The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 529: This is good

Bai Wuguan's words came from the heart. He was worried and angry before about his daughter's injury and lost his usual calmness and rationality. Now after listening to Yan Xiangluo's words, he calmed down and after thinking about it carefully, he naturally understood that he was wrong. Outrageous.

 The bottomless pampering of my daughter for so many years is not loving her, but harming her. I don’t know if it’s too late to start correcting it now.

B As long as she protects her, her daughter can live as happily as she wants. Now it seems that this idea is completely wrong.

He can't stay by his daughter's side all the time. Even if he arranges for someone to protect her, accidents will happen. This is still on his territory. If his daughter leaves Yaoguang City, it will be even more uncontrollable.

Moreover, his daughter will eventually get married. How can he follow his son-in-law's house to guard his daughter? In an instant, Bai Wukian figured out what he should do.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and said, "There's no need to thank you. I'm surprised that City Master Bai is so reasonable. I just want to apologize. The medical fee is a rule and cannot be changed. I'm going to make elixirs, so I won't accompany you more."

After saying this, she walked out. Bai Wukan was stunned by her actions. What kind of operation was this?

Because you are reasonable and reasonable, you just didn't feel satisfied with the apology and refused to give the elixir, so you just wanted to do it?

 Why do you feel so comfortable all of a sudden?

The miracle doctor just wanted to have an attitude of his own. He knew that his daughter had been raised to be arrogant and domineering. His previous attitude made the miracle doctor dissatisfied, so he wanted to make more money for himself. Now that he has a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes, she does not. Calculate.

After all, people said that the medical fee is the rule, which means that whoever comes to see her for medical treatment will receive the medical fee, so she does not blackmail herself in terms of the medical fee.

  No, this apology must not be made casually, it must be chosen carefully.

 She is generous, but she cannot be compared to a little girl.

Mu Zixian and Qi Hao outside the door were both stunned. Although Mu Zixian knew that Ruan Xiangluo would not spare Bai Wukian lightly, he did not expect that she would have such ability to make people happily spend money and take a fancy to her. The way Bai Wu did it, they knew that this apology would not only be less than before, but also better.

This trick is perfect.

Qi Hao was young and didn’t understand the twists and turns inside, so he was still a little confused.

Ji Jiuzhong was also surprised. After all, this was the first time he saw Yan Xiangluo fighting against his family and winning so beautifully.

She figured out Bai Wuqian's thoughts accurately.

Since when did this girl have such a scheming idea? It looks like she has been immersed in the spirit of a big family.

 But Luoluo has never lived in a big family?

Ji Jiuzhong saw the matter from beginning to end, and naturally understood Yan Xiangluo's trick. He had used this trick before, so he had recovered many people.

   In the beginning, Bai Wuqian was full of anger, so he must have a bad attitude and wanted to control everything. But Luo Luo dealt with him neither softly nor hard. Later, Luoluo asked his daughter to be treated after the Continental Hegemony Tournament. She told him clearly not to try anything during his competition. She only wanted to protect him and participate in the competition smoothly.

Bai Wuqian had no choice but to compromise. At this time, Bai Wuqian understood that it was useless to be angry. Who made him care more about his daughter's face.

At this time, he had calmed down and was very rational, but Luoluo took advantage of the victory and pursued it, reminding him that if he did not apologize, the elixir would not be refined well, and also told him that the medical fee would be higher than that of the Lord of the Southern Continent.

At this time, the anger in Bai Wukan's stomach reached its peak in an instant, but this time he was angry while calming down, so he could still control it. Not only was he able to control it, he gritted his teeth and agreed to Luoluo's conditions. At this moment, Luo Luo bluntly said that he had not educated his daughter well and that he only wanted wealth. He vaguely reminded him that if other strong men who could not afford to offend wanted Bai Jiaojiao's life, he would wake up with one sentence. Knowing Bai Wuqian, spoiling one's son is like killing one's son.

 At the same time, she was also telling him that she did not care about his daughter because she gave him face as the Lord of Yaoguang City.

After Bai Wuqian thought about it and sincerely apologized and thanked Luoluo, she changed the topic and said that she just wanted to apologize. This was a sweet date given to Bai Wuqian after she kept slapping Bai Wuqian in the face. This is to tell Bai Wuqian that I don't love money, but I want you to have an attitude.

Immediately, without giving Bai Wuguan a chance to say anything, he left immediately thinking that he was going to make elixirs.

 Made Bai Wuqian feel that she really just wanted an explanation, and that justice would be given to her. She is a very easy to talk person.

He can guarantee that Bai Wukian's apology will not be less, let alone light. It will definitely be more and heavier than before.

Even if Bai Wuqian wants to understand the twists and turns, he will no longer have any grudge against Luoluo.

Luoluo used this move in a fair and just way, wanting the other party to give it to her willingly and giving up any grudge against her.

 He underestimated Luoluo!

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly felt happy when he thought that she had gone to such great lengths to ensure that his competition would not be ruined by Bai Wukan.

This is the first time he has felt this way.

From the first meeting with Luo Luo outside the royal training ground of Tianshun Kingdom, until now, she has saved him several times, and cured him of the fetal poison he brought from his mother's womb, so that he can finally realize what it is like to be healthy. In fact, he was grateful to her at that time.

 However, those were all based on transactions. Luoluo didn't like him at that time. Not only did she not like him, she also broke off the engagement with him as soon as they met.

The relationship between the two of them is the result of his constant efforts. After he recovered part of his past life memories, the relationship between the two became so cold that it almost returned to before. No, it was not as good as before.

  After the two talked openly, although Luo Luo said that she did not doubt his feelings for him and believed in him, he still felt the change in Luo Luo, and she no longer relied on him.

 Although she also said that it was for the sake of becoming stronger, he was still very disappointed in his heart.

Before, he was worried that she would be at a disadvantage due to her lack of experience in the outside world, but what Luoluo did today made him suddenly realize that the little girl was smart. She reminded him of Luoluo in his previous life, and she looked more and more like Luoluo. .

Although his mood was a bit complicated, he was still very happy today. He felt that there was nothing wrong with being protected by Luoluo, at least she cared about him.

 Her ability to protect herself shows that she is within a safe range. He doesn't want her to misunderstand him again before completely recovering her past life memories and understanding all their emotional experiences in their past lives.

 This is good.

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