The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 538: Precognitive power

As soon as Yan Xiangluo arrived, Ji Jiuzhong sensed it and quickly explained the matter and let everyone go out.

Yan Xiangluo saw the door open, and six men wearing uniform black robes came out, with a chilling aura all over their bodies. At first glance, they were all people who had experienced life and death countless times. Although she didn't know their names, she knew They are all people who have been in her copper tower palace and experienced it.

They were all hidden guards in Tianqian Continent, but when they got here, Ji Jiuzhong obviously had other arrangements and plans for them, and some of them no longer had to hide in the dark.

 Two more people came out from behind the six people, namely Changfeng and Jin Yutang.

A total of eight people came out, and Yan Xiangluo would not miss such a good opportunity. She immediately mobilized her soul-controlling power to see their fate.

Among the eight people, Changfeng and Jin Yutang's luck circles are pretty good. They are both white, mixed with some gray as thick as silk threads that can only be seen if you look carefully. This gray luck cannot be caused by the white halo of good luck. What a change of fortune.

 If it is black, be careful.

The luck circles of the other six people are not as good as Changfeng and Jin Yutang. Although they are also white, they are mixed with black of different thicknesses, some are a group, some are a line, and some are a very thick one.

Black and few things represent bad luck and things are not going well. But if it is lumpy or has thick black lines, it means it will be injured, not a minor one.

Yan Xiangluo immediately asked Changfeng to call the six people in front of her. Then she entered Ji Jiuzhong's room and looked at the top of Ji Jiuzhong's head.

 Eh, nothing.

 Why is there nothing?

Looking harder, her soul-controlling power had been mobilized to its maximum, but there was still nothing above Ji Jiuzhong's head.

She understood that not being able to see it did not mean that Ji Jiuzhong had no luck. How could a person have no luck? It should be that she could not see Ji Jiuzhong's luck.

I don’t know if it’s because her Heavenly Master is not strong enough and can’t see it now, or because his special luck is blocked by the Heavenly Dao and he can’t see it.

Ji Jiuzhong saw her coming in and staring at the top of his head without saying anything. It wasn't until she moved her eyes away and looked at him that he said, "Luoluo, what's wrong?"

Yu Xiangluo sat down opposite him and sent a message to him, "I can see people's destiny, but I can't see yours."

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes, immediately looked outside, and sent a message to her, "Is there something wrong with their luck?"

Yan Xiangluo continued to send a message to him, "Well, Changfeng and Jin Yutang are fine. The other six people, the third and last one from left to right, have a large amount of black in their luck, which means He will be seriously injured. Although others will be injured, they will not be serious. "

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes, and realized that the two people Yuan Xiangluo was talking about were the two most powerful among the hidden guards. In this competition, he expected these two people to be among the top 100. Moreover, he had already gone to confirm yesterday that he would participate on time. If he had not confirmed it, it could be considered as giving up automatically. After all, he saw a long list of people who had given up yesterday. Obviously there were various reasons. Some people did not come after signing up, which was probably the case. Can't come.

 However, if the confirmed person does not participate, he or she will have to be notified on the mainland and will not be allowed to participate in any future competitions. Not to mention, the reputation is not good.

 Therefore, giving up the game now is not an option.

“Will it be life-threatening?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Let alone the Hidden Guard, even though he has walked step by step to this day, he has suffered numerous injuries, large and small, even those that were almost fatal. It is almost common for the Hidden Guards to be injured.

 However, that was without knowing it. If he could avoid it, he would naturally not want the people he trained to suffer such serious injuries. Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "That's not possible."

Ji Jiuchong breathed a sigh of relief, "I gave each of them a share of the elixir refined by Luoluo. I'll give them a few more words."

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and walked out, specifically telling the two people to be careful of being plotted against.

 Then he sent them off to prepare.

Ji Jiuzhong asked after returning to the room, "Has Luoluo learned the fortune-telling technique of the Heavenly Master?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "The Long family's soul-controlling techniques are different from what they usually learn. Fortune-seeking is just the most basic one."

Ji Jiuzhong has recovered part of her memory. She knows that Yan Xiangluo was a very powerful heavenly master in her previous life, and fortune-telling was a piece of cake for her in her previous life.

 But she couldn’t see her own destiny, and it was the same in her previous life.

"You were also a heavenly master in your previous life, and you also couldn't see my destiny." Ji Jiuzhong didn't hide it from her.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and a dark light flashed across her apricot eyes. She could not see through Ji Jiuzhong's luck in the past life and this life, which meant that his luck in both lives was very special.

 After all, those who cannot see the destiny of the heavenly master come with the secret of heaven.

So what was Ji Jiuzhong’s identity in his previous life?

“Do you know what your identity was in your previous life?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "I have recovered a lot of memories, but they are a bit messy. Neither my identity nor your identity is there. When I think about this, it's like there is a big fog blocking the sea of ​​consciousness. I can't see it no matter how I look." Inside, I can’t remember.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. In her previous life, she must have been a very strong Heavenly Master, but she couldn't even see Ji Jiuzhong's destiny. Why?

 At this moment, an idea immediately came to her mind, because they were all people whose fate could not be controlled by heaven.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, how could she have such an idea?

  After all, she had always believed that the missions she carried on were the missions given by heaven. If God cannot control her destiny, then what is the purpose of everything in her previous life?

The senior brothers were all very dissatisfied with Ji Jiuzhong. Even the fifth senior brother wanted to kill Ji Jiuzhong, but he was blocked by himself. This shows that the failure of what they wanted to do at that time should be related to Ji Jiuzhong.

What was Ji Jiuzhong's identity in his last life, and how could it affect him to such a serious extent?

Suddenly, it became clear to her that the thought in her mind was the power of foreknowledge of the Celestial Master. This is why the Celestial Master can know people's destiny and what they are about to encounter. It is the power of foreknowledge that is overridden by the power of controlling souls.

As long as you can know it within the scope of your current Celestial Master's power, the information you want to know will automatically appear in your mind.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand why the world worshiped and admired the Heavenly Master so much. Even the simplest ability to judge luck was enough to make the world fearful and crazy.

“Do you need me to show the luck to other contestants?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

She remembered that there seemed to be more than twenty hidden guards participating in this competition. Ji Jiuzhong hoped that they would enter the top 100 as much as possible. It must be because Ji Jiuzhong wanted to have something to say about the top 100.

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