The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 540: pay you

Yan Xiangluo is not stupid. She is a stranger, no, it should be said to be a strange ghost. She will not be a holy mother and help anyone and any ghost unconditionally.

Haven’t you heard him cry so sadly, shouting that he was wronged to die? If he asked himself to help him avenge him, would he agree to it? She already has a lot of troubles and doesn't want to cause any more troubles.

The man also knew that the help he wanted from Yu Xiangluo was a bit overwhelming, but he had died unjustly for so many years, and it was not easy for him to meet a heavenly master who could see him and talk to him. If she was unwilling to help him, it would be difficult for him. Let’s wait until the next Heavenly Master.

Then he will not be able to avenge his unjust death in this life. Didn't he wait so many years in vain?

"I won't let you help in vain, I will pay you." The man said immediately.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man and said, "You are just a ghost now. What reward can you give me? You should have seen that I just refine a pill for others, and the price is not something ordinary people can afford."

The man said with certainty, "The reward I give you cannot be bought with wealth. I was the former head of the courtyard where you rented, and I was murdered by the current head of the house. He didn't know that only the successive heads of the family were handing over power. I told you the secret by word of mouth. In order to avoid being discovered that I was killed by him, I stupidly took all the people out of here. As long as you help me, I will tell you the secret of the family. "

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh."

This voice was neither high nor low, and it was obvious that he was not interested in his family secrets at all.

The man was anxious, "Although it is our family's secret, it will be of great benefit to you, and I don't need you to help me get revenge. I just need you to tell my son the cause of my death."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man and thought for a moment, it would not be impossible if he just sent a message. Although the owner of this courtyard moved away from Yaoguang City, they did not sell the house here, but rented it out, which shows that they did not move too far away. They should consider that this is the courtyard left by their ancestors, so left behind. It won't take much time to send a letter.

“Just send a message?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The man relaxed his mouth when he saw Yu Xiang fell, and immediately said, "Yes, just send a message."

Yan Xiangluoyou asked, "If he doesn't believe me, isn't this message in vain? Isn't it okay without you?"

Yan Xiangluo didn't believe that he just sent a message. Not to mention how many years he had been dead, he didn't know his son, so why should others believe him?

 The man's soul and body were much darker, "He will believe it."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and asked, "How many sons do you have?"

 The man's soul froze again, "Just one."

Although Yan Xiangluo didn't want to hit him, she still said matter-of-factly, "Are you sure he is still alive in the world?"

Yu Xiangluo felt that if someone even killed you, how could they still keep your son and wait for him to find out how hard it is to take revenge?

The man was stunned. He had never thought about this problem. For the sake of his position as the head of the family, his younger brother would dare to harm his own brother, let alone a nephew.

If it were him, he would kill his nephew to avoid future troubles.

 After a while, the man finally made a decision, "If my son lives in the world, you can tell him how I died. If he is no longer alive, our deal is complete."

He accepted his fate. If his son was really no longer alive, there would be no way to avenge him in this life. The clan would not avenge a dead former head of the family. If he was unwilling to do so, he would have no choice.

 Yan Xiangluo has the power of soul control and can clearly sense the man's emotions and knows that he made a decision out of helplessness. He didn't say anything too harshly, and comforted him, "I'm just telling him the worst outcome of the matter first. If your son is smart enough, he will naturally have a way to survive."

 The man's mood indeed improved, and he obviously thought that his son was a smart man.

 “You agreed?” the man asked.

Yan Xiangluo raised the corners of her lips, "I want to know first whether your family's secrets are really useful to me."

The man hesitated for a moment and then said, "Well, anyway, this secret is destined to be buried after my death, which also means that this secret guarded by my ancestors has no connection with the family, so I will tell you, no matter whether you agree to help me or not."

Yan Xiangluo raised his eyebrows. This man was not a fool. He knew how to maximize the benefits of things. How could he be so calculated by his own brother?

"Then let's talk." Although Yan Xiangluo is not a stingy person, there is no harm in being cautious.

As for the family secrets he mentioned, she believed that it was true that the man said they were useful to her. After all, he was a soul and had nothing to exchange with her except these.

The man said to Yan Xiangluo, "The secret is in the room you live in."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, the secret was in the room where she lived?

Yan Xiangluo immediately ruled out that their family's secret was a treasure trove. After all, she had clouds and sky coverings. No matter whether it was treasures from heaven or earth or any high-level medicinal materials, they could not escape the hands of their two little treasure-hunting experts.

Since neither Yun Tuan nor Zhe Tian told her that there was a treasure in this room, the secret the man mentioned was definitely not a treasure hiding place.

Yan Xiangluo looked around the room and said, "Just be direct, my time is precious."

Knowing that she was impatient, the man immediately floated to the dressing table, pointed at a place and said, "If you click here, the dressing table will move away."

Yan Xiangluo stood up and came to the dressing table. She glanced at where the man pointed, which was the center of a flower among the carved patterns on the dressing table.

If the man hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have seen that the center of the flower was actually a mechanism.

Yan Xiangluo pressed Hua Xin down, and the dressing table moved to one side with a creak.

 Suddenly, a secret compartment appeared on the wall behind. There was a square box in the secret compartment, about one foot square.

 The man was very moved when he saw the box again, "Take it out and I will tell you how to open it."

Yan Xiangluo took out the box and put it on the ground, then restored the dressing table to its original state.

The man knelt down and looked at the box. He stretched out his hand to touch the box, but his hand went through and he couldn't touch anything.

He paused his hands and sighed, he was already dead.

 Things that his ancestors had protected with their lives for generations were now nothing to him.

“Push the sun on the lid of the box into Yue Ya’s arms, and the box will open.” The man looked up at Yan Xiangluo, who was still standing, pointed at the pattern on the box, and made a demonstration.

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