The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 520: Very ambitious

Chapter 520 A lot of ambition

Deng Changze raised his hand and released the power that blocked Qi Hao's sense of hearing. Qi Hao could hear the sound again. He took a long breath, and the feeling of not being able to hear anything was terrible.

The sense of hearing can be sealed, and other senses can also be sealed, and the sealed ones can be unsealed. If something goes wrong, there is nothing you can do. He needs to take good care of his ears and eyes, and by the way, his mouth. Without a sense of taste, how will he be able to eat delicious food then?

Deng Changze sent his master and apprentice out of the barrier at the foot of the Xianyun Sect Mountain. Yan Xiangluo didn't let him send them away again, but she was determined to quickly find a way to solve the problem of the demonic energy in the master's body.

After saying goodbye to Deng Changze, Yan Xiangluo used the teleportation pattern to take Qi Hao directly to Yaoguang City.

After a trip, she found that she seemed to have more things to do.

Xianyun Sect is not far from Yaoguang City, and it can be reached in just a moment with a teleportation pattern.

Qi Hao felt a white light flashing in front of his eyes and instinctively closed his eyes. He swayed, and then the white light disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he saw them standing in the wild. In front of them was a wide road stretching into the distance. From the road, you can see endless fields, scattered trees growing on both sides of the road, and continuous mountains at the end of the eye.

Qi Hao asked doubtfully, "Master, aren't we going to Yaoguang City? Where is the city?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled and patted his shoulder, "Turn around and look."

Qi Hao turned around and saw that there was a large city not far behind him. They were three or four miles away from the city. Flying spiritual beasts carried people in the sky, carriages ran on the ground, and people walked in the air, using various methods to get outside and into the city.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "You're standing on the wrong side."

When using the teleportation Xuanwen, Yan Xiangluo used the Xuanwen with her right hand and held Qi Hao with her left hand. During the teleportation, Qi Hao's body swayed and he was pulled left and right by her for a few times. After he stopped, he stood face to face with her. .

 So once he teleported to the place, the direction he saw was exactly opposite to what Yan Xiangluo saw.

"Let's go into the city and have a look." Yan Xiangluo said to Qi Hao as he looked at the people entering Yaoguang City.

Qi Hao said happily, "Master, many people are heading into the city."

“They should all be here to participate in or watch the continental competition.” Yan Xiangluo explained as she looked at the people who came through various channels.

Qi Hao was startled when he saw a person suddenly appearing next to him. Then he came back to his senses and knew that this person should also use the teleportation pattern.

 It seems that people who use the teleportation pattern can only teleport to the place where they appear.

Qi Hao patted his heart and said, "Master, let's go into the city quickly. There are so many people, can we find a place to live?"

Qi Hao was a little worried that they would have no place to stay after entering the city.

“It’s okay, didn’t your brother Zixian come first?” Yan Xiangluo teased him.

Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes, brother Zixian is so capable, he will definitely find a place to live."

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, she was still a child after all. However, she was a little surprised that Mu Zixian was so powerful in Qi Hao's heart.

She thought that Qi Hao always quarreled with Mu Zixian because he didn't think he was very powerful. After all, Mu Zixian was the one who seemed to get along the best among Changfeng and Jin Yutang.

Yu Xiangluo pulled Qi Hao up into the air and flew towards the city gate.

 Although it is only three or four miles away, it will take a lot of time to walk there, so don’t waste your time.

Qi Hao was very excited. His master was taking him to fly. This is what it feels like to fly in the air. He should practice diligently and reach the king level as soon as possible, so that he can fly in the air.

Soon they arrived in front of the city gate. Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao landed on the ground. The two took out their identity cards and entered the city smoothly.

As soon as the two entered the city, Qi Hao obtained the master's permission and took out the sound transmission stone to contact Mu Zixian, "Brother Zixian, master and I have arrived at Yaoguang City. Where are you?"

Soon Mu Zixian responded, "Where are you? I'll pick you up." "Just entered the city gate." Qi Hao replied.

"Okay, you walk along the main street. There is a Li's Teahouse on the right. You can rest there and I will pick you up right away." Mu Zixian immediately told them a place to wait for him.

Yuan Xiangluo didn't participate in anything, just waiting for Qi Hao to find the Li family teahouse, and then the two of them went in. Qi Hao ordered a pot of tea, which was Lingcha. He knew that the master never drank ordinary tea.

 Then he sat at the table by the window and drank tea while waiting.

 This is also an opportunity to train Qi Hao.

Qi Hao stared at the road with big eyes, fearing that he would miss Mu Zixian.

 After drinking two cups of tea, Qi Hao immediately shouted excitedly, "Brother Zixian is here."

Of course, Yan Xiangluo also saw Mu Zixian coming in a hurry. No wonder he asked them to rest in the teahouse. It would take time to get here.

Mu Zixian heard Qi Hao's voice, came in and sat down next to him, and played something on his forehead, "Brother Zixian, it's uncle Zixian."

 “It’s brother Zixian.”

 The two started bickering again.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She sat drinking tea and watched the two bickering until she got tired and asked, "Where do you live?"

Mu Zixian immediately said, "We came relatively late. There were no rooms in the inn. Even if there was no one, we had reserved them in advance, so we rented a courtyard. The smaller courtyards were all rented. We rented The yard is relatively large and can accommodate everyone. ”

Yan Xiangluo understood that it must be because the rent of the courtyard was too high to rent, so they were able to rent it. Look at the people outside. Even in the big yard, there is probably no one left idle now.

 “Let’s go, I’ve got the room cleaned up.” Mu Zixian said to the two of them.

Qi Hao asked excitedly as he walked. He was curious about too many things, just like a child.

There were many people on the street. When they entered the city, many people came. Yaoguang City now has the most people in the entire continent.

“What will they do when so many people have no place to live?” Qi Hao asked Mu Zixian.

"If you can't, just live outside. Every city that holds the Continental Hegemony Tournament is like this, especially the Cultivation Hegemony Tournament. Not only are there many people participating, but there are also many people coming to see it." Mu Zixian took the trouble to tell Qi Hao explain.

"I will also participate in the continental competition in the future and win first place." Qi Hao thought for a while and said.

Mu Zixian smiled and asked, "Why do you want to win first place?"

Qi Hao rolled his eyes at him, "You can't embarrass Master."

Mu Zixian smiled even more when she saw his arrogant look, "The continental competition is divided into three types: cultivation, weapon refining, and alchemy. Which continental competition do you want to participate in?"

Qi Hao's big eyes suddenly flashed, "All those who make alchemy and practice cultivation will participate."

 “You are not a big boy, but your ambition is not small.” Mu Zixian did not expect that Qi Hao actually wanted to participate in the competition between the two continents.

“I want everyone in the entire continent to know that I am Master’s disciple.” Qi Hao said with his chest raised.

 (End of this chapter)

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