The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 542: purify soul

Chapter 542 Purifying the Soul

When Ji Jiuzhong learned that she had gone to an unused room behind the rented compound, he raised his eyebrows. He thought that she preferred to handle things independently now. Since she didn't call him, he shouldn't bother her, so he held back. The urge to get over immediately is enough, just ask the hidden guards to protect her secretly. If her life is not in danger, don't interfere with what she is doing.

Yan Xiangluo followed the man to the house. It was a small courtyard with overgrown grass. It looked like no one had lived there for a long time.

The man came to the well platform in the yard, pointed down and said, "My body will stay here. Girl, go down and take off the storage ring from my hand. There is a sapphire ring in it. Girl, take this sapphire ring." Go and see my son, he will believe your words when he sees this jade ring."

Yan Xiangluo said with some confusion, "He killed you but didn't take away your storage ring?"

The man smiled bitterly, "This is his cleverness. What he wants is the position of the head of the family. If anything of mine appears in his hands, sooner or later things will be exposed. At that time, he looked at what I had in my hand." He gave up the ring after hesitating, but he took away the spiritual stones and crystal coins inside. There was no mark on these things. Even if he took them out openly and used them, no one would know they were mine. He didn't move anything, including the sapphire finger that symbolizes the position of the head of the family."

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that the sapphire finger ring was actually a symbol of the status of the head of their family.

"How did he become the head of the family without the sapphire finger?" Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

The man glanced at Yu Xiangluo and felt that this girl looked shrewd and sometimes very simple, "I, the head of the family, have disappeared. Of course, I can't get the sapphire finger back. But the position of the head of the family cannot be idle for too long. Of course, There needs to be an acting family head, and after a while, he will become the real family head. As for the family head’s token, just get another one.”

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips and said, "The so-called family head's token is a joke."

The man said firmly, "It's not a joke. As long as my son holds the household head's token, he will have to give it to my son no matter how many years he has been the household head."

Yan Xiangluo sneered at his words. After being the head of the family for so many years, he has replaced everyone in the family with his own. Even if your son wants to become the head of the family with the head of the family's token, it is unlikely that he will become the head of the family. .

On the contrary, if your son is smart, he will never take out this token, except after revenge.

She didn't say these words. It was a family matter and she would not interfere. She only needed to get the sapphire ring and tell his son about the man's murder, and the deal between them would be over.

But she really didn’t want to go down, so she said to Yun Tuan who had been nestling on her neck, “Yun Tuan, go get the storage ring from his body.”

Yun Tuan raised his little head and looked at the well platform. Although he didn't really want to go down, he couldn't let his master go down. He should serve his master as a caring spiritual pet.

A white light flashed through the clouds and the figure disappeared. The man looked at the well platform in surprise, and then at Yan Xiangluo. Her spiritual pet was so small, but it was so fast. The most important thing was that he didn't know what kind of spiritual pet it was.

This little girl shows her extraordinaryness in every aspect.

 The man was very knowledgeable and didn't ask.

 Just in the blink of an eye, the cloud came back, with a storage ring hanging on its little paw.

Yan Xiangluo threw a flame to burn away the death energy on the storage ring, and then took it.

Because the owner has died, the contract has disappeared. Yan Xiangluo poked her consciousness into it and found that there were still many things inside. Just as the man said, the spiritual stones and crystal coins inside were gone. She found the sapphire ring the man was talking about, took it out, and asked, "Is it this?"

 The man nodded, "That's it."

Yan Xiangluo put away the sapphire ring and asked, "Do you need me to give this storage ring to your son or put it on your corpse again?"

The man was very surprised. He thought that the gift ring had already been in her hands and that Yan Xiangluo would keep it for himself, but he didn't expect that she had no intention of asking for it at all.

You must know that although there are no spiritual stones and crystal coins in his storage ring, there are still many treasures in it. After all, he was once the head of the family.

This little girl actually has no intention of being greedy for money at all. For a person with such a character, it is no wonder that she has such strong cultivation and abilities at a young age.

 At this moment, he suddenly realized that the reason why he was no longer diligent in his cultivation was because his ideological realm was not pure enough.

"Give it to the girl." Although the man was surprised by Yan Xiangluo's open-mindedness, he was still prepared to give her the gift ring, which was also his original plan.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "A gentleman loves money in a proper way. I have a lot of skills in making money. All we need is that stone for the transaction between you and me. I don't want the gift ring or the things inside it. Otherwise Put it back or give it to your relatives. You can choose one yourself.”

The man sighed, "The only person I have ever seen is someone with such a character as the girl. Although I am only a soul now, being able to see someone with a pure soul like the girl makes my soul full of resentment... I felt relieved instantly. The girl not only fulfilled my wish, but also saved my soul. Unfortunately, I can no longer repay the girl's kindness. "

After saying this, he gave a big gift to Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo was actually surprised when he discovered the changes that occurred in his soul and body in that instant.

 When I saw the man's soul body before, his soul body was gray and dark gray. Now the soul body is almost transparent.

It became clear to Yan Xiang that the color of the soul body also represents the good and evil of the soul body.

 Because he is not greedy for money, this small act can purify the man's soul and body. This benefit is obvious.

Yan Xiangluo also realized another skill of the Heavenly Master in an instant. What happened after the man was about to go to the underworld appeared in front of her eyes.

If his soul body was dark gray before, he could not be reincarnated normally, but had to enter hell. After entering there, he would need a lot of merit and blessings to come out again, and where would he go to do merit while he was there? What a blessing. If the descendants of the family have no one to do this for them, it will be almost impossible for them to get out of hell.

 But now, because of his influence on him, his soul is completely clean, and naturally he no longer needs to go to hell.

 (End of this chapter)

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