The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 511: Fans of the authorities

Yan Xiangluo felt that the opportunity inside had been obtained by Heituanzi, and she had also taken away other things. The trap aimed at her had also failed. There should be no restrictions at all. There was only an empty cave. It was quite suitable to tidy it up. For retreat.

Mu Changling nodded when he heard this, "That's fine."

From the beginning to the end, neither Mu Changling nor Deng Changze asked her what she had experienced inside or what opportunities she had received.

Since the opportunity is hers, it is hers. As long as she comes out well, there is no need to ask anything else.

Mu Changling walked over and gave it a try. Sure enough, he was able to go in without any obstacles.

Yan Xiangluo said, "Ancestor, it takes about a quarter of an hour to walk along the corridor. There is a large cave inside, which is suitable for retreat."

Hearing this, Mu Changling didn't go inside anymore, just make sure he could get in.

“Let someone come over tomorrow to clean it up, and then set up a spirit gathering array, which is suitable for disciples who want to retreat for a long time.”

The three of them walked down the mountain. Qi Hao heard the sound of Deng Changze laughing before, and his eyes lit up. It must be the master who came out.

 He immediately quit practicing and ran out, but did not go to the mountain. Instead, he stood at the gate of the fence and watched their return.

As soon as she saw Yan Xiangluo's figure, she immediately ran over, stood in front of her and said with bright eyes, "Master, you're out."

 The joy in his tone was beyond words.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "It came out and made you worried."

Qi Hao blinked, "I know Master will definitely come out, don't worry."

Yan Xiangluo smiled, not only heartily, but her eyes did not leave her, but she did not reveal that the young apprentice was also a man, and he also wanted to save face.

Mingli stayed here to accompany Qi Hao these days. Seeing that everyone was back, he hurried to make tea and bring it over.

 Then he left here automatically and went back, leaving space for them.

The four of them sat in front of the stone table. Yan Xiangluo took the initiative to explain the situation inside. However, she did not mention the danger of her soul being taken away. She was not prepared to talk about the memories of her previous life. She simply asked Master and There is no need for the ancestors to worry.

Therefore, she only talked about the spiritual energy and formation inside. She did not say that Heituanzi absorbed the spiritual energy, but that she absorbed it herself and advanced to the first level. Then she broke the formation and got the nine-layer lotus platform. She took out the nine-layer lotus platform and gave it to They watched.

Mu Changling himself is a very high-level weapon refiner. This is the first time he has seen such a high-level weapon. He said curiously, "This should be refined. What kind of material is it made of? Why haven't I seen it before?" There are still such weapon-refining materials in this world, how high is the level of this weapon-refining master?"

Yan Xiangluo’s apricot eyes flashed. Look, this is a normal reaction.

 She was sure that Ji Jiuchong had hidden something from her, and she couldn't figure out the reason.

 She was quite sure that Ji Jiuzhong was doing her best before, but now she is not sure either. Once there is doubt in the relationship, it will take root and sprout. If they don't pull it out completely, their relationship will not go further, but will retreat to the beginning, which may not be as good as it was at the beginning.

After all, when they first met, although Yan Xiangluo wanted to break off her engagement with Ji Jiuzhong, she at least felt that Ji Jiuzhong was a gentleman who kept his word.

"Ancestor, I have a friend waiting for me in the town at the foot of the mountain. I will go down the mountain tomorrow and tell him that I will stay on the mountain for a few days. Let him go to Yaoguang City first without waiting for me." Yu Xiangluo took a sip. At the corner of his lower lip, he decided to send Ji Jiuzhong down the mountain first. As for what he didn't want to say, he wouldn't ask.

 In this way, you can also remind yourself that no matter what the situation, you should never become dependent on anyone. The only thing you can always rely on is your own strength and wisdom.

As for the relationship between them, she needs to calm down and think about it. She doesn't want to make things worse when things are still unclear. After all, she also cherishes her relationship with Ji Jiuzhong.

 Between monks, it is not easy to find partners who can advance together hand in hand, especially those with equally strong talents like them.

Mu Changling and Deng Changze were both looking at the nine-story lotus platform, but they didn't notice any changes in her mood.

Mu Changling replied without even raising her head, "Go ahead and let Mingli accompany you down the mountain."

Yan Xiangluo refused, "Don't bother Mingli. I can go by myself and come back soon."

 She wanted to send Ji Jiuzhong out, and Mingli would follow her. She would have a chance to release Ji Jiuzhong.

"Okay, there is a barrier at the bottom of the mountain. You can enter and exit freely with this."

Mu Changling did not insist and threw her an emerald green jade token with an aura flowing on it, which was the same as the aura on Mu Changling's body.

 When she and Qi Hao came up the mountain, it was Mu Changling who opened the barrier and let them in.

Yu Xiangluo caught the jade token and put it away.

Ji Jiuzhong could hear them in their conversation space. When he heard that Yan Xiangluo was going down the mountain tomorrow, his eyes darkened. Was Luo Luo so anxious to let herself go?

She must have seen something, or perhaps knew something about her past life. She began to distance herself from him, which meant that his position in her heart had declined. This was not what he wanted.

Although he needs time to figure everything out, he doesn't want to cause any misunderstanding between himself and Luoluo.

Suddenly, he felt that he was confused. The previous life was the previous life, and this life was this life. Although they were all lucky enough to remember the memories of the previous life, they must not let the events of the previous life affect their current life.

Having this life means that they both failed in the last life, so they are so persistent in being together in this life, so that they can meet and fall in love in this life.

 Perhaps meeting and falling in love again in this life was something they paid a price for, so how could they not cherish it.

Thinking of this, Ji Jiuchong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he knew what he should do.

 After his mind was clear, he felt relaxed all over.

  I don’t worry about Luoluo’s current attitude towards her anymore. We will discuss everything when we meet tomorrow. After all, it cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

The four of them did not chat for too long, but it was rare for Mu Changling to find something he was interested in, so Yuan Xiangluo left the nine-story lotus platform to Mu Changling to study.

Mu Changling has lived for more than three thousand years and has seen almost everything in the mainland. There are very few things that can arouse his interest. The appearance of the nine-layer lotus platform made his whole body come alive, as if he had regained the feeling he had when he first learned to refine weapons.

Deng Changze was not a weapon refiner, but he was not interested in it. He told Yan Xiangluo not to rush to practice and have a good night's rest, and he went back to practice.

Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao returned upstairs and went back to their rooms.

Yan Xiangluo washed herself and went to sleep. Sleeping did not affect her practice. She lay on the bed with her eyes closed, still thinking about the information she had obtained in the past few days.

 I thought I was tired, so I fell asleep.

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