The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 541: Toy box

Yan Xiangluo squatted down, pressed the sun pattern with her fingers, and with a slight push, the sun moved. After being pushed into Yue Ya's arms by Yan Xiangluo, it turned into a big sun. It was so perfect that you wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes. It's two things rolled into one.

 After merging into a sun, the lid of the box opened with a snap.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the opened box. There was a smaller box inside. She raised her eyes and glanced at the man. The meaning was obvious, are you kidding me? I'm still playing with the box set here.

The man noticed her gaze and immediately explained, "It's this thing that has been guarded by our ancestors for more than three thousand years. We can only open the outer box, and we can only look at the inner box like this, and we can't touch it. , will be immediately bounced away by a force."

Yan Xiangluo looked away and looked at the box inside. The man said that they couldn't even touch it, so how could they open it?

Yan Xiangluo thought about her luck. She seemed to have a special destiny with many treasures. For an outsider to get something that her family had guarded for generations, did it mean that she was destined to it?

Since you are destined, let’s try it and see if it can be opened?

Thinking of this, she slowly ran toward the box and stretched out her hand. The man looked at her hand nervously. Just when the man thought that her hand would be bounced away by the power of the box like theirs, Yan Xiangluo touched the box, and then she The other hand also reached over and took out the box with both hands.

 The man looked at the box she held in both hands in shock, "You can actually take out the box? Could it be that what our ancestors have guarded for generations is the girl's chance."

An indescribable feeling came to the man's heart. He didn't know why his ancestors had guarded this thing for generations. Just because this girl will come and get it one day?

Yan Xiangluo ignored him and looked at the box to see how to open it. She saw that the box had no lock at all. She reached out to lift the lid and opened the box easily.

This time the man was sure that this thing was indeed an opportunity for the girl in front of him who had the power to control the soul. No wonder he was attracted to her before and followed her.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment when she saw what was inside, but the man was extremely curious and muttered, "What is this? Why can't I feel any spiritual energy? Isn't it said that it is of great help to people's cultivation? Could it be that the ancestors Been cheated?"

Just because the man couldn't sense it didn't mean that Yan Xiangluo couldn't sense it. Inside the box was a black shape, an irregular stone-like thing, quite small, as big as a large soup bowl.

The man couldn't sense any spiritual energy on it, because there was indeed no spiritual energy on it, but his ancestors were not deceived, because what this thing possessed was not spiritual energy, but spiritual power, lots and lots of spiritual power. .

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment because mental power exists in the sea of ​​consciousness of living creatures. She was surprised to see it suddenly here.

Human monks can practice to distinguish good or bad talents, mainly depending on whether your sea of ​​consciousness is strong enough and whether the spiritual power in it is sufficient.

The same goes for spiritual beasts. As long as cultivators and beasts are the same, they both need to have a strong sea of ​​consciousness, so that their cultivation talents will be strong.

Under normal circumstances, mental power can only exist in the sea of ​​consciousness of living creatures. Why does this stone-like thing contain a lot of mental power?

Yan Xiangluo did not move the stone rashly, but covered the box inside again, put it into the big box, covered the big box again, and pushed the sun back to its original position, so that the box It returned to its original appearance.

Seeing this, the man thought that Yan Xiangluo was not interested in this thing, and explained anxiously, "Our ancestors have indeed said from generation to generation that this thing is helpful for people to practice, but no one has ever opened it, so they don't know how to help people practice. But as long as Being destined to this thing will change your cultivation talent, and it will be easy to become the strongest person in the continent. Girl, I'm not lying to you. Since you can open the box inside, it means you are destined. This thing is your chance, you. Think about it again and give it a try.”

Yan Xiangluo knew that the man had misunderstood her, so she waved the box with her slender white hand and disappeared from the man's eyes. "What message do you want to send to your son?" Yuan Xiangluo asked.

 The man suddenly turned from anxious to surprised, knowing that Yan Xiangluo had agreed to his conditions.

He immediately said, "I will tell you the process of being killed, and you can tell my son the truth."

Yan Xiangluo frowned, "Are you sure this is okay?"

She felt that if she told her son like this, his son would throw up his sleeves and leave before the story was even finished, and he would definitely think that she was a lunatic.

The man nodded and said, "I will give you a token. If you give the token to my son first, he will believe what you say."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Your mansion has been rented out so many times that I can't even count you. Are you sure you can still find a token to make your son believe in my words?"

 The man's expression dimmed and he floated to the door, "My token is on my body. Girl, just come with me."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, "Is your body in this yard?"

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Although she had just become a Celestial Master, even if she wasn't a Celestial Master, she wouldn't have known there were corpses where she lived even if she wasn't a Celestial Master.

The man said, "It's not in the yard. My body is in the unused house behind the yard."

Yan Xiang understood. "After so many years, are you sure your body has not rotted?"

 She didn’t want to see a pile of rotten flesh and bones. If she was asked to rummage through a pile of rotten flesh and bones to find his token, she would refuse.

Seeing her disgusted look, the man was speechless, "I have a magic weapon in my body that no one knows about. It is usually used for cultivation, and it also has the effect of strengthening the body. It was only after I died that I found out that it also has the effect of making the corpse incorruptible. That’s why I kept my body intact, just like when I first died. It’s not scary at all. The girl is not even afraid of me as a ghost. It’s just a corpse. How can the girl be scared?”

The man didn't understand. How could a monk who had reached his level of cultivation have never killed a living being, let alone monsters and spiritual beasts? There were also many people, so how could he still be afraid of a corpse?

"Then go and have a look." Yan Xiangluo ignored his look and had no intention of explaining it. She was not afraid, just disgusted.

 The man is a soul body, so naturally no one can see him, but as soon as Yan Xiangluo came out, the hidden guard responsible for safety in the dark discovered it.

Seeing her jump over the wall and jump out of the house to the back of the yard, a hidden guard immediately followed her to guard her secretly.

There were also hidden guards who immediately went to report Ji Jiuchong.

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