The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 512: let's talk

The body is surrounded by spiritual energy, and traces of spiritual energy are constantly penetrating into Yan Xiangluo's body and flowing towards the Dantian.

 She is used to practicing this way.

In the space, Ji Jiuzhong was also sitting cross-legged practicing by the spiritual spring, next to Heituanzi.

The aura in the Pangu space itself is very rich. Ji Jiuzhong discovered that Heituanzi also emitted aura while digesting it. The place where Heituanzi was located, coupled with the aura of the spiritual spring, became the place with the richest aura in the space.

 He chose to practice here.

Yan Xiangluo didn't sleep well that night and had messy dreams. It was her two different lives in this life, and the experience of living in that golden palace. It was so messy that she couldn't tell who was living there.

 She woke up early in the morning, sat up, and rubbed her temples. No matter how rational she was, it still affected her and made her confused.

  This is the first time I slept all night without getting any rest, so I just got up. After Yan Xiangluo washed up, she left the small courtyard and walked down the mountain.

I told my ancestors and master last night that there is no need to say hello in the morning.

There was no Qi Hao this time, so she didn’t have to walk down the mountain step by step. She rose into the air and flew directly down the mountain road.

 At the foot of the mountain, she took out the jade token given to her by her ancestors and successfully walked out of the barrier at the foot of the mountain.

Putting away the jade token, Yan Xiangluo flew straight to Yukong, a town thirty miles away. When she arrived outside the town, she stopped. Ji Jiuzhong came out of the space without her calling.

Yan Xiangluo looked at him with a complicated mood and was speechless for a while.

When the two met for the first time after her return, Ji Jiuzhong was actually very kind to her. Although she was bullied a lot in this life because of her reputation as his fiancée, she deliberately tolerated it. After all, Panguhua She didn't know how to pass the first level.

Other than being tricked and almost killed in the royal training ground, she was actually only verbally attacked before.

Although Ji Jiuchong's reputation as fiancée brought her harm and danger, she protected her in disguise for several years after her parents left. Precisely because they were wary of Ji Jiuchong's strength and did not know what he was thinking, those who coveted the position of regent princess Everyone just talks, no one actually takes action.

 When they first met, he didn't give Ji Jiuchong face, so he didn't do anything to him, but happily agreed to break off the engagement.

Later on, Ji Jiuzhong was embarrassed every time he met, and the two of them interacted more and more. They got to know each other little by little. Later, they left the Tianqian Continent together and came to the Higher Continent, and their relationship became better and better.

She once thought that they would spend their whole lives like this, and she never thought that one day she would doubt whether their relationship would come to an end.

Ji Jiuzhong sighed, looked back in the direction of Xianyun Sect, and pulled her into the space again. They needed to talk, and there was no better place than in space.

"Luoluo, let's talk." Ji Jiuzhong pulled her to sit down by the edge of the Lingquan Pond, holding her hand without letting go, as if he was worried that she would run away.

"What are you talking about?" Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised and glanced at his hand that was holding her tightly. Was he nervous? Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes fell on her face and met her eyes, "Luoluo, let me apologize to you first."

 “Oh.” Yan Xiangluo responded lightly.

Now that I think about it, I apologize to her. What is the apology for? Hiding something from her?

 She doesn't think this matter is very important now, and it doesn't matter whether she apologizes or not.

Ji Jiuzhong felt helpless. He knew that Luoluo had a knot in his heart. The knot was not small, and it was all his fault. He knew what she hated the most, but he still made such a mistake.

 But he didn’t expect that he would experience it for so long.

Ji Jiuzhong knew very well that if she didn't untie the knot in her heart today, she might not be able to untie it in the future.

"I shouldn't have concealed the fact that you were going to participate in the Continental Competition because I didn't want to worry you. At that time, my cultivation level was too low and I was just qualified to register. I didn't know what level I could improve to before the competition started. , you will always be worried after I tell you, just thinking that I will tell you after I gain strength after training, but I did not expect that you will be sad after hiding it from you. "

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flickered a few times, but she did not answer his words.

Ji Jiuzhong continued, "I can understand Luoluo's unwillingness to forgive me, but I must explain clearly. I don't want this incident to affect our relationship, let alone make our hearts go further apart. ”

Yan Xiangluo still didn't answer the call. The experience these days made her determined not to rely on anyone, even though she knew very well that Ji Jiuzhong's apology was sincere and he indeed cherished the relationship between the two of them.

Her lack of response does not mean that she does not cherish the relationship between the two of them. No one knows how much she longs for a relationship that she can trust and rely on wholeheartedly.

 But it turns out that the feelings between people are not that firm. She didn't know what the final outcome was for herself and Ji Jiuchong in the previous life, but judging from what the fifth senior brother did, it must have been bad.

So, why does she believe that their relationship will have a good ending in this life?

Seeing that she remained silent, Ji Jiuzhong continued, "After you left the space, the space was cut off from the outside world. At that moment, I was worried about you and fell into a coma. I was in a coma for several days. In the coma, I After experiencing another life, it should be the memory of my previous life, but it is not complete. In my memory, Luoluo is a very important person, and I have also affected Luoluo's life. I don’t have the memory of our final ending, so I don’t know how we fell. In my memory, I only met your master once. He said that I was your disaster, and I lost my temper because of that. I said that I loved you so much. You are willing to protect you with my life, how could it be your disaster?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She didn't expect Ji Jiuzhong to say this to her. Did her master in the previous life try to stop her relationship with Ji Jiuzhong?

"Your master only said two words when he saw my reaction." Ji Jiuzhong looked at her with a somewhat helpless and sad tone.

Yan Xiangluo finally spoke, "Fate."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, "Luoluo also has memories of past lives?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, I guess."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes narrowed, "Then why was the guess so accurate?"

Yan Xiangluo explained, "Although I have not recovered the memory of my previous life, I have seen the spiritual photos left by the three senior brothers in my previous life. Although they cannot say many things due to the rules of heaven, they can also learn from them. There are some things they can say and some information gained from their reactions.”

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