The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 532: This is also the point

Chapter 532 is also the focus

Ji Jiuzhong's thoughts were interrupted by her. He raised his eyes and looked at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

It must be a very important thing for her to ask him so seriously and formally. What happened in the past few days that he didn't know about?

“If a person is forced to inhale demonic energy, do you have any solution?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The watery apricot eyes looked at Ji Jiuzhong expectantly, making Ji Jiuzhong instantly feel like he was being taken seriously.

"Whose body was forced to inhale the demonic energy?" Ji Jiuzhong instinctively held her hand immediately to check her physical condition.

I thought something happened to Luo Luo on the way to Xianyun Sect while he was training in the copper tower.

Yan Xiangluo did not resist and allowed Ji Jiuzhong's mental power to probe in.

After confirming that there was no demonic energy in Yan Xiangluo's body, Ji Jiuzhong breathed a sigh of relief, took back his hand and looked at her.

Although Luoluo is kind-hearted, she is not someone who cares about everyone. The person who can make her care must be someone she trusts and cares about.

There are very few such people around Luoluo. Apart from herself, there are only Qi Hao and her master Deng Changze, and now there is Mu Changling, the ancestor of the Xianyun Sect.

Mu Changling can be excluded. After all, where is the cultivation strength? If he had demonic energy in his body, he would not be able to reach the current level of cultivation. Besides, he has been in the high continent for more than three thousand years. He was still able to be plotted against at his old age, so he doubted whether Mu Changling's IQ and strength were fake.

Needless to say, Qi Hao has always been by her side. She is fine, and nothing can happen to Qi Hao. Then there is only one candidate left, Deng Changze.

He is the only one who came to the high continent from the low continent. Even if he has the ability to use poison, he will inevitably be tricked by others when he first arrives and does not understand the situation.

 He decided on the candidate in just an instant.

“Is it your master?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo was surprised that Ji Jiuzhong guessed it right at once. Considering his wisdom and strength, it was not surprising that he was able to control the Tianshun Empire in his hands at the age of less than twenty, making him famous throughout the Tianqian Continent. People are frightened after hearing this, mainly because of his wisdom and methods.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Yes, my master was tricked by someone when he first came to the Higher Continent, and the demonic energy was inhaled in his body. Fortunately, he met his ancestors. Every time he couldn't control it, his ancestors helped him suppress it. Demonic energy.”

As expected, Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes and said, "There is a way, but I can't do it yet."

Yan Xiangluo was not disappointed. After all, her ancestors had no choice but to get the magic-absorbing bead, but the magic-absorbing bead cannot be exposed now. She is not arrogant enough to think that she can keep the magic-absorbing bead now.

Only she knew about the existence of the magic-absorbing bead. Even Mu Zixian and Qi Hao didn't know about it. The second senior brother specifically told her not to tell anyone. Ji Jiuzhong didn't want to hide it, but the magic-absorbing bead belonged to the second senior brother after all. She recovered the memory of her previous life, and she didn't know why the magic bead belonged to her second senior brother. Before she figured it out, she didn't want to tell anyone about the magic bead, including Ji Jiuzhong.

If there is really no other way, she will use the magic-absorbing beads to help the master, but that must be when the master trusts her very much. Even if she helps the master, she does not want the master to know the existence of the magic-absorbing beads.

Therefore, now that Ji Jiuzhong said that there is a way, her heart relaxed. This method should be related to Xuanwen. Although he said that it can't be done now, with his talent, it shouldn't take long to figure it out, and the master should be able to wait. "Xuanwen?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong nodded, "Luoluo knows that the Xuanwen technique I practice has been passed down from generation to generation by the Ji family. Not everyone can learn it. In addition to having the bloodline of the Ji family, only those with strong enough Xuanwen talent can open the Ji seal. , learn the mysterious patterns inside."

Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully, "I don't have the blood of the Ji family, shouldn't I learn it?"

Ji Jiuchong's eyes were filled with a gentle smile, "There is another kind of person who can practice the Ji family's Xuanwen technique. He is the destined partner who can practice Ji's seal. He also wants his partner to learn his partner's Xuanwen sincerely. The talent also meets the requirements for learning Ji Yin.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned when she heard this. Thinking that Ji Jiuzhong was eyeing her at that time, she couldn't believe it, and then she felt that he was really a big-tailed wolf.

But when he thought about it, he was already thinking about himself. His face suddenly turned red and he rolled his eyes at him, "Let's get to the point."

Ji Jiuzhong said dotingly, "This is also the point."

Yan Xiangluo gave him another pair of eyes, and Ji Jiuzhong stopped teasing her and continued, "Although Luoluo can also learn the mysterious patterns in Ji Yin, the last few pages of Ji Yin can only be read by the blood of the Ji family. Of course, the talent must reach the highest level required by Ji Yin. Even if the partner's talent is stronger than that of the Ji family's descendant, it cannot be seen that this is the protection of the family's children and the true inheritance of the Ji family's mysterious pattern."

Yan Xiangluo understood, and she admired the ancestors of the Ji family who created Ji Yin. They had such foresight and strength. What height did the ancestors of the Ji family who created Ji Yin reach in the Xuanwen?

Thinking far ahead, the main thing now is how to clear the demonic energy from the master's body. He frowned and said, "You can learn all your talents, but you haven't learned them all?"

 Otherwise he wouldn't know that such a mysterious pattern existed.

"Yes, I can learn it, but the mysterious patterns in those pages are indeed extremely difficult. It can't be carved by talented people. It has to reach a certain state. From the time I started learning Ji Yin, the one in front is Luoluo I learned all of them in just half a year, and encountered almost no obstacles. But it took me ten years to carve out only three of the following pages, and there are only ten in total.”

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that the latter mysterious patterns would be so difficult to learn. With Ji Jiuzhong's talent, it took him ten years to learn three of them, and the mysterious patterns that could help his master should be among the seven that he hadn't learned yet.

“Are each of the ten mysterious patterns more difficult than the last?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"Yes, one is more difficult than the other. The first one took me two years, the second one took me three years, the third one took me five years, and I haven't had time to study the fourth one yet. And the mysterious pattern that can help your master is the fifth one," Ji Jiuzhong said matter-of-factly.

Yan Xiangluo's heart suddenly went cold. With his talents, each one took longer than the last. If calculated according to the previous time, it should take him more than five years to complete the fourth mysterious pattern, and then the fifth one will take even longer. It took more than ten years to learn the fifth profound pattern, which was a short time.

 Master and Ben cannot wait that long.

Is it true that the only way to save the master is to use magic-absorbing beads?

If she could only choose between saving her master or exposing her possession of the magic-absorbing beads, Yan Xiangluo would not hesitate, she would definitely choose to save her master.

 (End of this chapter)

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