The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 536: Satisfied with apology

Chapter 536 Satisfied Apology

"Of course I want to be a spiritual chef. Not only do I want to be the best, but I also want to be the best. But I will only cook for the master, the master, and the future junior brothers and sisters."

Qi Hao added as he spoke.

 He wanted to just cook and eat for his master, but in the future, when his master was going to marry his master, he had to feed his master. After the master gets married, he will have children, and then he will have junior brothers and junior sisters, and he has to feed them, so there will be more and more people.

 At the end, another person was added, “Give it to my grandpa to eat too.”

 Don’t forget your own grandfather.

Mu Zixian teased him, "Why don't you have me? My love for you is in vain."

 “It depends on my mood when the time comes.” Qi Hao said in a tone that he would wait and see whether I was in a good mood or not.

Mu Zixian just thought it was just a joke between the two of them, but didn't he know that just a few years later, if he wanted to eat Qi Hao's cooking, it would really depend on his mood.

The two of them opened the courtyard door while talking, and saw Yan Xiangluo about to go out.

Qi Hao immediately saluted respectfully, "Master."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and she saw a white halo above Qi Hao's head, like white clouds floating above his head.

 This is also a good luck path, without any impurities, which means that his luck has been stable recently and he will not encounter bad things.

Looking at Mu Zixian again, there was a gray halo above his head, with some black threads mixed in the halo.

 Such a fortune means that his luck is declining, and the black color represents that he will encounter sudden crises.

It suddenly occurred to me that Mu Zixian was going to participate in the Continental Competition. He must have been tricked by someone during the competition, and it was not allowed by the rules. It was just that the opponent was hiding it so well that he couldn't tell.

“Zixian, during the competition, you have to be careful of people using dirty tricks to plot against you, especially if the rules don’t allow it. It’s always better to be cautious.” Yuan Xiangluo reminded Mu Zixian.

Ever since she met Ji Jiuzhong, she had always had a good impression of Mu Zixian and spent the most time with him.

Yan Xiangluo was very confused. Does her idea have something to do with the power of soul control? Otherwise, how else would I know that Mu Zixian was plotted against someone in the competition in a way that was not allowed by the rules?

Mu Zixian was stunned. He knew that Yan Xiangluo would not tell him this for no reason. There must be some reason. Thinking that she had the blood of the Long family, she still accepted the inheritance of the soul-controlling power of the Long family. Man, can she see her own destiny?

 He immediately thanked him and said, "Thank you, Miss Yu, for reminding me. I will pay attention to it."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Where is Jiuchong?"

Mu Zixian immediately said, "The master is in his room in the front yard."

Yan Xiangluo raised her feet and walked out. She wanted to see if she could see Ji Jiuzhong's luck. If she could, it would be a good time to see if he was in danger in the competition.

Mu Zixian hurriedly said, "Miss Yu, the housekeeper from the city lord's palace is here, he sent an apology and took away the elixir."

 While speaking, he handed over a Qiankun bag.

Yan Xiangluo took it and looked inside, her apricot eyes flashed with clarity. She knew that Bai Wukian would not only not reduce the apology, but also increase it.

This apology is generous enough, not much worse than the medical fee.

Xiang Xiang put away the Qiankun bag, and Mu Zixian said, "Girls have a gift in the front yard."

Yu Xiangluo was stunned for a moment. Is there any other way to apologize?

"Is it a spiritual beast?" She immediately thought that the separate apology must be because they could not be put together. The things that could not be put in the Qiankun Bag must be living creatures, so they could only be spiritual beasts. After all, Yaoguang City is known as the city of beast taming.

 “It’s a war beast.” Mu Zixian said.

Qi Hao on the side immediately said with great interest, "Master, I saw it, the beast is so majestic."

Yan Xiangluo could tell from his young apprentice’s shining eyes that he liked this war beast very much.

“Let’s go and take a look.” Yan Xiangluo walked to the front yard. She was originally going to find Ji Jiuzhong.

Qi Hao walked beside her, talking excitedly about the war beasts. The apology was delivered before lunch, but Ji Jiuzhong didn't let them disturb Yan Xiangluo. Qi Hao kept guarding the war beast in the front yard. The war beast ignored him and he just kept talking there. Even Mu Zixian was surprised that Qi Hao actually had such a habit of chattering.

No, Ji Jiuzhong felt that Yan Xiangluo had come out of the house, so he asked Mu Zixian to come over and tell her about the apology. Qi Hao also followed quickly.

A war beast is very expensive, especially a tamed war beast. Most people cannot afford it. Even in his family, only his father had a war beast back then.

War beasts are not only expensive, they also need to be suitable. If they are of different types, they will not be in tune with their masters, and they will not have a tacit understanding when fighting.

 Hence, Qi Hao still knows a little about war beasts.

“This war beast is much more powerful than my father’s.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at his excited look and smiled, wondering if this boy had taken a liking to the war beast. Apart from being able to learn alchemy and medical skills from her, she had never seen Qi Hao be so interested in anything.

When Yan Xiangluo came to the front yard, she saw a fiery red leopard in a huge cage. Because they were locked in a cage, lying on the ground with their eyes closed, no one would open their eyes when they came over.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the huge cage. Can this thing contain a war beast?

Mu Zixian saw her gaze and immediately explained, "This cage is specially made. After the war beast is contracted, it has to be sent back to others."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and searched for information about war beasts in her mind, "Ruby flame leopard, fire element."

“Yes, among the war beasts, the Ruby Flame Leopard is considered to be extremely powerful in combat. This Ruby Flame Leopard is of a very high level and should have room for growth.”

Mu Zixian lamented that Bai Wuqian had mastered the realm of apology. Anyway, he felt that the apology was sent to Yu Xiangluo's heart.

Look at this color. It's fiery red. It's Yan Xiangluo's favorite color. Look at this type. It's fire type. That alchemist is not fire type. Look at this combat power. There's still room for improvement. You can tell just by looking at this. Bai Wukan put his mind into it.

Yan Xiangluo was also very satisfied that Bai Wuqian had put all his thought into preparing an apology, but she really didn't need the war beast. However, if the little apprentice liked it so much, then she would give it to the little apprentice. It would also be a layer of protection for him. With such a powerful one, As a war beast, even when his cultivation level is low, his safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

“Xiaohao, do you like this red jade flame leopard?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

“I like it. Not only does it look good, it’s also very powerful.” Qi Hao’s eyes were very bright.

Hearing Qi Hao's words, the red jade flame leopard, which had been lying quietly in the cage, opened its eyes and looked at Qi Hao. After all, after it came here, Qi Hao was here to accompany it, chattering non-stop.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the fortune aperture on the head of the red jade flame leopard. It was also white, which matched Qi Hao very well.

 (End of this chapter)

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