The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 514: Attendant Cheng Kun

"That's not true. It's just that things happened. Luoluo didn't want to ask me frankly. She thought to herself, then closed her heart little by little and pushed me away. In fact, I would rather Luoluo tell me Get rid of your temper and ask me why, so that I can know what I did wrong and how to correct it.”

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised, "Okay, I will ask you if I have any doubts in the future, but you don't have to tell me everything. We all have our own things to do, as long as our hearts are together."

Ji Jiuzhong finally loosened his hold on her hand, pulled her into his arms, and held her tightly, "Luoluo, you have to believe me. In my heart, nothing is more important than you. I work hard to be strong, just for I can protect you forever.”

 “Okay, I believe you.” Yan Xiangluo responded.

 Now she is willing to believe Ji Jiuchong, but in the future, it depends on how far they can go. No matter how affectionate the oath is, it must be able to withstand the washing and beating of time.

He raised his head from Ji Jiuzhong's arms and said, "Although I believe you, I have learned one thing these past few days. Belief and dependence are not the same thing. I can believe you, but I will not rely on you again in the future. We must The road ahead is very bumpy. It’s useless if one person is strong, both of us must be strong enough.”

Yan Xiangluo's words were telling Ji Jiuzhong that she would no longer rely on him in the future, but it did not mean that she did not trust him. He wanted to be strong to protect her, and she also wanted to be strong to complete what her master and senior brothers had not accomplished. Only by fulfilling the wishes of the previous life can we live a good life in this life.

 When you can’t help yourself, no matter how good you think, it’s useless.

Ji Jiuzhong understood what she meant. Although he wanted Luoluo to rely on him, he also knew in his heart that Luoluo was not an ordinary girl. She had a heavy burden on her.

 He ​​can't stay by her side all the time. Just like this time, the space is isolated. He can't know what danger Luoluo encounters, so how can he help her? Therefore, it is important for her to become strong.

 She is less worried about her safety when he is away.

"I understand." Ji Jiuzhong said dullly.

Then he asked again, "Is it dangerous for your soul to be pulled out this time?"

“Well, my soul was almost destroyed.” Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

Ji Jiuzhong’s arms holding her suddenly tightened. It turned out that this time he almost lost her forever.

Yan Xiangluo said quickly, "But he forgot that although his cultivation level is not as good as his, he still has a soul body, but the power of controlling the soul is not limited by the body. If he wants to destroy my soul, how could I let him go like this." Although the opponent is just a clone, I used the bit of his soul to manipulate his body. His soul will be paralyzed for a long time, ranging from one to two years to three to five years. Like a human being, it should be said that he is not as good as an ordinary person and can only spend time in bed. Moreover, even if the paralysis disappears, his soul will be greatly damaged, his talent will be reduced, and his cultivation will also be reduced. "

After hearing what she said, Ji Jiuzhong knew that although she was speaking easily now, her life must have been hanging by a thread at that time.

 She was able to find a glimmer of hope in the trap set by the opponent, but she must have taken the risk of losing her soul.

"Well, Luoluo is very good." Ji Jiuzhong didn't say anything about worrying about her, but praised her for being so good.

Yan Xiangluo asked, "Do you have any memories of me living in a golden palace?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "No, it should be said that I have never been to any place where Luoluo lives. However, I have seen a lot of Luoluo people, and some of them have appeared in my memory. Luoluo can draw that man's appearance. Let’s see if it’s the person who appears in the memory I’ve recovered now.”

Upon hearing this, Yan Xiangluo immediately took out a pen and paper and quickly sketched out the man's appearance.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at it and said, "Is it him?" His tone was obviously surprised.

Yan Xiangluo immediately asked, "Do you have him in your memory?"

Ji Jiudian nodded, "He was your attendant in the previous life, his name is Cheng Kun."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. Was that man really her attendant in her previous life? Why would you betray her?

Is your name Cheng Kun?

Ji Jiuzhong said again, "In the memory I have recovered now, there is no existence of the Golden Palace. It is most likely your residence that I cannot go to. It should be a place that no one in the world can go without being hungry. We have to wait. Only when the memory is fully recovered can we be sure.”

As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, "Have I told you? I like where I live?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I never said it, but every time you want to go back, you are not very happy."

Yan Xiang understood, "This makes sense, why when my soul arrived there, although I saw many places that felt familiar, I didn't feel any joy at all."

“Tell me more about us in your memory.” Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong said helplessly, "We can't say a lot. Luoluo just waits for her to recover her memory. I've already remembered so much. It's time for Luoluo to recover some memories soon. I think the memories we both recovered can be said to each other." ”

Yan Xiangluo said distressedly, "Under what conditions can memory be restored?"

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. He really hadn't thought about this.

“Is it possible that it has something to do with the level of cultivation?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

When mentioning the level of cultivation, Yan Xiangluo suddenly wilted, "You have to recover some memories of past lives because you are at the Saint level. After I reach the Saint level, the third level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique will appear. When the time comes, I will advance. It will be very difficult. I don’t know how to pass the third level. It seems that I am still far away from recovering my memory.”

After hearing what she said, Ji Jiuzhong also remembered the exercises that Yan Xiangluo practiced. They also practiced ancient exercises. Why were the exercises she practiced so strenuous and had three levels?

 But any exercise has its own unique features. Perhaps after passing three levels, the effect will be visible.

"It's okay, isn't there still me? The first two levels have been passed, and we have all arrived at the High Continent. We can definitely pass the three levels. The resources here are much more than those of the Tianqian Continent." Ji Jiuzhong said firmly.

 As he said this, he began to think about how to get her more treasures containing spiritual energy. It would be best to find a place with pure spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo came out of his arms, "Don't think so much now. I will stay in Xianyun Sect for a few more days. I will go there three days before the start of the continental competition. You can go and prepare first. There is no need to leave anyone behind for me." , I will use the teleportation pattern to go directly."

Ji Jiuzhong knew that if he wanted to participate in the competition, he had to go there and prepare.

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