The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 544: power of faith

Although he no longer knows Yan Xiangluo after his reincarnation, he has formed a good relationship with her at this time. They will really meet again in the next life, and it will still be a good relationship, and the wish he made will definitely come true.

Now Yan Xiangluo has a deeper understanding of causes and conditions. The past life caused the current life effect. Maybe they had a cause in the previous life, so they have such a fate in this life.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and waved to him, and the man's soul disappeared into the night sky.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and looked at the empty night sky, feeling something she had never felt before. She clearly felt that there was a kind of power in her body. This power came from the man's soul that she purified, which was also called the power of faith.

In the past, she always thought that the power of faith came from the faith of living people, but now she understood that the power of faith not only came from the admiration of people in the world, but also from the sincere gratitude and admiration of the soul body.

Although the soul body does not have a body, their spiritual consciousness is there. With spiritual consciousness, they have consciousness and naturally have thoughts. Because of their specialness, the power of faith is more pious and greater than that of people with bodies.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo understood why the Heavenly Master wanted to have a pure soul. Without a pure soul, it would be impossible to sincerely help people and souls.

Yu Xiangluo's heart was a little heavy, and she felt as if she had a long way to go on the road to becoming a Heavenly Master. At this time, she already admired herself in the previous life. How did she become a heavenly master that the world looked up to?

Ji Jiuzhong got the news that after waving to the night sky, she stood in the yard and stared at the night sky in a daze, and hurried over.

Sure enough, I saw her raising her head and looking at the night sky with a somewhat wandering gaze. It looked like she was looking at the night sky. In fact, her thoughts were dominant. She must be thinking about something, and she was too absorbed in her thoughts.

 The temperament of Yan Xiangluo at this time was very similar to her in the previous life when he recovered his memory.

 Although he recovered some memories of his previous life, he did not have any information about their appearance in the previous life. Because of this, what he remembered was her temperament.

Ji Jiuzhong walked over slowly. Yan Xiangluo noticed his aura, came back to his senses, and looked back at him.

“Did Luoluo encounter anything troublesome?” Ji Jiuzhong asked in a gentle voice.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "It's not really annoying, but I understand something. I just helped a soul body and gained the power of his faith, which made me feel a little emotional. I don't want to continue on the path of Tianshi." It’s such an easy thing, but it’s even more difficult to become a heavenly master like that in my previous life.”

Ji Jiuzhong frowned, but she didn't expect that she would be reminded of her previous life by helping a soul body, and it would also affect her confidence in the profession of Celestial Master.

Ji Jiuzhong thought for a while and said, "Although I don't have complete memories of my past life, from the memories I have recovered, I can also infer that the Celestial Master in Luo Luo's past life was indeed very powerful, and you are getting closer and closer to you now than you were in the past life. Like, this also shows that you already have the potential and qualifications to become a powerful heavenly master. Don't let external factors dominate your thoughts, just be yourself seriously. "

Yan Xiangluo smiled when he heard this, "Don't worry, I think openly. Although I have doubts in my heart, I will not deny who I am now. There is no need to compare myself with myself in the previous life. Although this life may have the mission of the previous life, But now that I have been reborn, I am independent in this life. No matter what the future holds, I will be true to myself. But because of some things, my mood has changed and I have to think about it before I can continue on the next path."

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes flashed with doubts. She didn't look so indifferent before. She was obviously disturbed by some kind of emotion.

Seeing his expression, Yan Xiangluo knew that he didn't believe what she said, so she didn't explain any more. Although she did have a lot of doubts in her heart, she was really thinking about it and comparing it, just to make this life better. Better yourself.

She shrugged and said, "After the continental competition, I have one more thing to do." Seeing that she had changed the subject, Ji Jiuzhong changed the topic wisely, "It has something to do with the soul body you just met."

"Well, it's a deal. I just need to help him send a message to his son." Yan Xiangluo didn't go into details, but she didn't hide it from him either.

Ji Jiu nodded and said, "Hide your identity when you go."

Since it was a transaction, there must be something in exchange with her. Since she didn't say anything, I didn't ask any more questions.

Ji Jiuchong felt helpless. The relationship between the two was different after all. I don’t know when this relationship will ease.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I think so too."

She didn’t know the character of the man’s son, but she didn’t want to mess with her just because of a few words.

Seeing that she was fine, Ji Jiuzhong didn't stay too long and went back to the front yard. After all, the game was about to come, and he also needed to stabilize his mood.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the room and no longer thought about anything else. She carefully summarized what she had learned today about the power of soul control. Instead of continuing to learn the power of soul control, she put the magic-absorbing beads into the space. Let’s study it.

I heard Ji Jiuzhong say that she was inspired to use the magic-absorbing beads before, and that she could use the magic-absorbing beads. If she did not use the magic-absorbing beads directly, but first inhaled the demonic energy into her body, and then used the magic-absorbing beads to absorb herself. Is it okay to absorb all the demonic energy in the body?

But it is not a trivial matter for the demonic energy to enter the body. She does not dare to try it easily. Master is an example. Even if she has absorbed the magic beads, she does not dare to easily try to enter the demonic energy into the body. She has to think of a way to do it. test.

After thinking about absorbing magic beads for a while, Yan Xiangluo studied the nine-story lotus platform for a while, and then looked at the glazed lamp in her previous life. Suddenly, she found that she had many treasures in her hands without knowing it.

The consciousness exited the Pangu space, and Yuan Xiangluo lay on the bed, her thoughts wandering again.

I have been thinking about recent events and changes in my thoughts, but I can't figure out the reason.

She took a long breath. She was not someone who liked to struggle. Since she couldn't figure it out, she didn't want to think about it. Just as she told Ji Jiuzhong that she would not let what happened in her previous life affect her current self. No matter what, the main thing in her life was The goal will not change.

 Become a strong person and live a free life.

This does not conflict with completing the things that were not completed in the previous life. Both require strong strength, and both require her to become an absolute strong person in this world.

After thinking about this, her heart calmed down, she closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly. When I woke up it was already broad daylight.

 After getting up and freshening up, he asked Yun Tuan to call his little apprentice and prepare to take Qi Hao out for a walk on the street.

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