The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 528: Very straightforward words

It only took Bai Wuqian an instant to understand that Yan Xiangluo was worried that she would interfere with her fiancé Ji Jiuzhong's competition, stumbling upon Ji Jiuzhong's performance, and even his life, so he decided to cure his daughter after the competition.

This meaning is also very obvious. Whether your daughter can be cured depends on whether her fiancé goes well in the competition these days. If you have done something, don't let her take action to heal your daughter's face.

This move is obvious to others, so he has to take it even if he doesn't want to.

Bai Wuguan didn't want his daughter to suffer for a few more days. Although the competition only lasted for three days, there were still three more days before the competition would start. This was a total of six days. When he thought that his daughter would have to bear a face that was scarier than a ghost for six days, he decided I feel so distressed.

He was wondering if it would work if he made the oath, but seeing the calm look on his face, he understood that even if he made the oath, he would not believe it, let alone agree. There is nothing like having the initiative in his hands. The peace of mind that comes from your own hands.

 I am also such a person.

After all, if you don't take action, you can let others take action, but as long as your daughter's face is pressed here, you don't dare to risk taking action, nor do you dare to instruct others to take action.

Bai Wuqian knew that this was the only way to go. From the beginning of this incident, he was on the passive side.

 But the competition itself is not absolutely fair. No matter how strict the rules are, there are still loopholes that can be exploited. Just because he doesn't take action doesn't mean that Ji Jiuzhong's competition will go smoothly. He won't take the blame for others.

"I understand what Divine Doctor Yu means, but Divine Doctor Yu also knows that there are many accidents on the field. People die on the field every time in the Continental Championship. I can only guarantee that I will not interfere with your people's competition, nor will I instigate Others interfere, but if you offend other people, or their opponents are more clever, I can't control it. I can't let others take the blame. "

Bai Wuqian no longer had the humility just now. It was already like this. There was no point in being so low-key, so he simply spoke out.

Ruan Xiangluo smiled, and her peerless face suddenly became even more beautiful, "It's enough if City Master Bai can do this. We didn't want anyone to protect us originally. We came here just to compete with our true abilities. Some We still can’t stand the unscrupulous methods.”

 She didn't place her hope on Bai Wuqian to abide by the agreement at all. Now she believes in herself more. She feels at ease when she has the initiative in her own hands, doesn't she?

Bai Wukan's expression was not very good. Doesn't this mean that Jiaojiao is an unfashionable person? Fortunately, Yuan Xiangluo was not overbearing or unreasonable.

Yanxiang’s eyebrows were smiling, and she was obviously very happy now.

Mu Zixian glanced at Bai Wukian with pity. City Lord Bai, you relaxed too early. I'm sure the look in Miss Yu's eyes indicated that there was something more to come.

Sure enough, Yan Xiangluo continued, "It takes time to refine the elixir. City Lord Bai can just ask the person who sent the apology to pick it up later. As for the cost of treatment, just compare it to the consultation fee paid by the Lord of the Southern Continent. The game is over. , I promise to cure the disease after receiving the consultation fee. After all, the title of miracle doctor was not given to me for free, it was earned by my own ability.”

This is the first time that Bai Wuqian has been calling her the miraculous doctor Yuan Xiangluo since they met. She admits that she is the miraculous doctor Yuan Xiangluo.

Although Yan Xiangluo's identity was confirmed, it was not surprising. After all, he had already confirmed Yan Xiangluo's identity through information, otherwise he would not have come in person.

 Besides, he called her the Miracle Doctor. Although she didn't agree, she didn't refuse either. This also proved in disguise that she was the Miracle Doctor. What surprised Bai Wukian was that Yan Xiangluo was so thoughtful and didn't suffer any losses. He thought he would be done with it after someone sent him an apology, but he still had the medical fee?

 Not only some, but a lot. Can the Lord of the Southern Continent pay less for the consultation?

Although Yan Xiangluo bypassed her daughter, she still wanted to let herself know that she never suffered a loss. Since she was protecting her daughter, she should use money to make her comfortable.

Bai Wuqian felt that the breath in his heart was getting bigger and bigger, and he was about to burst with anger. If the information he received was correct, Yan Xiangluo was only sixteen years old. How could he be so cunning and cunning?

She asked herself to take the elixir to stop bleeding and relieve pain when she sent the apology. This was obviously a warning to herself not to fool her about the apology. If she was dissatisfied, I don’t know when the elixir to stop bleeding and relieve pain would be refined. .

Not only that, after taking out the apology, she still has to pay a medical fee, which is similar to the medical fee of the Lord of the Southern Continent. She has such a big appetite, isn't she worried about being choked to death?

This step was not missed, which made Bai Wukian extremely frustrated, but he still had to endure it.

 There is no other way. The initiative is now in his hands. Unless he doesn't want his daughter's face to get better, he can only compromise.

The repeated compromises today made Bai Wuqian feel very uncomfortable, but he could only hold it in. He had never felt so aggrieved in his life. Bai Wukian felt that he would never forget this day in his life.

“Don’t worry, Divine Doctor. I, Bai Wukan, am not one to break my promise. Naturally, I will satisfy Divine Doctor the apology.” Bai Wuguan said it directly. He wanted to apologize anyway, so why didn’t he say it out? He didn’t want to choke to death.

Yan Xiangluo raised her brows and spoke in a very soft tone, "Don't feel aggrieved, City Master Bai. It's your fault for failing to raise a godfather. This is the consequence you should bear for not raising your daughter well. City Master Bai should be happy, I only want wealth, and it's your fault." You can’t afford to offend me, what do you think City Master Bai will be like today? Do you still have a chance to seek medical treatment for your daughter?”

Bai Wukan was shocked and looked at Yan Xiangluo who said the toughest words in a soft tone. Her words completely awakened him.

Yan Xiangluo's words are very straightforward. Don't you just look down on me and that's why you feel so aggrieved? If it were someone else you couldn't afford to offend, would you still feel aggrieved? I'm afraid I don't even have a chance to feel aggrieved.

 It is true that he did not take her seriously because Yan Xiangluo was from a lower continent. Although she was known as a miracle doctor, there was no strong force behind her to support and protect her.

What if the person my daughter offends today is someone she can’t afford to offend?

 Is Jiaojiao still alive to return to the house? Do I still have a chance to seek medical treatment for Jiaojiao? Do you still find it difficult to feel aggrieved by what you have experienced today?

What Yan Xiangluo said was right. He should be glad that Yan Xiangluo only wanted money. Otherwise, he might have to collect his daughter's body today, and he might be in trouble because of it.

Bai Wukan sighed, "Miracle Doctor Yu is not very old, but he is a very wise man. I have lived for almost a hundred years, but I am not as clear as a teenage girl like Doctor Yu, who can understand and see clearly today. I'm sorry for that, but I'm also grateful to you, the miracle doctor, for not arguing with my daughter."

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