The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 530: impressed

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Mu Zixian outside the door. After many years of tacit understanding, Mu Zixian immediately understood what he meant, and quickly led the way to Yu Xiangluo, taking her to the yard prepared for her.

Qi Hao touched his head, glanced at Bai Wuqian and Ji Jiuchong in the main hall, and trotted after his master.

  Since the future master is here, there is no need to worry about the master being bullied.

 Besides, although he didn't understand how things ended up like this, he could still see that the master had not suffered a loss.

As long as his master doesn't suffer a loss, he won't think more than a child.

At this time, Bai Wuqian also came to his senses. He stood up and said goodbye to Ji Jiuchong, "Mr. Ji, I'm going to say goodbye now. I'll ask the housekeeper to come and send the apology later."

The lord of the city cannot come again, otherwise the continental hegemony competition will not be as lively as the affairs of his city lord's palace.

  It would be most appropriate for the steward of the City Lord's Mansion to come to deliver the apology and obtain the elixir. After all, the steward's status in his mansion is second only to him in Yaoguang City.

Bai Wuqian didn't say anything more. The couple looked young, but they were not ordinary people.

Even though Ji Jiuzhong was sitting here without saying a word, that was under the premise that Yan Xiangluo did not suffer any loss.

He was able to become the lord of Yaoguang City, and he was not a simple-minded person. Yan Xiangluo used an upright conspiracy. Although he saw through it, he was still convinced.

 A sixteen-year-old girl can have such resourcefulness and heart, and with the title of a miracle doctor, the possibility of her growing up is very high.

Even without the weakness of his daughter, at this time, Bai Wuqian had given up the idea of ​​going against Yan Xiangluo and the others. He had previously thought of waiting for his daughter's face to recover before he said this, but now he has completely given up the idea.

That's all. He won't cause any obstacles for the two of them, but he won't go out of his way to make friends. After all, they haven't grown up yet.

He still understands the principle of being wise and protecting yourself. To put it nicely, he is the city lord of Yaoguang City, but to put it worse, he is just the lackey of the Lord of the Northern Continent.

He is not the only one who wants to be the leader of the Northern Continent. There are many people who want to be the leader of the Northern Continent.

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong stood up and said, "I'll see Lord Bai off."

Bai Wuqian didn't refuse. This was much more honorable than when he came in. At least it was sent out by the fiancé of the miracle doctor.

The two of them walked towards the gate of the mansion. As they walked, Bai Wukan looked at Ji Jiuzhong. Although he had information about Ji Jiuzhong in his hand, he only had a few words. The main reason was that he had never been in the limelight, and the limelight was lost to Yu Xiang, who was known as a miracle doctor. Suppressed.

But when he saw Ji Jiuzhong himself today, Bai Wukian could see that Ji Jiuzhong had a kind of nobility in his bones. This kind of nobility could not be found in the children of a certain big family, at least he did not appear in the children of the Lord of the Northern Continent. See this nobility.

Even though the Lord of the Northern Continent has a strong cultivation base and the aura of a superior, he is not as noble as Ji Jiuzhong.

Moreover, there was an aura about Ji Jiuzhong that he couldn't describe. Although it wasn't strong, he could feel it. He had never sensed this aura in anyone else before, and he couldn't help but have the thought of shrinking back.

He was very confused, but because of this, he deduced that Ji Jiuzhong was the one who kept it secret.

He was glad that Yan Xiangluo took action to solve today's matter. If Ji Jiuzhong had taken action, the matter might not have been so simple. Ji Jiuzhong is by no means a soft-hearted person.

As soon as the door of the mansion opened, Bai Wukan's face turned dark immediately. It was dark outside and the people watching the excitement outside had not blocked the door of the mansion, but the entrance to the alley had been blocked tightly. Seeing him coming out, a large group of people immediately dispersed. They were people from this city and did not dare to mess with him, but there were still many people who stayed and watched with interest.

Most of these people are here to watch the game, so they don’t have to worry about offending themselves.

"City Lord Bai, walk slowly." Ji Jiuzhong's tone was just right and the etiquette was in place.

Bai Wuqian also said, "Master Ji, please stay."

This surprised the people watching outside, so kind? No fight? It's like City Master Bai came to a friend's house for a visit?

Bai Wukian was worried about such a scene, so he came in a carriage and got on the carriage. The carriage drove slowly towards the entrance of the alley. When passing by the entrance of the alley, Bai Wukian heard the discussion outside.

"Isn't it said that City Lord Bai dotes on his daughter too much, so he dotes on his daughter to the point of being arrogant and domineering? How come his daughter was disfigured, so why didn't they start a fight?"

Bai Wuqian was not in the mood to listen to the next words. Only then did he realize how stupid he was in the eyes of the world, and he had spoiled his daughter into a fool.

Bai Wuguan closed his eyes and felt again that his daughter's experience this time was not a bad thing, but a good thing. He hoped that he would wake up in time and be able to correct his daughter's temperament.

After Bai Wukan got on the carriage, Ji Jiuzhong turned around and went back, directly to Yuan Xiangluo's yard.

Qi Hao was taken by Mu Zixian to the courtyard where he, Changfeng and Jin Yutang lived. Although he was young, he was nine years old and could not live in the same courtyard as Yu Xiangluo.

When Ji Jiuzhong came in, Yan Xiangluo had just finished refining the elixir for stopping bleeding and relieving pain and put it into a medicine bottle.

She glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Give the elixir to Zi Xian. Bai Wukan's people can just give it to him directly when they come to get the elixir."

Ji Jiuzhong walked up to her and took the pill, "Luoluo, aren't you afraid that Bai Wukan is a cruel and treacherous person?"

Yan Xiangluo put away the stone nest and said in a calm tone, "A man who can pamper his daughter like this, no matter how cruel he is on the surface, has a bottom line in his heart."

The corners of his lips curled up as he spoke, "Besides, even if the grudge against him cannot be resolved, it doesn't matter. As long as your competition is not affected, other things are not important. No one living in this world can be loved by everyone." "It doesn't matter if you offend one more person."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Luoluo really impressed me."

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and held the clouds on her shoulders in her palms. She was not careless, but because she was in poor health in another life, she developed the habit of not doing anything, which would save her a lot of troubles.

 But things are different now. I am in good health and have great talents. It is difficult not to arouse people's jealousy. Once a person is controlled by jealousy, he can do anything. Since she decided not to rely on anyone, she could only take care of herself.

Ji Jiuzhong sighed, "Luo Luo is like this, it makes me feel useless."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and looked at him, "Whether you are useful or not doesn't show on me. Just do what you want to do."

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless and immediately changed the subject, "What did Luoluo do to Bai Jiaojiao?"

What he wants to do most is to occupy her heart and make her think about him all the time. Can he do it?

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