The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 535: Learn to read luck

Chapter 535 Learn to read luck

Even so, it took Yan Xiangluo an entire afternoon to read through all the soul-controlling power techniques. She didn’t even know how many of them she had read. She felt that the bundle that wrapped the soul-controlling power techniques was not missing much.

Yan Xiangluo felt that she could not be greedy. She should first learn what she had seen and apply it flexibly before learning the following.

The part of the soul control method that Yan Xiangluo is reading today is about how to use the power of soul control to see people's luck.

Although Yan Xiangluo doesn't think this is of much use, it is a skill that a heavenly master must know. Now she only finds it fun and interesting.

According to the instructions in the technique, she mobilized the power of soul control to move around her body, and finally gathered in the middle of her eyebrows. When she opened her eyes, she looked into the room and was stunned for a moment. There was no one in the room. How could she know? How well are you learning the exercises? Can you see people's luck?

She sighed. This technique, which depends on people's luck, really cannot be learned in Pangu space. There is no one in the space.

She turned to look at the clouds and saw a purple circle of air on top of the clouds. There was gold in the purple. Is this luck?

The Celestial Master can actually see the luck of his spiritual pet?

 Her clouds turned out to be the best luck. When she first looked at her luck, she saw the strongest luck. This time she really believed that the clouds were related to mythical beasts.

If it weren’t for a divine beast, I probably wouldn’t have such strong luck.

Yun Tuan stared at his master with his dark eyes. He always felt that the owner was looking at him differently than before. It felt very familiar. Then, Yun Tuan jumped up all of a sudden, and then an excited voice sounded in the air. sounded in his consciousness.

 “Master, can you see my luck?”

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised, "How did you know?"

 “Because the master’s eyes are different from ordinary ones.” The cloud jumped back and forth excitedly.

 “What’s the difference?” Yan Xiangluo didn’t feel there was anything different about herself.

“Although the master’s eyes are looking at me, he seems to be looking at something through me. This is exactly the same as when I saw a heavenly master looking at a person’s luck.” Yun Tuan explained.

Yu Xiangluo has learned to read people's luck, and the clouds can tell something about the heavenly master.

“Where is the Heavenly Master you know?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Although she knew about the existence of Celestial Masters in the Tianqian Continent, there were no Celestial Masters in the lower continents. Although they existed in the higher continents, she had not had the opportunity to see them yet.

  After all, people who can be called heavenly masters are not little people, and they cannot be seen by just anyone who wants to see them.

And she got to know the Celestial Master again when the waiter named Mingli called her after her soul left the body. In the place called the Wuming Palace, there were traces of the Celestial Master everywhere. Although she was not a Celestial Master at that time, But she has the power of soul control. Although she didn't say it, she could feel the power of soul control everywhere.

 Thus, she knew what kind of existence the Heavenly Master was.

“Ninth Heaven.” Yun Tuan could finally tell some things that it knew. Naturally, it knew everything it knew and talked about it endlessly.

 From the Nine Heavens?

“How powerful is it?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Yun Tuan shook his head, "It's very powerful. Most people don't dare to get close to a true heavenly master."

"Why?" Yan Xiangluo was a little confused. The Heavenly Master was also a living person, so why didn't anyone dare to get close to him?

Yun Tuan said in an admiring tone, "The power of controlling the soul of a real Celestial Master is very strong. Even if it is not used, it will always have special pressure. The human soul is not strong enough and cannot stay by the Celestial Master's side. It will feel like the soul is about to leave the body. Even those with strong souls would not dare to get close to the Heavenly Master. The Heavenly Master can see through people with just one glance. Who can guarantee that he is clean?" Yan Xiangluo understood. After learning the height mentioned by Yun Tuan, people will have no secrets in front of the Heavenly Master. In that case, who would dare to approach the Heavenly Master?

Suddenly, Yan Xiangluo thought about how she would be alone in the future.

Now she finally understood why she felt so lonely in the bedroom in the Wuming Palace. In her previous life, she should have been the kind of heavenly master Yun Tuan mentioned. Even if she wasn't, she should be close to it.

 But even then, she had no choice in this life but to keep going.

She can see the luck of the clouds, so does Zhe Tian have any luck?

Yu Xiangluo pulled off the Zhatian that was serving as a hairpin on top of her head and looked at it. There is also a purple halo on Zhetian's body, but there is no golden light. Perhaps it is because Zhetian has failed two opportunities and now is the last chance to return to Shenzhi, so his luck is not as good as Yuntuan.

I can see the luck of Shen Zhi, and I am sure that both the Shen Zhi and the beast have purple luck. As for the golden luck in the clouds, according to the Long family's soul-controlling power technique, He is a person with super luck, and when it comes to Yun Tuan, he is a mythical beast with super luck.

This also shows that Yun Tuan is not only a mythical beast, but also not an ordinary mythical beast.

  Putting Zhetian back into her bun, she stood up and walked out to find someone to try.

The cloud immediately jumped onto her shoulders. Now that the master has become a Celestial Master, it has become the Celestial Master's spiritual pet. From now on, if anyone is afraid of its master, it doesn't have to be afraid. Thinking about it, it feels that it is lucky.

Out of the door, Yan Xiangluo glanced at the yard where she lived, and there was no one there.

The courtyard is rented, and the hidden guards Ji Jiuzhong brought here are all men. It is not convenient for them to serve in her courtyard, so there are no other people in her courtyard.

It seems that if you want to find someone to try it out, you have to go to the front yard.

She walked towards the entrance of the courtyard. As soon as she reached the entrance of the courtyard, she heard the voice of her young apprentice Qi Hao coming from outside the door.

 “Today’s meal is not as delicious as Master’s.”

Mu Zixian said, "Just be satisfied. That is the food cooked by the most skilled chef in Yaoguang City. Besides, how can a master cook for his disciples every day? Are you not afraid of shortening your life?"

Qi Hao was not scared at all by Mu Zixian's words, "How could it be? I am a child now. When I grow up and learn Master's cooking skills, I will cook for Master every day."

“You’re a boy, and you don’t feel ashamed to cook every day?” Mu Zixuan teased Qi Hao nonchalantly.

“You think those spiritual chefs are all ashamed?” Qi Hao asked in a tone like you are an idiot.

Mu Zixian suddenly choked up. Who dares to say that a spiritual chef is disgraceful? It is a very profitable business. Not only is it very profitable, but it also has a lot of status. A big family wants to hire a spiritual chef with excellent cooking skills. Just having money It's not okay, you have to be very respectful to others.

"Are you determined to be a spiritual chef?" Mu Zixian would not be caught by a child, so he asked instead of answering his question.

 (End of this chapter)

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