The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 516: Master of calligraphy

Mingli also went in to help serve the food. When he saw the food on the kitchen table, he knew that it was specially left for him, and he felt very happy.

 No fellow disciple in the entire sect was as lucky as him to be able to eat the food cooked by his uncle. This is the most delicious food in the world.

Deng Changze clearly felt that his young apprentice was in a good mood when he came back from the mountain. His whole aura was different. He didn't ask why. He just wanted his young apprentice to be happy.

The little apprentice has always made him worry-free.

 Because she stayed in the cave for nine days, she actually could not stay in Xianyun Sect for a few more days. She was going to Yaoguang City. Before, I just went to see it, but now that I know Ji Jiuzhong and the others are going to compete, my mood is different again.

During these few days in Xianyun Sect, Yan Xiangluo did not waste any time, studying alchemy with her ancestor Mu Changling and her master.

Mu Changling is also a god-level alchemist and a god-level weapon refiner. After he came to the higher continent, it took him twenty years to become a god-level alchemist, but he could not refine a perfect quality elixir.

Although Yan Xiangluo has been promoted to a god-level alchemist, she has not yet refined a god-level elixir of perfect quality.

 Mainly because she has not yet tried to refine the god-level elixir after refining all the ninth-level elixirs.

Although Mu Changling knew that her medical skills were very strong, he did not expect that her alchemy skills were so strong and she was already a god-level alchemist.

You must know that she is only sixteen years old. Who would believe a sixteen-year-old god-level alchemist?

After all, Mu Changling has been refining elixirs for more than three thousand years and has a lot of experience in elixir refining. The two of them learned from each other's experiences and insights, and both gained a lot in elixir refining.

Deng Changze was a little helpless. He was obviously the master, and he came to the higher continent a few months before Xiao Luo'er, but his alchemy level was far behind Xiao Luo'er.

He is now an eighth-level alchemist, but his young apprentice is actually a god-level alchemist. Although he knew that his young apprentice's alchemy talent was extremely strong, he did not expect it to be so strong.

 His alchemy level has been improved by two levels since he came to the higher continent. At this speed, he is actually a genius among geniuses, but who gave him a more talented apprentice.

Deng Changze listened humbly to the old man and the young man talking about alchemy, and learned from experience to improve his alchemy level.

Qi Hao sat aside and listened at first, but because the level of alchemy they were talking about was too high to understand, it was of little help to him now, so he went back to his room to practice.

Master said that his main focus should be on practicing to improve his cultivation level. After all, this is life-saving. Secondly, he should learn alchemy and medical skills.

And if he wants to avenge his family's blood feud, his cultivation strength must be the most important thing.

Yan Xiangluo thought of the medical skills she had learned and asked Mu Changling, "Does our ancestor know Sima Qingyun, the master of alchemy?"

Mu Changling heard this and said, "Xiao Luo'er is talking about Master Shuyi, right?"

 “Yes.” Yan Xiangluo responded.

Mu Changling said, "The master of alchemy, Sima Qingyun, is known as Shuyi. His alchemy and medical skills have not been surpassed by anyone in the higher continent. Is it possible that Xiao Luoer is inheriting the mantle of master Shuyi?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Exactly, my parents gave me a medical book called Shuyilu. I learned my medical skills from Shuyilu. Later I found out that it was written by Master Shuyilu."

Yan Xiangluo did not say that part of her medical skills were traditional Chinese medicine learned in another life.

Mu Changling understood, "No wonder Xiao Luo'er's medical skills are so advanced. It turned out that he studied under Master Shuyi." "Ancestor, I want to know about the life of Master Shuyi. If Master Shuyi has any descendants, go and visit him. Finally, I wish I could pay my respects to Master Shuyi," Yu Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

Although I have never met Master Shuyi, I have indeed inherited his medical skills and alchemy inheritance. Although I have not become a disciple, I am still a master and disciple, so it is appropriate to worship him.

Mu Changling said regretfully, "Master Shuyi never married a wife, had no descendants, and had no disciples. When he reached his longevity, he recorded what he had learned in his life, which is the Shuyilu in Xiao Luoer's hand. No one knows where it is, and people who are destined to get it leave messages. Until now, alchemists and doctors have always dreamed of getting the book."

Yan Xiangluo said disappointedly, "I don't even have a chance to pay homage to Master Shuyi."

Mu Changling saw her annoyed look and said, "It's not like there's no chance at all."

Yan Xiangluo's big eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Mu Changling, "What should I say?"

"Master Shuyi died at the end of his life. Although he traveled all over the mainland in his life, he always settled in Qingyun Mountain, the place where he was born. His name was also given to him by his father because of this mountain, and he finally disappeared into nothingness in Qingyun Mountain. It is said that Qingyun Mountain was at that time Master Shuyi’s last message was heard thousands of miles around the mountain, and his successors of medical skills will come to Qingyun Mountain to pay homage to him in ten thousand years.”

Mu Changling looked at Yan Xiangluo and was filled with emotion. He never thought that the successor of Master Shuyi would be his successor.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Where is Qingyun Mountain?"

Since Master Shuyi said this, it meant that he finally predicted when the successor would be found, so she must go to Qingyun Mountain to pay homage to Master Shuyi.

“Northern Continent.” Mu Changling knew that Yan Xiangluo was going to Qingyun Mountain to pay homage to Master Shuyi.

Yan Xiangluo immediately took out the map and started reading it. After all, she was in the Northern Continent now. If possible, after watching the continental competition, she would go to Qingyun Mountain to pay homage to Master Shuyi.

She was looking for Qingyun Mountain in the Northern Continent on the map, but after searching for a long time, she could not find a place called Qingyun Mountain.

"How not?"

Mu Changling said, "Because of Master Shuyi, Qingyun Mountain is also called the Divine Doctor Mountain by the world, but the original name is rarely mentioned."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes immediately fell on one place when she heard this. She never forgot the name of the Divine Doctor Mountain that she saw when she was looking for it.

After finding the Divine Doctor Mountain, Yan Xiangluo looked at the distance between Yaoguang City and the Divine Doctor Mountain. Although they were both in the northern continent, the distance was not that far.

 Equivalent to from the southernmost point of the Northern Continent to the northernmost point of the Northern Continent.

 The location of Divine Doctor Mountain is at the northernmost edge of the Northern Continent.

The Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent are the coldest continents in the entire higher continent, especially in the north of the Northern Continent. Snow begins to fall in October every year, and the snow does not melt until May or June of the next year.

 And there are some high mountains there that are covered with snow all year round.

Since Master Shuyi is an alchemist, why doesn’t he find a place to live in a spiritual mountain with a wide variety of medicinal materials? Is it just because he was born in Qingyun Mountain and it’s hard to leave his hometown?

Yan Xiangluo frowned, thinking about going to the Divine Doctor Mountain in the Northern Continent after watching the Continental Competition.

Even if there was no final message from Master Shuyi, she would have gone there to pay her respects after learning about Divine Doctor Mountain.

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