The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 518: It's hard to ask

Yan Xiangluo wanted to know the level of his ancestor's cultivation level so that he could know how far he was from reaching the Nine Heavens, and whether he could find a way to help him break through this level before he fell into nothingness.

Mu Changling noticed Yan Xiangluo's thoughts and sighed, "Ask."


Yan Xiangluo's mind came to mind about the classification of higher continental cultivation levels.

Above the **** level, there are lower gods, demigods, and upper gods. These can be regarded as the three levels of the **** level. After that, there is the question, and then there is the tribulation, and then the ascension. After the tribulation, you can go to the ninth heaven. It is also called the road to heaven. Whether you can ascend depends on the changes in your state of mind along the way.

“Is it difficult to break through the problem?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Mu Changling glanced at her and said, "I reached the level of Taoism 1,500 years ago, but I have not made any progress until now."

 The implication is that you can see for yourself whether it is difficult.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely shocked. It has been 1,500 years since she reached the level of asking, but she still hasn't succeeded in breaking through. Is it so difficult?

Mu Changling was not surprised that she was so shocked. He once thought it was easy, but in fact it was really as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Seeing that she was silent, Mu Changling continued, "After reaching the level of asking, wanting to advance further cannot be solved by simple cultivation. What is needed is a state of mind. This state of mind is different from the change in the state of mind after the previous cultivation level. , As for what kind of state of mind, I still don’t know.”

Mu Changling knew that it was too early to say this to Yan Xiangluo. After all, she only had an emperor-level cultivation level and had not yet broken through to the god-level. No matter how talented she was, her cultivation level could not be reached in a short time.

Telling her now has no effect, but he doesn't want her to practice with doubts in her heart. If she feels that asking questions is a level that cannot be broken through at all, it will have a huge blow to her confidence in practice.

But he thought too much. Yan Xiangluo was not an ordinary woman. Her soul had lived in two worlds, not to mention a very powerful previous life.

  She would not be hit at all, she was just thinking in silence.

She was thinking about whether there were any explanations about this in the fantasy books she had read in another life. After thinking for a long time, she discovered that there were no specific ones, but that some protagonists experienced some special crises, and then by chance, The breakthrough was successful.

 It has no reference value.

However, she felt that since it was a state, there must be traces to follow, but her current cultivation level was too low to penetrate such a high-level state of mind.

Yan Xiangluo was helpless. Why did something happen to her every time she was promoted? She felt that her cultivation level was very low. It has only been more than three years, but she has already achieved achievements that most monks cannot achieve in their lifetime.

Mu Changling saw her changing expression and said, "Don't worry about it. When you reach this level, it won't be too late to study it. Just put it away. Let's go eat. I can already smell the aroma of the food."

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. You just smelled the aroma of the food. How devoted you were before.

Glancing at the nine-story lotus platform, she raised her hand and put it away. Only she could put it away. Mu Changling couldn't move from outside to inside the house before, even if his cultivation level had reached the level of asking.

 In the end, it was Yan Xiangluo who moved the nine-story lotus platform into the house for him to study.

 The two came out of the room, and Deng Changze asked, "What did you find?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "The ancestors discovered that each level of the nine-story lotus platform exists independently and is then assembled together. It should not be something that can be found here."

Deng Changze was also surprised, and Qi Hao was even more confused.

After sitting down, Mu Changling said, "I can't do any research at my level. Let's eat." Deng Changze was not a weapon refiner and had no experience in this area, so he didn't ask any more questions. After the four of them finished eating, Yan Xiangluo gave the snack boxes to Mu Changling and Deng Changze.

"Ancestor, Master, Xiaohao and I are going to Yaoguang City later. We don't know when we will come back." Ruan Xiangluo said.

Mu Changling nodded, "Come back when you have time. You can take this."

Yan Xiangluo saw what Mu Changling gave her, which was a jade tablet. As soon as she took it, she felt the powerful power inside.

"This contains the power of my strongest blow. It can save your life when you are in danger. Of course, the premise is that your enemy is a monk from this continent." Mu Changling explained.

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She didn't expect that her ancestors would give her such a precious thing. You must know that Mu Changling has a cultivation level of Wendao, which is the highest level in the entire continent. There are no more than five people with this level of cultivation.

Of course, Mu Changling is not among these five people. In fact, there should be people with this level of cultivation. This means that even if the opponent Yu Xiangluo encounters has a level of cultivation, she will still have to escape for her life. Opportunity.

"Thank you, ancestors." Yan Xiangluo put it away unceremoniously. For someone like her who may encounter danger at any time, things that can save her life are the most precious.

After eating and drinking tea for a while, Yan Xiangluo took Qi Hao to say goodbye to his ancestor and master. Deng Changze said, "I'm going to see off Xiao Luo'er."

Mu Changling knew that he still had something to say to Xiao Luo'er, so he nodded.

Before leaving, Yan Xiangluo said to Mu Changling, "My ancestors have nothing to do in the sect. You might as well go out for a walk and stay at my place in Xiangyang City for a while to experience the fireworks in the world."

Mu Changling stroked his snow-white beard and smiled, "It's time to go out for a walk."

 If you don’t leave, I’m afraid you won’t have a chance to get out.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "Perhaps I will have researched a new food by then."

“Girl, you are trying to seduce me.” Mu Changling nodded her forehead and smiled.

 “If you don’t tempt me, wouldn’t Xiaoluoer be worried that you won’t be able to invite the ancestors?” Yuan Xiangluo said playfully.

 “Okay, I must go.” Mu Changling finally spoke.

Since you probably won’t have the chance to make any further progress in your cultivation, then use the remaining time to enjoy the happiness of the mortal world. Go and feel the fireworks in the world that Xiao Luoer said.

Farewell to Mu Changling, Yu Xiangluo and her master Deng Changze took Qi Hao to the mountain gate.

Out of the mountain gate, Yan Xiangluo asked, "Master, why did you come back to Xianyun Sect in such a hurry when I haven't asked you yet?"

Yan Xiangluo had previously thought that something must have happened to the Xianyun Sect that caused the master to find her, and she came back before she could gain experience.

She didn't find anything wrong with Xianyun Sect these days, and her ancestor and master were both normal, so she asked this question.

 “This is also what Master wants to tell you.” Deng Changze said.

Yan Xiangluo saw her master's expression and knew that things were not simple.

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