The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 519: Demonic energy in the body

Deng Changze glanced at Qi Hao and raised his hand to block his hearing. Qi Hao looked at his master with some grievances. What's the matter? He, his disciple, can't listen anymore.

However, he only expressed his meaning with his eyes and did not say anything.

Deng Changze rubbed his head, then looked at Yan Xiangluo with a serious expression.

Deng Changze stretched out his hand and said to Yan Xiangluo, "First, feel Master's pulse."

Yu Xiangluo's eyes paused. Is there something wrong with Master's health?

She immediately felt her master's pulse, and her eyes suddenly changed. Master's pulse was different from that of a normal person. She felt the pulse carefully and didn't let go for a while.

“Master, what did you encounter after you came here?”

Deng Changze nodded, "You also came out of the snowfield, right?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, thinking of the person she met in the snowy field, and said worriedly, "Yes, is it possible that Master is being plotted by someone in there?"

“I was not tricked inside, but I was tricked when I came out.” When Deng Changze thought about what happened that day, his eyes darkened.

“What’s going on?” Yan Xiangluo asked worriedly.

"I was targeted in the snowfield. Maybe I wasn't fooled. They made a trap for me outside. As soon as I came out, I fell into their trap. If it weren't for the master's poisonous skills, he poisoned them all. If you die, you will become a slave as soon as you arrive."

Deng Changze gritted his teeth when he said these words.

Yan Xiangluo listened quietly. This is what those people can do.

"When I came out, I smelled a special smell. I thought it was poison, so I immediately took the antidote pill. But after dealing with those people, I found that there was a force that did not belong to me running around in my body. I didn't know this force. What is the power, but the body is very repulsive and can only be suppressed when I practice. Therefore, your master practices harder than in Tianqian Continent, so he can advance so quickly. "

Mu Changling and Yuan Xiangluo are both at Saint level now, but his cultivation level is two levels higher than that of Yan Xiangluo. Yuan Xiangluo is at Saint level 5, and he is at Saint level 7.

 “But there are also disadvantages, right?” Yan Xiangluo asked clearly.

"Yes, the higher my cultivation level, the stronger the power." Deng Changze's tone was difficult to calm down.

Yan Xiangluo's heart was very uneasy, "Master, do you know what kind of power this is?"

 Actually, she knew what the power was in her master's body when she checked his pulse, but she didn't dare to say it out.

“I didn’t know it at first, but when I met my ancestor, my ancestor showed it to me and told me that it was demonic energy.” Deng Changze thought for a while and finally said it.

You should know that if a monk has demonic energy in his body, then in the eyes of those righteous people, you will not be a good person and will be called demon.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed, and the master knew that the energy in his body was evil.

Deng Changze continued, "After I got your news that time, I rushed to Xiangyang City, but after I arrived at Xiangyang City, the demonic energy had a rising momentum. I couldn't suppress it myself. If you haven't come out of seclusion, Master can't When you came out of seclusion, you could only leave a letter and rush back to Xianyun Sect. My ancestors helped me suppress it. "

“Ancestors have a way to help you suppress the evil spirit?” Yan Xiangluo was a little curious.

Deng Changze nodded, "It's not a solution, it's just to suppress it with strength."

Yan Xiangluo frowned, "This is not a solution. Didn't the ancestors say there is any solution?" Deng Changze sighed, "There is a way, but it requires a trip to the demon world, but the master's current cultivation level can only go to the demon world. To die."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. It would be great if she could find a way. She knew people in the demon world. Her sworn brother Ge Tianjun was from the demon world.

"Is there any way in Mojie to solve the demonic aura on Master's body?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

"There is a magic-absorbing bead in the demon world. The magic-absorbing bead can **** out the demonic energy from my body. However, the magic-absorbing bead has not appeared in the world for a long time. I don't know if it is still in the demon clan." Deng Changze said in a helpless tone.

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. How could it be such a coincidence? She had just obtained the magic beads on the way here, and now the master actually needed the magic beads to **** out the demonic energy?

“How long can master survive?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

She has magic beads, but she cannot use them directly for her master. Although Deng Changze is her master and has been protecting her like a father since she became her master, she has to be careful when thinking about her identity in her previous life.

 She does not dare to be careless even with people she is close to.

It’s not that she doesn’t believe in Deng Changze, it’s that she doesn’t believe in the world. If she’s not careful, a trap can kill her.

  Not to mention how much she cherishes her life, just to complete the things that she and her master and brother failed to accomplish in the previous life, maybe to save her life, after all, she is the only one who still has life.

Deng Changze smiled, "Don't worry, my ancestors can help me suppress it before master breaks through to the **** level. It's so easy to break through at the **** level."

Yan Xiangluo finally understood why his master, who was unwilling to be bound, stayed in Xianyun Sect and refused to leave. He could not leave.

"Master, don't worry too much. I'll find a way to solve this problem. It's not just about sucking magic beads to **** out the demonic energy from your body." As long as the time is relaxed, Yan Xiangluo felt relieved.

The master is now at the emperor level. It will take a long time to break through to the **** level, so she still has time to think of a solution.

The magic-absorbing beads cannot be used just like this. She also wants to see if there are other ways to get the demonic energy out of the master's body.

Deng Changze wanted to send her down the mountain. He also wanted to explain to her the reason why he went to Xiangyang City without waiting for her to leave the customs. It was not because he wanted to worry her.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Luo’er, there will always be a solution.” Deng Changze said with a smile.

"Well, there must be a way to solve it. If it doesn't work, I will go to the devil world for a trip." Yu Xiangluo also said with a smile.

Deng Changze said disapprovingly, "No, our ancestors have to keep a low profile when going to the demon world. With your cultivation level, you still dare to go to the demon world. Practice hard to improve your cultivation. Don't think too much. Our ancestors are already asking about the magic beads."

“Well, don’t worry, Master, I won’t act rashly.” Yan Xiangluo responded, but she was muttering in her heart. There was no point in asking. She already had the magic-absorbing bead in her hand, and no matter how well-connected she was, she couldn’t find out.

She should think about how to **** out the demonic energy from her master's body without revealing that she has a magic-absorbing bead.

 She doesn’t want her master to continue like this. Master is a person who loves freedom, and it would be very troublesome for him to be trapped in Xianyun Sect all the time.

 After all, we have all come to the higher continent, but we can’t go out for a walk.

Thinking of this, Master took a big risk when he went to Xiangyang City to see him last time. This shows how important he is to Master.

 With this comparison, am I too selfish? I felt in my heart that I felt a little sorry for Master.

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