The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 550: Alternative Believers (1)

Yan Xiangluo looked at their fate and wanted to know who was instructing them. The picture that appeared in front of her eyes was of a man in black, who looked exactly like the man who kidnapped Qi Hao. Although she only saw the back at that time, the man's appearance was very clear in the fate of these people.

Her beautiful almond-shaped eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a surge of anger in her eyes. She dared to attack her apprentice. Did she think that her master was just a decoration?

This is not because she intervened in other people's cause and effect, but because he took the initiative to bring it to his door.

She was worried that she would not have a chance to try a way to change people's destiny, and now someone came to her door.

 Closing her eyes, the man's face appeared in her consciousness, and the power of soul control disappeared into the distance like an invisible sharp sword in her hand.

The man who kidnapped Qi Hao felt a chill on his back and a bad premonition all over his body. However, he couldn't sense anything after careful inspection, so he continued to a yard with Qi Hao in his arms.

"Girl, I've lost you." The hidden guard's voice came from the darkness, using sound transmission.

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes and said, "It's okay, I'll let Yun Tuan follow."

The hidden guard choked. Doesn't this mean that they are not as good as Miss Yu's spiritual pet? Will they be disliked by their master if they go back?

 They have already informed Ji Jiuzhong, so you can imagine how the master feels now.

Back at the rented mansion, Ji Jiuzhong, who did not see Yan Xiangluo, did not have lunch, but was practicing. After receiving the news, he immediately stood up, came out of the room, and arrived in front of the door in a flash.

Chang Feng, who was guarding the door, was startled and quickly chased after him. When he reached the gate, he didn't see Ji Jiuzhong's shadow. What happened?

The only person who can make the master lose his temper is Miss Yu. Has something happened to Miss Yu?

Thinking that Liu Yu, who has been coveting Xiangluo for a long time, is also in Yaoguang City, especially when the hidden guards came to the news, Liu Yu also stopped the girl in the morning. Although he didn't do anything extraordinary, there is no guarantee that he will do some dirty tricks. .

Changfeng immediately returned to the house and called out Mu Zixian and Jin Yutang, "Get ready quickly and wait for the master's order."

The three of them were all a little frustrated. When had they all lived so useless, and the master had to do anything himself?

Jin Yutang immediately contacted the hidden guards protecting Yu Xiangluo and asked for the reason. After knowing the reason, he immediately arranged for the hidden guards to secretly search for Qi Hao's whereabouts.

Although the one who had the accident was not Miss Yu, Qi Hao was Miss Yu's only apprentice and he liked her very much. If anything happened, you can imagine how Girl Yu would feel.

 Furthermore, during this period of getting along, they all also liked Qi Hao, a child who had gone through many hardships at a young age.

But he also knows that this is not their territory. Although the strength of the hidden guards has improved rapidly, it cannot be compared with what it was in Tianqian Continent, and the effect may not be as good. If the usual Yaoguang City is okay, the current Yaoguang City is different. The forces are all gathered together, and strong men are everywhere. They can't make much movement, and there are many places that they can't even get close to with their strength.

The three of them felt aggrieved for the first time.

Ji Jiuzhong came to the entrance of the alley and did not see Yan Xiangluo, so he immediately contacted the hidden guards.

"Miss Yu is in the teahouse." The hidden guard was very puzzled. Her disciples were all taken away, but she was still in the mood to drink tea.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned for a moment, and then felt relieved. Luoluo could still be so calm, which meant that she knew Qi Hao would be fine.

He turned to look at the teahouse and saw Yan Xiangluo sitting there calmly drinking tea in a conspicuous window on the first floor. Seeing him look over, he waved to him.

Ji Jiuzhong turned around and walked in, sitting down opposite her, "Are you waiting for someone?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and put down the tea cup, "Well, wait for the people who kidnapped Xiao Hao to come find me."

If the person who kidnapped Qi Hao came to find her, it meant that his target was Luoluo. How could she be sure that he was coming for her. "Luoluo are you sure that the other party is not Xiaohao's enemy?" Ji Jiuzhong thought for a moment and asked.

“Well, the other party’s target is me.” Yan Xiangluo said with certainty.

Ji Jiuzhong realized at this time that the clouds were no longer there, only the sky was covering her head quietly as a hairpin.

 “The clouds follow Xiao Hao?”

“Yeah.” Yan Xiangluo responded.

It was precisely because Yun Tuan followed Xiao Hao that she was sure that the other party's target was her and whether Xiao Hao would be in danger for a while.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the girl in front of him who seemed to have suddenly matured. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if she could live well without him.

At this moment, a little boy ran in, put a piece of paper in front of her, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the direction in which the little boy was running, and the figure disappeared from the sky above his head.

Yan Xiangluo picked up the paper and opened it and looked at it. It read, "At midnight the day after tomorrow, we will see you on the **** seven miles outside the city."

The signature was Qi Hao, which told her that Qi Hao was in the hands of the other party and wanted to save her apprentice, so he would go to Qilipo outside the city at midnight the day after tomorrow.

A dark light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. The day after tomorrow is the start time of the competition. At Chenshi, all the participants have already entered the venue. The other party does not want Ji Jiuzhong to help him.

It doesn’t look like Liu Yu’s method, then who could it be?

Ji Jiuzhong took the note from her hand and read it, his eyes suddenly turned cold. The other party knew them well and wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

 In the future, I will participate in a competition, and Luoluo will have to save his apprentice. Whether I will participate in the competition or accompany Luoluo to save people, no matter which one I choose, I have to give up the other. This is forcing myself to make a choice.

Yan Xiangluo's expression remained the same as before, "You don't have to worry, let alone make any choice. I can handle it."

Just as Ji Jiuzhong was about to say something, Yan Xiangluo raised her hand to stop him, and continued, "I didn't force it or take any risks. I knew what I was doing. Qi Hao would be back tomorrow night at the latest, so I didn't have to take risks. You don’t have to make a choice.”

 The other party obviously mainly wants to plot against himself, and by the way Ji Jiuzhong, such a person cannot be Liu Yu at all. She already knew who the enemy was who hated herself and Ji Jiuchong, and who could only use such clumsy and low-level methods.

Moreover, Yun Tuan has just told her where Qi Hao is now. Yun Tuan is accompanying Qi Hao in the dark. Qi Hao is not in danger for the time being. After all, the other party wants to threaten her with Qi Hao, at least Qi Hao will not do it until the day after tomorrow. Something happened.

 It is a good opportunity to take this opportunity to practice Qi Hao. Only if you experience it yourself will you remember it forever.

 Yan Xiangluo wanted to see if Qi Hao could deal with it calmly at critical moments and whether his clever mind could be used at this time. He has a lot of treasures to save his life. As long as he uses them properly, it is not impossible for him to escape.

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong asked, "Luoluo, do you know where Xiaohao is?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I know, let him come back on his own."

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