The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 517: Not one body

“Until Xiao Luo’er’s cultivation reaches the divine level, don’t let anyone know that your medical master is Master Shuyi.” Mu Changling reminded her.

"Well, apart from my parents, only my master and ancestors know about it." He added silently in his heart, and Ji Jiuzhong also knew about it.

Mu Changling sighed inwardly. Now Xiao Luo'er's medical skills have become well-known in the mainland and she is known as a miracle doctor. I'm afraid people who are interested can guess that it can be hidden for a while. After her cultivation reaches the **** level, they dare to take advantage of her. People need to think about it.

 Fortunately, my old bones still have hundreds of years to live, so I can support her before she becomes stronger.

 Time flies very quickly, and the continental competition is about to begin in three days. Today is also the day when Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong have made an appointment to go to Yaoguang City.

  She got up early and made a hearty breakfast. She also made a lot of snacks for her ancestors and master, and put them in food boxes that could preserve spiritual energy, so that they could take them out when they wanted to eat.

After everything was ready, Master and Xiao Hao came out, but the ancestor Mu Changling hadn't come out yet.

Yan Xiangluo and her master looked at each other and said, "Master, I'm going to see if my ancestors have developed any tricks."

These days, apart from exchanging alchemy tips with Yan Xiangluo, Mu Changling spends the rest of the time studying the nine-story lotus platform.

In the past few days, he came out as soon as the aroma of food and snacks spread. The aroma of the food this morning had already spread, but it hadn't come out yet. Could it be that he had really researched something.

Yan Xiangluo knew very well that the nine-layer lotus platform could not be refined by advanced continental weapon refiners, and the materials for the refinement were not available here.

Although Ji Jiuzhong didn't tell her about the Nine-layer Lotus Platform, she could make some guesses after her own spiritual experience.

 She really didn’t expect what her ancestors could research.

Arriving at the door of Mu Changling's room, the door was open and she walked into the main room. On the left was Mu Changling's bedroom, and on the right connected to the main room was his alchemy and weapon refining room.

 Because she was worried about interrupting Mu Changling, she said nothing.

 Seeing Mu Changling standing in front of the nine-story lotus platform with his hands behind his hands, looking like a statue, motionless.

She walked over, looked at the nine-story lotus platform, and then at Mu Changling. What did she find?

Mu Changling finally made some noise, and looked down at the girl beside him, "Xiao Luo'er, this nine-story lotus platform is not something we have here."

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. The ancestor was really powerful. He actually saw that the nine-story lotus platform was not from here.

  She asked calmly, "How did the ancestors see it?"

Mu Changling pointed to the lowest level of the nine-story lotus platform, "Look here."

Yan Xiangluo walked in and looked at it carefully. Although the nine-story lotus platform was hers in the previous life, she has not recovered the memory of the previous life and does not understand the nine-story lotus platform at all.

In her opinion, although there are nine layers in the nine-layer lotus platform, the number of petals on each layer is the same, the size is the same, and the color is the same. It is so dark that there is really no difference.

“Ancestor, what’s here?” Yan Xiangluo asked shamelessly. Mu Changling knew that Yan Xiangluo was not a weapon refiner, so it was normal that he could not tell. After all, he was a god-level weapon refiner, and he had spent so much research to discover it.

Mu Changling pointed to the place where the first layer of lotus petals is connected to the second layer and said, "The nine-layer lotus platform is not one piece. It is installed together after refining."

“Huh?” Yan Xiangluo opened her mouth in surprise and forgot to close it.

 The nine-story lotus platform is actually not one piece?

“No?” Yan Xiangluo asked, looking at the lotus platform above.

Mu Changling nodded and said with some regret in his tone, "I checked carefully and found that they are not one piece. The nine-layer lotus platform is nine separate lotus platforms installed together. Unfortunately, my level is limited. I really can’t tell how they are installed together or what mechanism they have.”

Yan Xiangluo was very shocked. Mu Changling's alchemy level was at the divine level. He said that his level was limited and he couldn't see the mechanism inside. This shows how powerful the refining and installation techniques of this nine-layer lotus platform are.

 How strong was yourself in your previous life?

She frowned when she thought that the nine-layer lotus platform could help her recover her mental power quickly. Could it be that because of her status as a heavenly master, she consumed her mental power too frequently, so she had this nine-layer lotus platform to help her recover her mental power?

So who refined this nine-layer lotus platform for her?

Mu Changling did not notice the change in Yan Xiangluo's expression, and continued, "The weapon refiners in the higher mainland cannot refine weapons of such a high level. For so many days, I have not found out what the material of the weapon is. There is only one kind." Maybe, the Nine-Layer Lotus Platform is something from a higher level continent."

"Is it from Jiuchongtian?" Yan Xiangluo thought of the golden palace. Although she had traveled to Jiuchongtian in her dream, she had never seen the golden palace in Jiuchongtian.

Mu Changling shook his head and said, "It's impossible to be sure, Xiao Luo'er, in this world, there is not only the Nine Heavens above the high continent we are on, but there is also a continent, but not everyone knows where it is. , who live there, even the ancestors, I don’t know.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at Mu Changling in surprise. Is there another continent between Jiuzhongtian and Gaodao Continent?

That would explain why the place where the golden palace she saw was neither the higher continent nor the ninth heaven.

Her intuition has always been very accurate. This may be related to her possessing the power of soul control. Even if she has not awakened the power of soul control before, her premonition is still very accurate.

 Hence, as soon as she saw it, she knew instinctively that it was not the Higher Continent nor the Nine Heavens.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the nine-story lotus platform that was half taller than her. The higher the level of things in her previous life, the higher her status. What could be so difficult to accomplish with such a status?

 What are the identities of master and senior brothers?

There were more and more doubts in her heart, which made her heart, which had just been relaxed today, become heavy again.

Mu Changling sighed, "Put the nine-story lotus platform away."

Yan Xiangluo came back to her senses and asked, "Ancestor, you don't want to study anymore?"

Originally, she planned to leave the nine-story lotus platform to her ancestors for study, but she won't be able to use it for the time being.

Mu Changling shook his head, with helplessness and regret in his tone, "Whether it is the refining materials, the refining techniques, or the mechanisms inside, it is not something that we, the mainland refining masters, can complete, and it will be useless to study it for any length of time."

Yan Xiangluo understands Mu Changling's mood. He is now over three thousand years old. If his cultivation level cannot reach the level of going to the ninth heaven, then his lifespan will only be a few hundred years.

In this continent, his weapon refining level has reached the top level. Therefore, even if the nine-layer lotus platform has been left here for hundreds of years, he will not be able to research anything.

Yan Xiangluo was silent for a moment and asked, "Ancestor, what is your current cultivation level?"

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