The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 510: conceal each other

Chapter 510 Concealing each other

Shiwo is also the alchemy furnace used in Luo Luo's previous life. It seems that Shiwo has memory, but it is restricted by the rules of heaven and cannot be said.

 Does Luoluo have any memories of his past life now? how many?

Yan Xiangluo looked into the space and happened to look at Ji Jiuzhong. Both of them were stunned. This was the first time that Yan Xiangluo looked at him since his mentality changed after he knew that Ji Jiuzhong had signed up to participate in the continental competition. .

She keenly noticed that Ji Jiuzhong looked at her differently than before, as if he had more indescribable emotions.

 People's hearts will change. As time and events change, Yan Xiangluo remembered what the fifth senior brother said to her when she saw his spirit.

"Xiao Qi, the fifth senior brother knows your feelings for him. Even if you are reincarnated, you still meet again. Before, the fifth senior brother wanted to kill him to prevent him from affecting you again in the future, but you still saved him at the last moment. Him. Even if you have no memories of the past, and your feelings for him are not as deep as before, you still exposed your secret to save him. Xiaoqi, Brother Five can't do anything to him now, and you will do nothing to him in the future. You have to go and choose by yourself. As for whether he will still be your calamity in this life, time will prove it! Brother Fifth, I only hope that Xiao Qi can get the life you want in this life."

Yan Xiangluo thought about the changes in her heart now, and then thought about the words of the fifth senior brother, she suddenly felt very tired. What is love? Did she love Ji Jiuchong so much in her previous life? Let him affect her to the extent that the fifth senior brother left her soul. How much do you want to kill him?

 Fifth senior brother said that Ji Jiuzhong was his calamity in the last life, but what about this life?

Yan Xiangluo suddenly lost confidence in her and Ji Jiuzhong's future.

She was so depressed that she was out of breath. She blinked her almond-shaped eyes. It took her a while to suppress all the emotions in her heart, and then she sent the nine-story lotus platform into the space.

 She did not go in, but said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Jiuchong, take a look, do you know what materials this nine-layer lotus platform is made of?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the nine-layer lotus platform that appeared in front of him. His phoenix eyes lowered to cover the expression in his eyes. No one knew better than him what kind of material the nine-layer lotus platform was made of, but it was not a high-level continent at all. What did he say about something?

 After thinking for a while, he said, "It shouldn't be a weapon-refining material available in the higher continents."

He was not lying when he said this. No matter what the nine-layer lotus platform was made of, it would only be good for Luoluo without any harm.

But his words made Yan Xiangluo stunned. Although the two of them were not in the same space, Yan Xiangluo still looked at him deeply, and then put the nine-layer lotus platform into her storage ring, and did not put it away. in space.

Ji Jiuzhong is talking about weapon-refining materials that are not available in higher continents? How does he know there is no such thing on the higher continent?

Even if he doesn’t know what kind of weapon-making material it is, shouldn’t he answer that he doesn’t know or he hasn’t seen it?

 He has recovered the memory of his previous life.

Perhaps not all, but he chose to hide himself, hiding himself again.

Yan Xiangluo's heart seemed to be suddenly grasped tightly by something, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Not wanting Ji Jiuzhong to see what she was thinking, she turned around and looked into the cave. The tunnel she came in through reappeared, indicating that she could go out.

Ji Jiuchong has something to hide from her. She doesn't intend to tell him about her experience here. No matter how much they loved each other in the last life, or how much she loved him, this life will be different after all.

Yan Xiangluo couldn't explain the feeling in her heart. In short, she felt uncomfortable, all kinds of discomfort.

At this time, she somewhat understood why Mrs. Linger, who loved the Lord of the Southern Continent miserably, tortured herself like that.

 When you love so deeply, you can’t help yourself.

It’s not easy to get out of it, and I’m afraid it will take a lot of heart out.

It is easy to persuade others but difficult to persuade yourself!

"The exit has appeared. I'll go out first. The ancestors and master must be waiting impatiently." Yan Xiangluo didn't want to face Ji Jiuzhong now and was ready to go out immediately.

Ji Jiuzhong himself had something on his mind, so he didn't notice the changes in Yan Xiangluo. He also needed time to think carefully about what to do and how to make Luo Luo not be angry with him after regaining his memory, let alone give up on him.

He responded, "Okay." Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance of the corridor, each step heavy.

 After walking into the corridor, she speeded up. She couldn't make her ancestors and master anxious because of her mood.

Therefore, she used her spiritual power and quickly walked through the corridor to the entrance of the cave. It only took her a moment to reach the entrance of the cave in a quarter of an hour.

 Seeing the dark sky outside the cave entrance, she knew it was evening.

Mu Changling had already detected that the formation in the cave had disappeared. He tried to go in, but there was still an obstacle, but the force of the obstacle seemed to have changed. It was different from before. However, because Yanxiang fell inside, he did not dare to try forcefully. break.

 Seeing her figure appear at the entrance of the cave, Mu Changling and Deng Changze breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

“Ancestor, Master, I’m out.” Yan Xiangluo smiled and said to the two of them, trying to make her emotions look normal.

Mu Changling looked her up and down, "Did you advance?"

“Well, advance to the first level.” Yan Xiangluo walked up to the two of them and said.

Deng Changze sighed, "Master is under a lot of pressure."

Yan Xiangluo was amused by Master's expression and tone, "Master, you should be less stressed."

“The apprentice’s cultivation level is already higher than that of the master. Why does Xiao Luo’er say that the master’s pressure should be less?”

Deng Changze said he was under a lot of pressure. He actually had two meanings. One was to tease the young apprentice, and the other was that he really felt the pressure was high. The young apprentice was promoted too fast. How could he, a master, not be under pressure?

The apprentice is getting higher and higher. What can he do if the master can't keep up? He doesn't want to lose face.

“Because there are disciples who support the master!” Yan Xiangluo said, patting her heart.

Deng Changze was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed loudly, "That makes sense."

He knew that the young apprentice was comforting him, but this kind of comfort was very special. The master could feel the feeling of being supported by the apprentice. When the master treated him like this, it was unprecedented and unprecedented.

This master is so relaxed and happy. When I think about it, the pressure becomes happy.

 “Let’s go, Xiaohao should be anxious.” Mu Changling looked at the joking master and disciple, and once again envied the good relationship between master and disciple.

I'm afraid there is only one pair of masters and apprentices like them in the world. They can come from the lower continent to the higher continent, and then they can get along with each other so naturally and intimately, just like father and daughter. Such a master and apprentice will live anyway. I saw this pair when I was more than three thousand years old.

Yan Xiangluo turned around and looked at the cave and said, "Ancestor, can you try to get in?"

 (End of this chapter)

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