The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 539: can see me

Chapter 539 You can see me

 “No need.” Ji Jiuzhong refused directly.

Looking at a person's destiny requires the power of soul control. He has a large number of hidden guards, and it is not possible to see them all in a short time. He does not want Luoluo to consume so much soul control power.

Moreover, there is a risk of being discovered by someone who is interested in continuing to use the power of soul control.

 The most important point is that everyone has his own destiny, and this is what everyone should bear. Neither good luck nor bad luck is permanent. As long as you are cautious and act carefully, good things will get better and better, and bad luck will be avoided. Even if it cannot be avoided, the danger will be minimized because of caution. .

His people have gone through life and death training to get to where they are now, and many people have been lost along the way. Those who can stay and follow him to the higher continent are all strong men with strong mental states and talents.

The ups and downs and tribulations encountered are countless. He believes that it is just a competition and they can all get through it safely.

  After all, none of them are little white rabbits.

However, he was worried that Luoluo would misunderstand him, so Hualuo immediately explained, "Luoluo can't watch their fortunes change anytime and anywhere. They have to guard against and plan many things themselves. A person's life can't be smooth, especially like It’s those of us from the lower continent who come to the higher continent and work hard but don’t know what the future holds. I will remind them to be careful and face their own destiny when it comes.”

Yan Xiangluo understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant and nodded, "Just say something if you need me."

Ji Jiuzhong said again, "I won't be polite to Luoluo if necessary, but Luoluo must also protect herself. Although not everyone can be a heavenly master, there are many people in the higher continents who have the power to control souls. There are too many people coming to the continental competition this time. We don’t know who among the crowd has the power to control souls. Don’t use it lightly, Luoluo.”

Ji Jiuzhong also understands that it is impossible to practice the power of soul control without using it. Especially the ability to see people's fortunes must be practiced by someone, so it is impossible for her to not use the power of soul control. It can only remind her to use the power of soul control when it is safe.

Yan Xiangluo knew what Ji Jiuchong was worried about, "Don't worry, I won't use the power of soul control indiscriminately."

It was already evening, and the sky was gradually getting dark. Yan Xiangluo also tried the power of soul control to see how strong a person's luck was. She was not going to continue studying the power of soul control today.

 She was going back to her room to refine the antidote for Bai Jiaojiao. They should leave immediately as soon as the competition was over. She didn't want to waste any more time because of this matter.

Seeing that Bai Wuqian's character is still on the bottom line, the face with a very rich face, and give him an additional elixir. This elixir, she believes that Bai Wuqian will like it very much.

Yan Xiangluo said goodbye to Ji Jiuzhong and went back to his yard.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her leaving back and sighed secretly.

  After learning that he had concealed her registration for the Continental Competition, although they talked once and cleared up the misunderstanding, there were still some changes in the way the two of them got along.

Luoluo was much more polite when talking to him, and she had to be careful every time, for fear that any words would make her think too much and thus increase the distance between the two.

He found that every time he talked to her now, he had to explain something carefully, for fear that she would misunderstand something. Although he knows that something is wrong with this situation, no matter how smart he is, he can't find a good solution now, so he can only take one step at a time.

But he also knew in his heart that if this matter was not resolved, not only would their relationship not be able to go any further, it might even be impossible to maintain.

 Luoluo is not a person who likes to make do with things. If things go on like this, she will definitely give up.

Ji Jiuchong felt a headache. This was the first time in his life that something had troubled him. Ji Jiuzhong originally thought that he had explained the matter clearly to his subordinates, but because of luck, he still told all the participants once again.

  These hidden guards are very curious. They have been following their master since they were a few years old. This is the first time they have seen their mother-in-law’s master. He actually warns them again and again because he is worried about their safety in participating in the competition.

However, the effect is still there. After all, these subordinates all have inexplicable admiration for Ji Jiuzhong, and they all feel that the reason why Ji Jiuzhong can repeatedly remind them like this must be because he knows something first.

It can be seen that the participants in this competition are complicated and full of dangers. They are really more cautious when they compete again, and thus avoid some big disasters.

Yan Xiangluo returned to her yard. She stood there for a while and watched the stars and the moon in the night sky. After settling down her emotions, she returned to her room and refined the elixir she was going to give Bai Wu.

Although her consultation fees are not generally high, her elixirs are worth the money, and several of the herbs are extremely difficult to obtain in higher continents.

 After refining the elixir and packing it up separately, Yan Xiangluo looked at a dark figure standing by the door and said, "You keep following me and don't say anything. What do you want to do?"

After hearing her words, the shadow looked left and right. There was no one else in the room, and then he realized that Yan Xiangluo was talking to him.

He pointed at himself in surprise and said, "Can you see me?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How can I talk to you if I can't see you?" Yan Xiangluo said speechlessly.

 The shadow suddenly floated excitedly from the door to her, and stood three steps away from him.

“Oh my god, I really met a heavenly master.” Heiying’s tone was extremely exciting.

Yan Xiangluo carefully looked at the person in front of him. He was a middle-aged man. Although he was now in a soul body, his appearance showed that he lived in excellent conditions before he was born.

"You are a soul that won't go to the place you should go to after death. Are there any people or things that you can't let go of when you are wandering in the world?" Yu Xiangluo asked.

After hearing her words, the man burst into tears and said, "I died unjustly."

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Fortunately, he was a soul. No matter how loud he cried, only people with the power to control souls could hear him. However, because he let out his emotions, the wind and chill in her room didn't sit well with her, so she didn't like it. this temperature.

Yan Xiangluo quickly waved her hand, "Please stop blowing the wind in my room."

The man's sad mood was all of a sudden hit by her words. His crying suddenly stopped, and the cold wind in the room suddenly stopped.

 “Can you help me?” The man’s tone was pleading.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why should I help you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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