The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 531: Skin-destroying elixir

 In the past, it was just a little difficult to occupy all the places in her heart, but now he is in despair. If Luoluo's situation continues, he will never be able to fulfill his wish in this life.

However, he was not stupid enough to say it, so he could only change the topic.

When she mentioned what she had done to Bai Jiaojiao, Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Didn't I finish refining all the elixirs below the ninth grade? There is a ninth-grade skin-destroying elixir in Shuyilu. As long as you get a little bit of it, the damaged skin will continue to bleed and pus will not close. Not only that, it will also be extremely painful. There are no poisonous herbs in the skin-destroying elixir. Therefore, people who don't know this elixir. There is no solution at all. It's not that taking the detoxification pill is useless. At that time, I thought this pill was useless. For me, there was no chance to use it. I didn't expect that the opportunity came today. It's just a little powder applied to Yun Tuan's paws. Without the antidote I refined, Bai Jiaojiao's face would have been like this all her life."

Ji Jiuzhong's lips twitched. Although he knew what she had done, he never expected that there would be such a joke in a sacred book like Shuyilu, which was beyond the reach of all alchemists in the world. And it was a ninth-grade elixir. He didn't even know how to describe Master Shuyi.

Why do you spend so much time thinking about a ninth-grade skin-destroying pill that is as useless as chicken ribs?

“Is there an antidote in Shuyilu?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head and said, "No, all the elixirs of this type in Shuyilu do not have a solution. You have to study the solution yourself."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, "Has Luoluo already researched it?"

Ruan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "That's natural. Do you think I can only refine the elixirs in Shuyilu? I am refining all the elixirs that need solutions. Just research the solution.”

Although Ji Jiuzhong knew that Yan Xiangluo had superb medical skills and alchemy, he was shocked at this time. His talent in alchemy was unparalleled by Luo Luo.

 Thinking about the recovered memories, although her talents in alchemy and medical skills in her previous life were rarely mentioned, she was also known as a miracle doctor. However, the world cared more about her identity as a heavenly master and ignored her medical skills.

Ji Jiuchong was very confused. What was his identity in the last life? Why have so many memories been restored, but there is no memory about my own life experience? Is it possible that the things I did in my previous life were not distributed properly?

Thinking of this possibility, Ji Jiuzhong suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart. Although he knew that the last life was the last life, they had really come all the way in this life. If they did not want to follow the same path of the previous life, they must become stronger. , so powerful that no one dares to bully him.

Ji Jiuzhong took out two beautifully carved wooden plaques and said, "This is the token for entering the competition venue. The number on it is the seat number. This kind of token is for sitting in the same seat for three days. The position is relatively close. In front of me, Luoluo and Xiaohao are seated next to each other. "

They need to enter the game and have a participation token, but those who go in to watch must spend money to buy a seat number. The seat number Ji Jiuzhong bought is the most expensive in the game. He does not have to change places for three days, so he bought the natural It's a good location.

 If you buy it on a single day, the price is different every day. The first day is the cheapest and the last day is the most expensive.

Yan Xiangluo took the wooden sign and looked at it. It was actually made by refining it. This cost a lot. The price of this seat must not be cheap.

“Yaoguang City has made back all the money spent on building the competition venue this time.”

Ji Jiuzhong lost his laugh, how could the city hosting the competition pay for it? It must have made a lot of money.

"Why didn't I know that Luoluo was a money-crazy before?" Yan Xiangluo put away the wooden sign, "There was no way to make money before."

It is indeed true. When she was only ten years old, her parents left. She lived alone. She was able to live well because of her father's arrangement and because she was smart enough. At that time, she had not yet learned alchemy. Even if she did, she would not dare to expose her talent. Naturally, there would be no way to make money.

Ji Jiuzhong sighed, "Life must have been difficult before Luoluo, right?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, and saw the look of pity on Ji Jiuzhong's face and understood that he was referring to the three years between the ages of ten and thirteen before her parents left and went to the Xianyun Sect, that is, the three years when she was engaged to him. .

“Fortunately, apart from the rumors, there is no real harm to me.” Yan Xiangluo told the truth.

In those three years, everyone in the Tianshun Empire felt that she was not worthy of being the regent's fiancée. Therefore, she would be ridiculed wherever she went. It was really just verbal, except for the time when she was tricked into entering the royal training ground.

 She did not often appear in the capital of Tianshun Empire before, but the verbal ridicule was a huge blow to her.

After all, the little girl who is only ten years old, her parents are not around, she is already at a loss when she is suddenly granted a marriage by the emperor, and in the blink of an eye she becomes the fiancée of the regent, and she is still disliked. It is indeed very heavy for the little girl. blow.

However, things have already passed and Ji Jiuzhong did not do anything to her. She felt that there was no need to mention the past again, so she brushed it off lightly.

After Yan Xiangluo broke off the engagement, Ji Jiuzhong asked Mu Zixian to investigate Yan Xiangluo in detail. Naturally, he knew very well what kind of life she lived, but he could only check the superficial things. What was she thinking in her heart? Less than.

 But he always remembered clearly the way she stood in front of him covered in blood and wanted to break off the engagement.

“Luoluo is a very special woman.” Ji Jiuzhong could only describe her as special.

Yan Xiangluo's thoughts and actions are different from those of ordinary girls. Perhaps it is because of the twists and turns in her life that she has been helpless since she was ten years old. She has developed the habit of relying on herself for everything.

Although after confirming their feelings for each other and with his efforts, she finally learned to rely on herself, but because she concealed her registration for the Continental Competition, it was as if some mechanism in her body had been awakened. Although she still trusted herself , but she became the self-reliant and self-reliant Xiangluo she first met.

If this matter were to happen to any other woman, I'm afraid she wouldn't think it was a big deal, but she just seemed to smell a crisis and instinctively protected herself.

Ji Jiuchong was very curious, what had she been going through in her heart during those three years?

“By the way, I have something to ask you?” Yan Xiangluo thought of the demonic aura in her master, and the sooner it was resolved, the better.

 The day after tomorrow is the day when the competition starts. Ji Jiuzhong only has time in these two days. She seizes the time to talk to him and see if he can do anything.

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