The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 543: is a good thing

Yan Xiangluo suddenly understood that maybe she could become a high-ranking, respected and powerful heavenly master in her previous life precisely because she had a pure and clean soul, which could not only change the fate of people, but also the fate of souls.

In other words, if you want to reach a very high position among the Celestial Masters, in ordinary people's terms, this person must be a pure and good person.

 Are you yourself?

Yan Xiangluo doubted whether she could reach the height of her previous life along the way with Tianshi.

 After all, she felt that her soul in this life, no matter which world she lived in, was selfish, selfish for the sake of survival.

The man stood up after saluting, "Girl, please put this storage ring back on my finger. If my son is still alive and avenges me, he will definitely come here, and this thing will still be his by then. If he is gone , everything is meaningless, just leave it here. If someone is destined to find my body in the future, he can bury my body properly. The things in this storage ring can also be regarded as my repayment of his kindness in burying me. "

Yan Xiangluo felt that the man was a very transparent person. The reason why he was tricked by his brother was because he had a kind heart and had never been wary of his relatives.

This is fine, cause and effect will pay off, and he is right to do this. Although he can bury his body, if his son is still alive, he must come to bury him personally, and once he leaves, he will not be buried. I will come back specifically to bury him. Since he has made all the arrangements, I won't bother myself.

Yan Xiangluo asked Yun Tuan to put the gift ring back on the corpse's hand, and then took the man back to her yard without entering the room. She sat down at the stone table in the yard and said, "Tell me about your murder." Please be as detailed as possible so that your son can find clues when he wants to take revenge on you.”

The man nodded, stood aside and began to describe his experience of being murdered in detail.

The hidden guards who had been following Yu Xiangluo were confused. Who was she talking to? I feel a chill on my back.

After Ji Jiuzhong received the news, she understood and knew that she had met a soul body. Since she was willing to communicate with this soul body, it meant that the other party had no ill intentions towards her. On the contrary, it was because of her ability that she could help him.

I just don’t know how she can help the other person. Ji Jiuzhong knows very well that Luoluo’s heart is kind. Even though she always wraps herself up very tightly, the most vulnerable thing about her is the kindness in her heart.

However, Luo Luo is different now from before. She is very defensive now, so she should be fine.

Ji Jiuchong is no longer worried.

The man told in detail how he was plotted and killed by his brother. No matter how detailed it was, it took him only a quarter of an hour to finish.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I've written it down, don't worry, I have a photographic memory and will tell your son word for word. Do you have anything else to say to your son?"

The man's eyes became brighter at this time, "Tell him, if his second uncle is a good family head, don't avenge me, let him leave the family and live the life he wants. I used the family to restrain him before, and from now on He can live the life he wants, as long as he is happy and safe, and I don’t have any resentment at this time.”

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. After purifying his soul, he was able to let go of his hatred. You must know that he was killed by his own brother.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and looked at the man, and a scene suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, a dark room with a gloomy decoration. If you look closely, it was a soul-suppressing formation, and the suppressed soul was the man in front of her. When the man said that he had no resentment, the formation collapsed, and the man was repelled. He vomited a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, looking at the destroyed Zhenhun in horror. Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that the reason why the man's soul turned dark gray was not only because he had resentment in his heart, but also because someone was suppressing his soul.

Yan Xiangluo did not hide anything from the man, "It's a good thing that you let go of your resentment. Your previous soul body was suppressed. All your emotions not only come from the hatred in your heart, but mainly the suppressed resentment. Although you don't know it, The moment you let go of the resentment in your heart, the formation that suppressed your soul collapsed, and the other party was severely injured, and his cultivation level will regress a lot."

 The man was stunned when he heard this and sighed.

Yan Xiangluo saw that the man's soul did not change color again because of her words, and knew that the man had really thought about it, and there was really no resentment in her heart.

 But she didn't feel that it was all her fault. Although her power of controlling souls was indeed very strong, the main reason was that the man himself was a kind and responsible person during his lifetime. Otherwise, the soul and body could be purified so easily, and there would be no **** in the underworld.

Since I have this fate with him, let’s give him another chance.

Although the man's soul has been purified by her and can avoid going to **** and suffering, he can only be reborn immediately. If he wants to be reincarnated, he still has less luck.

"Since you have fulfilled your wish, do you want to report to the underworld immediately?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

The man nodded, "Let's go now. No evil spirits came to see me after I died. I thought it was because of the resentment in my heart. Now I know that it was because my soul was suppressed. I have already sensed that evil spirits are coming. Excuse me. Please give me your surname, at least let me know who your benefactor is?"

The fragrance is generous, "My surname is 妘, the female characters are next to the clouds, the famous incense, the fragrance of the floral fragrance, the falling."

This was the first time that Yan Xiangluo introduced her name to a person, no, to a spirit body so seriously. In the past, she always said her name directly, and the other person could only use the few words they wanted.

 But today, she wanted the man to know her real name, word for word.

 The man saluted again, "Thank you so much for your benefactor."

Yan Xiangluo said, "You and I also have this fate. I will give you another good fortune, so that you can be reborn in a good family in the next life. Just like the life you want for your son, you can freely choose your own life."

 The man was surprised and thanked him again, "Thank you so much for my benefactor."

Yu Xiangluo raised her hand, and the power of soul control wrapped around the man. After a moment, she withdrew the power of soul control, and the man suddenly felt that his soul was so light that it seemed like it was about to float away.

At this time, his soul was really floating. He knew that he was leaving, so he quickly said, "Master Yu, thank you very much. If we are destined to meet again in the next life, I will definitely repay the kindness of Master Yu."

 The man knows that the promises he makes in front of the Heavenly Master will really come true in the next life.

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