The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 533: can feel

Chapter 533 Can feel it

 Deng Changze was both a father and a teacher to Yan Xiangluo, and he was a very important person in her life.

Seeing her silence, Ji Jiuzhong explained, "The mysterious patterns in Ji's seal are all the mysterious patterns that were studied and improved by the ancestors of the Ji family. The ones in front of them are those learned by Luo Luo. They are originally in the world, but they were modified by the ancestors of the Ji family. The engraving technique has been changed to make it more powerful. The reason why people covet the Ji family's profound patterns is because a lot of the mysterious patterns in the world have been lost, and even those that have not been lost are not as powerful as the Ji family's mysterious patterns. "

Ji Jiuchong sighed, the success of the Ji family is also a mysterious pattern, and the failure of the Ji family is also a mysterious pattern.

After sighing in his heart, he continued, "The following ten mysterious patterns that can only be learned by the blood of the Ji family were studied by the ancestors of the Ji family in response to various unsolvable dilemmas in the world. They are all unique existences. Each one is different from the others in the world. The fifth mysterious pattern is beyond the reach of the Xuan Wen Master, which is suitable for your master's situation. There should be many people like your master who practice spiritual energy being invaded by demonic energy. If the demonic energy is not eliminated, there will be only one final result, which is the destruction of one’s cultivation.”

Ji Jiuzhong's words made Yan Xiangluo understand that the master was reporting good news rather than bad news and did not want her to worry too much. It was not as serious as he said.

 And she also guessed that Ji Jiuzhong still didn't say a word, but she knew that she would understand it even if he didn't say it.

 A monk's cultivation will be completely ruined, and his body will be worse than that of an ordinary person. If you are over 100 years old, you will die on the spot. A young person like Deng Changze will not live long, because no monk can bear such a life with such a gap between before and after.

The principles of demon-eliminating mysterious patterns and magic-absorbing beads should be the same, except that one is a mysterious pattern and the other is a treasure.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and asked, "Do these ten mysterious patterns have to be learned in order?"

If she could learn the mysterious demon-slaying pattern first, she could ask Ji Jiuzhong to study the magic-absorbing beads to see if he could learn the mysterious demon-eliminating pattern quickly.

Ji Jiu nodded and said, "You must learn them in order. The order of these ten mysterious patterns is specially arranged. The techniques of carving the previous and later patterns are all related. Only by studying the previous ones can you learn the later ones."

Yan Xiangluo said helplessly, "Based on the time it takes you to learn each type, my master won't be able to wait for you to carve the demon-killing mysterious pattern."

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was as dependent on Deng Changze as her master as she was on her father, or even more. After all, Deng Changze was the person who treated her best when she was in the most difficult time.

Ji Jiuzhong actually envied Deng Changze. He didn't know that he would be worried if he were in such a situation, but would he be as worried about himself as he is about Deng Changze?

 If he could be sure before, but now he is not sure. I feel very helpless. The relationship was originally developing very well, but why did it suddenly become like this?

But he didn't want Luoluo to be too worried and anxious about this matter, so she would do something dangerous to her.

"Although the demon-killing mysterious pattern cannot be carved in a short time, I can first think about how to suppress the demonic energy in the body, so that your master can suppress the demonic energy. Don't worry, Luoluo, there will definitely be a way to help your master. "Ji Jiusheng was afraid that she would do something irrational.

Yan Xiangluo responded, "Yeah."

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was not distracted by this, but he also knew that it would be useless to talk more. After the competition was over, he would study this matter first. Only when the matter is resolved can she rest assured. Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, "You can prepare for the competition with peace of mind. I have a way to help my master get rid of the demonic energy in his body, but I don't want to use this method unless it is a last resort. The demonic energy in my master's body can still be Suppress it, maybe there will be other solutions during this time.”

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and asked, "What can Luoluo do?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Suck the magic beads."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. He did not expect that the magic-absorbing bead was actually in Luoluo's hand. No wonder she was worried but not too worried. It turned out that the magic-absorbing bead was in her hand.

"I got the magic-absorbing bead on the way to Xianyun Sect. It is a treasure of the demon clan. I found that as soon as the magic-absorbing bead appears, the demons can sense it. When I got the magic-absorbing bead at that time, I could sense people with strong demonic energy. When they came after me, I immediately used the teleportation text to escape, thus avoiding confrontation with the demons. Therefore, I concluded that as long as I used the magic-absorbing beads, I would be immediately discovered by those with demonic energy, and they should be very powerful. A demon clan member," Yuan Xiangluo explained.

She didn't want to hide anything from Ji Jiuzhong. She sensed this, which was why she didn't use the magic-absorbing beads immediately when she knew there was magic in Deng Changze's body.

Now she doesn't understand the demons or what kind of existence the demon world is. Although she has her sworn brother Ge Tianjun, she doesn't know whether Ge Tianjun is trustworthy. If she chooses between herself and the demons, she But she didn't have the confidence to let Ge Tianjun stand on her side.

Another point is that the master said that all those who plotted against him were poisoned to death by him, but there is no guarantee that someone is watching in the dark, and there is no guarantee that someone is monitoring the master now. Once she uses the magic-absorbing beads, it will be difficult not to be discovered. Now She is not strong enough and will not take risks unless absolutely necessary.

Ji Jiuzhong understood, nodded and said, "Luoluo is right to be so cautious. Even if it is a last resort, you must have me by your side before you use the magic-absorbing beads again."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I invite my ancestors to live in Xiangyang City for a while. Master will definitely follow me. Master will be able to respond immediately if anything happens in front of me."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes narrowed, "After the continental competition is over, I plan to go to the location of the Ji family immediately."

Ji Jiuzhong originally had this arrangement, but now the situation is even more urgent. He must accept the inheritance of the Ji family as soon as possible. Maybe after accepting the inheritance of the Ji family's bloodline, he can learn the other seven profound patterns faster.

 The magic-absorbing beads are an existence that can cause turmoil throughout the continent. You can prevent Luoluo from using them as much as possible.

This topic ended, and Yan Xiangluo asked Ji Jiuzhong about his confidence in the competition.

Ji Jiuzhong briefly told her about the strong contestants he had found in the continental competition in the past few days.

Then he analyzed, "The Continental Competition is an elimination system. Half are eliminated on the first day, and the top 100 contestants are selected on the second day. On the last day, the finals are decided from among these 100 people. It's still Comparing each other, there are fifty people left in the first round and twenty-five people left in the second round. The top ten are selected from these twenty-five people. Every year in the continental competition, the competition rules for the final ten are different. Same, I won’t know until the game.”

 (End of this chapter)

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