The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 545: what do you think

If you want to practice the power of soul control, you mainly need to look at a person's luck at present, and looking at a person's luck is not just a matter of looking at the color of the luck. Yesterday, she saw the image prompt of the man's soul, so, She had to go to a crowded place, and Yaoguang City was suitable for her practice at this time.

There are many different kinds of people, and there are also many people with different fortunes, which is suitable for her to practice the power of controlling souls.

Qi Hao was very happy when he heard that his master was going to take him to play on the street.

Yesterday, after Master gave him the Ruby Flame Leopard as an apology from the Lord of Yaoguang City, he was so excited that he stayed up all night and kept communicating with the Ruby Flame Leopard. The more he got to know the Ruby Flame Leopard, the more he felt that Master had given him The battle pet is perfect for him.

The Ruby Flame Leopard is different from the ordinary Flame Leopard.

The color of the ordinary flame leopard's fur is not the color of flames. Although they both have fire power, ordinary flame leopards cannot compare with the ruby ​​flame leopard in terms of talent and strength.

 He deeply remembered his master's kindness to him. Today, his master was taking him out to play again. The happiness of these two days had reached its limit.

Yan Xiangluo noticed Qi Hao's emotions and didn't want him to go crazy, so she reminded him, "Master goes out to practice, and you go out to gain knowledge. There are many people of all kinds in the city now, and it is you who are learning to argue." It’s a good opportunity to get to know people. Observe carefully and use your brain. When you go out to practice on your own in the future, these are all experiences and you won’t be easily fooled.”

Qi Hao’s excited heart suddenly calmed down.

There was so much happiness in the past two days that he became a little forgetful.

 He nodded immediately, "Master, I understand."

Master is telling him not to be arrogant or impetuous, to keep a cool head at all times, and to make rational decisions when encountering things. You should also learn anytime and anywhere. Not only practicing alchemy and medical skills is learning, but also gaining knowledge.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed Qi Hao's head and said with a smile, "There is no need to be so nervous. Since we are out, we still have to eat, drink and play. These will not delay our knowledge and cultivation."

Yan Xiangluo didn’t want to turn his young apprentice into a cultivator. No matter how strong his cultivation was, he had to be able to live. Only such a person could be happy.

She doesn’t want to be one of those cold and heartless monks in this world. She wants his young disciple to happily follow his own path of cultivation.

 With this kind of cultivation path, as you get older and older and experience gains and losses, you won’t experience any changes in your mood. Nor will he live a lonely and mechanical life like those older monks.

Master and apprentice came to the front yard. Yan Xiangluo didn't see Ji Jiuchong, nor Mu Zixian and Changfeng, so he asked the hidden guard Ji Jiuchong who was guarding in the dark.

The hidden guard replied, "The master has gone out to do some business and will be back at noon."

Yan Xiangluo raised his eyebrows. There was a competition the day after tomorrow. What else did he have to do?

Although he was confused, he didn't ask any more questions. Ji Jiuzhong was not an ordinary person. He was always successful in doing things, so he said, "We went out for a walk and had lunch outside."

Although these words were said to Yinwei, Yinwei understood the meaning and asked him to tell Ji Jiuchong.

The hidden guard said wisely, "I will tell the master when he comes back."

Yan Xiangluo took Qi Hao out, and two of the hidden guards immediately followed him. They were the hidden guards arranged by Ji Jiuzhong to protect Yu Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo noticed it and didn't say anything. After all, there are too many people coming to Yaoguang City now, and she estimates that as soon as she goes out, many people will recognize her from her clothes, and people with ulterior motives are not non-existent.

 After leaving the house and walking in the alley, I heard the lively sounds coming from the street.

At this time, Bai Wuqian was receiving a guest in the city lord's mansion, and this guest, if Yan Xiangluo knew it, was Liu Yu, the late mainland young master who coveted her beauty.

“City Lord Bai, what do you think of the deal I mentioned?” Liu Yu sat lazily on the chair, not restraining his temper because this was someone else’s territory.

And Bai Wuqian knew Liu Yu very well. After all, he didn't even want to understand the next masters of several continents.

Although he is not from the Mainland, he is still the young master of the Mainland, and he must be respectful.

It is said that the first place in this continental competition is likely to be Liu Yu's.

Looking at his strength now, I can't see clearly, which means that his strength is at the peak of the ninth level of the holy level. He just needs an opportunity to break through to the **** level.

The two people standing behind him are both powerful men above the **** level. Such people are all guards trained by the family through special means. This is only on the surface, and there is no telling how many people there are in private. Well, it shows that the lord of the old continent cares about Liu Yu.

No wonder he has so many problems, and the lord of the continent in his late years still likes to value him so much, just because he has good talent.

However, thinking of the deal he proposed, Bai Wuguan said with his signature smile, "Young Master should know that my daughter has offended the miracle doctor Yu, and now it is in his hands whether or not she can regain her appearance. Although I am very fond of Young Master's deal. I'm tempted, but I can't agree. The miracle doctor promised to give me the antidote as soon as the competition is over, but I don't dare to do anything. I'm just a daughter and I don't dare to take risks."

 What I was thinking about was, am I a fool to get involved in your **** of women? If you are an ordinary woman, that’s it. She is a miracle doctor.

Miracle doctor, do you understand, who wants to offend anyone with a brain?

He is not stupid, he has already given out so much as an apology, and now the deal with Liu Yu is not thrown away in vain. If it fails, Jiaojiao will really be disfigured.

 He didn't dare to take any chances.

The most important point is that although the miracle doctor is ruthless, she is clear about grudges and open-minded, and is not a grudge-minded person. This can be seen from her attitude towards herself. You can rest assured when dealing with someone like this, she won't cheat on you behind your back.

But Liu Yu, although extremely talented, is very self-righteous. What he wants to do must be accomplished. Just like in the case of Yu Xiangluo, he did not restrain himself because of her identity. On the contrary, he even became more Too bad.

 Actually, he was a little worried. Although Yan Xiangluo had some tricks, he had no chance to use them in the face of absolute strength.

He was worried that Yan Xiangluo would be taken down by Liu Yu before he got the antidote, so he told Liu Yu subtly that if you want to take action, you should do it after I get the antidote.

Liu Yu raised his eyes and glanced lazily at Bai Wukian. This old cunning man really looked at his daughter as if she were an eyeball. He was not moved by the temptation of his own huge interests.

 It seems that he will not cooperate with me.

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