The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 549: Qi Hao was taken prisoner

Yan Xiangluo looked out the window and said, "Go to a place with many people."

Throughout the morning, she used the power of soul control to see the fortunes of many people. Of course, she didn't see everyone's fortunes, but she picked out people with different levels of cultivation and status to see their fortunes.

Even when she was confronting Liu Yu, she didn't forget to look at Liu Yu's luck. After all, Liu Yu's identity is also a figure within the upper class power on the mainland.

 People have different levels, different levels of cultivation, and different fortunes. Yan Xiangluo discovered a rule, that is, most people born into wealthy families have good fortunes.

 A person's destiny is not measured by a fixed factor, but the destiny brought by birth plus the destiny of what you have done in this life is the destiny of life.

Just like how many people come from a wealthy family, but their cultivation talents are not high, and their cultivation level is not high. However, their wealth and marriage are very good, and they can live a happy and prosperous life, even though they do not have good talents and cultivation levels in this life. The tallest person has a long life, but he is happy.

 There are also some people who were born into wealthy families, but are not well-received by their elders and have no family connections. However, they are extremely talented and have no shortage of resources for cultivation, so they can easily follow the path of cultivation.

However, this is not absolute. There are also people who are born into wealthy families and have excellent cultivation talents but do not live long. Born in an ordinary family, the family is very poor, but some have good luck. Maybe they were in poverty when they were young, but when they encounter an opportunity, they soar into the sky.

 Etc., but people with good luck have one thing in common: the more merit they have accumulated in previous lives, the better their luck will be in this life. Originally your luck was very good, but if you don't do good things in this life and consume your previous blessings, your luck will change and become worse and worse.

 Therefore, people's destiny is not static.

 It seems that we need to do more good deeds and accumulate more blessings in order to benefit ourselves and future generations.

 She has made a lot of progress in looking at people's fortunes throughout the morning.

Since fortune will continue to change due to personal reasons, can it be changed artificially?

 In the afternoon, she wanted to see if she could change those who had bad luck.

 After all, the Heavenly Master sees that people still need to be strong enough to help them solve problems in the future.

She can only see now and doesn't know how to help people change their destiny, and people's destiny cannot be changed at will. Not any heavenly master can do it. After all, if it is not done well, there will be backlash, and if it is serious, it will damage her. Your own destiny and blessings.

 Changing people's destiny cannot be done easily. Although she did not want to change anyone's destiny, as a heavenly master, she must do it.

Qi Hao was startled with his eyes wide open. Why go to a crowded place? Didn’t Master hate crowds of people the most before?

However, he did not ask. Master is a very hard-working person and does not waste time shopping. There must be a reason. He should also take a good look at how people get along with each other, learn to distinguish between good and evil, exercise his eyesight, and accumulate Some experience to prepare for when I go out to experience it alone in the future.

He still has a blood feud weighing on him, but he has not forgotten it.

 Going out to the street again, Qi Hao walked in front, as there were many people going there. They had been shopping all morning. Qi Hao knew that there were many people there. Yan Xiangluo followed Qi Hao. When she met someone who had seen Yun Dao, she would check them again to see if there were any changes.

Most people's fortunes have not changed, but a few people's fortunes have changed, not for the better, but for the worse.

 Why did their fate become worse?

Yan Xiangluo stared at a person, and what he did that day appeared in front of his eyes. It turned out that he defrauded the guests of a lot of money, which changed his destiny.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head. This man seemed to have made money, but something big would happen to him soon. Fortunately, he only lost more money. If he was more greedy, his luck would change, and then he would lose money. It's about money. Yan Xiangluo did not interfere with his destiny. Everyone has their own cause and effect and cannot interfere with other people's cause and effect. This was an idea that automatically appeared in her consciousness after she saw what this person had done.

Yan Xiangluo, who originally wanted to see if she could change the fate of others, gave up the idea immediately.

 In this case, there is no need to continue wandering.

Qi Hao said, "Xiao Hao, let's go back."

Qi Hao responded, "Okay, Master."

The two masters and apprentices turned around and walked back. Just as they were about to reach the entrance of the alley where they lived, they saw many people gathered in front of a shop selling spiritual pets. They were shouting something inside, and it was obvious that there was some kind of dispute.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t like to see such excitement, so she said to Qi Hao, “Xiao Hao, let’s go around.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a large number of people came over and rushed her and Qi Hao away. A bad premonition came into her heart, "Xiao Hao."

She shouted and saw Qi Hao fainting. He was picked up by a man in black and ran towards the entrance of an alley. He was very fast. He was obviously better than her in cultivation.

Yu Xiangluo’s heart sank, who took action against Qi Hao?

 Is it Qi Hao’s enemy who exterminated the entire clan or Liu Yu’s way of dealing with him?

 But there were too many people, and she had no time to catch up. Besides, even if she could catch up, she wouldn't be able to catch up if her cultivation level was not as good as others.

Moreover, one of the hidden guards hiding in the dark to protect her had already chased him, she could sense it.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely calm when encountering trouble. This was a habit she had developed in her two lifetimes. Therefore, when she discovered that Qi Hao had been kidnapped, she let Yun Tuan catch up with him.

 Tell Yun Tuan not to do anything, as long as you know who is doing it and for what purpose. After all, Yun Tuan is not good at fighting.

Although Yun Tuan is not good at combat, it is extremely fast. This is undeniable. As soon as he received the order, a white light flashed across his face, and Yun Tuan chased in the direction where Qi Hao's captors had left.

Yan Xiangluo did not chase after him, but stood still and did not move.

Qi Hao's luck was excellent and there were no disasters, which meant that he was kidnapped without any risk and would not be injured. It was an opportunity for him to experience himself.

Let him know the dangers of the world and be more vigilant in the future. Being able to be kidnapped so easily still shows that he has a weak sense of safety and a weak sense of prevention. People around him have bad thoughts towards him. His mental power is so strong that if he is more vigilant, he will not notice it at all.

People’s sixth sense is very keen.

It took a while before the people blocking her dispersed, and Yan Xiangluo could clearly see the people who deliberately blocked her.

I quietly looked at their fortunes. They were all dark gray with black in them. At a glance, I knew that they were not good people. They had done too many immoral things. They had evil spirits in their fates and they were bound to die.

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