The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 513: Untie the knot

 Chapter 513 Untying the Heart Knot

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. He didn't know what Luoluo's senior brothers had said to her, which made her accurately judge the words of the master in her previous life. He continued to listen without interrupting her.

Yan Xiangluo continued, "This time, my soul was pulled out of my body by the enemy in my previous life. I saw some familiar scenes in a palace made of gold. But I didn't think of anything. , and finally I had some memories in the bedroom where I lived, but they were all about the scenes of living in that bedroom. There was a man who stayed with me all the time, and he called me Heavenly Master. Therefore, I know that I am. My identity in my previous life was a Heavenly Master, so my Master must also be a Heavenly Master. Heavenly Masters can predict the future, and a person's fate must be very clear in the eyes of Heavenly Masters. , and it’s an unsolvable knot.”

Speaking of this, Yan Xiangluo paused for a moment, raised her eyes to look at Ji Jiuzhong, and then said, "Since Master said that you are my calamity, then my calamity should be the calamity of love. Since ancient times, the calamity of love has been more difficult than the calamity of death. The calamity of death will be broken as long as we survive the life-and-death crisis, but there is only one way to break the calamity of love, which is to love each other as strong as heaven and earth, but where can such feelings exist in this world? "

Ji Jiuzhong's heart was severely shaken. Didn't he withstand the test in the previous life? Although he didn't believe that he would be such a person, he could guess from Luo Luo's tone that this was what she was thinking. She felt that in the previous life, they had not been able to withstand the test and had not survived this love disaster.

“Luoluo, don’t you believe that our relationship in the last life was as strong as heaven and earth?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

The experience of the past few days has made him very clear that any doubts in his heart must be expressed and clarified, otherwise the misunderstanding between the two of them will become deeper and deeper.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I don't think my vision in the last life was bad."

 Her words made Ji Jiuchong feel relieved. But what Yan Xiangluo said next made his heart sink again.

"However, when we live in the world, we don't just have one emotion, there are many emotions that we cannot refuse. When we are born as human beings, we must have some responsibilities that cannot be shied away from. The consciousness of the three brothers all mentioned one thing , that is what we failed to accomplish in the last life. My master and brothers paid the price of disappearing forever. I am the only one who has been reincarnated. I still don’t know what this mission is, but I know it very well. , Even if I know, I can't refuse. I am the only one in this life, and they are gone. "

Yan Xiangluo's tone was sad and helpless.

What she said was right. Although her memory has not been restored yet, it shows that the master and senior brothers can take such pains to leave a spirit to remind her and hand over everything they have to her at the right time. This matter is not a small matter for one person or one sect, it is probably a major matter for the entire continent.

Can she refuse because of personal matters?

Even if she is not a righteous person, she knows that she cannot refuse.

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes flashed with a dark light, "In the memory I recovered, you have a very high status. The specific status is very vague, but knowing what mission you shoulder, it is difficult to complete it, even for me. It can’t be said that it is restricted by the rules of heaven.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Tell me, if I have to choose between you and completing this task, what should I choose?"

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. He didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would be so rational and ask such sharp questions.

How should he answer, should she choose him? Her conscience will never get over it. That is something that her master and brothers did not even give up their lives to accomplish. If she gives up on him, even if she completes the task, she will not be happy in this life. He still has this confidence.

 But how could I be willing to let her make such a choice one day?

"I will accompany you to complete it, life and death together." Ji Jiuzhong said firmly.

Since she can't refuse, he will go with her to complete this matter. Even if he fails, the worst he can do is die with her. Yan Xiangluo sighed, "I believe what you say now is sincere, but we haven't fully recovered the memory of the previous life. How can you guarantee that you don't want to do anything? How do you know what you and I want to do? Will there be a conflict? After all, we all failed in the last life. This is obvious. "

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her. Now Yan Xiangluo was just like him before, getting into the horns.

“Luoluo, haven’t you ever thought about why we met and fell in love again in this life?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused, not knowing why he changed the subject, "What do you think?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "I think it was the wish we made at the last moment of our last life, so we can meet, know each other, and fall in love again in this life. The love crisis does not mean that we will not survive it if we lose our lives. I would rather I believe that we worked hand in hand and did not accomplish what you wanted to do even at the cost of our lives, so we have this life.”

Ji Jiuzhong is very confident in himself. Even though he still doesn't have all the memories of his previous life, the only memory he has has not betrayed his relationship with Luo Luo. He believes it won't happen in the end.

Yan Xiangluo's heart was shaken. Yes, why was she so pessimistic? What Ji Jiuzhong said was very possible.

She didn’t believe that her vision in her previous life was so bad. If Ji Jiuzhong said so, it was very possible.

"It is indeed possible." Yan Xiangluo did not deny it.

Ji Jiuchong breathed a sigh of relief and said in a sincere tone, "So, if we can meet again, we must cherish each other. I shouldn't hide from you about signing up for the Continental Competition. Although the starting point is not to make you worry, the result is that you Sad. This will never happen again."

Yan Xiangluo felt that she seemed a little stingy.

Even if they love each other, they are still two people who have their own things to do. How can they tell each other everything? What is the attraction of two people who live like one person and have no privacy at all?

Ji Jiuzhong continued, "However, we can't always be together anytime, anywhere. There should be some things that we need to make decisions without discussing. Such things are inevitable, but I will do it as soon as we meet. Tell you, I hope Luoluo can give me a chance to explain."

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "Am I that unreasonable?"

Ji Jiuzhong felt relieved when he saw Yan Xiangluo smiling. He knew that the knot in Luo Luo's heart had been completely relieved by him.

 (End of this chapter)

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