Could it have burned out the nine-story lotus platform?

Thinking that there should be enough stone nests, she stopped worrying and concentrated on controlling the fire.

Fifteen minutes later, Shiwo asked her to put away the flame. Yan Xiangluo immediately put away the flame and stared at Shiwo with her beautiful eyes.

 The stone nest flew up and returned to its original size, revealing the nine-story lotus platform inside.

Yan Xiangluo opened her mouth in surprise and looked at the nine-story lotus platform that had changed beyond recognition. After a while, she said, "Wowo, are you sure this is still the nine-story lotus platform?"

Shiwo said arrogantly, "Of course I am sure, this is the original nine-story lotus platform of the master. I burned everything that does not belong to the nine-story lotus platform."

It was clear to Yan Xiang that it was no wonder that she had been unable to put away the nine-story lotus platform before. It turned out that someone had attached something to the nine-story lotus platform that did not belong to it.

 It must have been that man who did it. He probably discovered the nine-story lotus platform and then went on to set up a plan for himself.

 “Can I put it away now?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

"Of course." Shiwo flew back to Yan Xiangluo's sea of ​​consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the nine-story lotus platform in front of her. She had already seen three forms of the nine-story lotus platform.

The golden nine-story lotus platform carved in the Golden Palace, and when the nine-story lotus platform appeared here before, it looked like it was carved from jade, crystal clear and full of fairy spirit.

 The current nine-layer lotus platform is pure black, and it is not jade, but rather made of some kind of weapon refining material.

Although it belonged to her in the previous life, she did not recover much memory. The little memory she recovered was simply worthless to her. She also had no memory of the Nine-Layer Lotus Terrace. She did not know the origin of the Nine-Layer Lotus Terrace. Don't know what it's made of.

Thinking that Master Ji Jiuzhong is a weapon refiner, he should know what kind of material this is made of. Let’s ask him later!

Yan Xiangluo then remembered that Ji Jiuzhong was still in her space. After so many days, she must be worried. She didn't know that Ji Jiuzhong had passed out in a coma and had recovered many memories of his previous life.

Ji Jiuzhong has been standing in the space looking at her, especially when she tried to put away the nine-story lotus platform and failed, he wanted to go out and help her.

 Because the nine-layered lotus platform was refined by me and given to her in the previous life, she naturally knew why she couldn't put away the nine-layered lotus platform outside.

As long as he refines the things that do not belong to the Nine-Layer Lotus Platform, Luoluo can put them away, but how can he explain that he knows that there are things that do not belong to it?

 Before he recovered all his memories, he didn't know how to tell Luoluo. Just when he was hesitating, Shiwo appeared and refined the excess contents of the nine-story lotus platform.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes, it was a stone nest.

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