The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 552: Somewhat embarrassing

Chapter 552 It’s a bit embarrassing

Qin Suyue leaned against the door frame, playing with a strand of hair with her fingers, "You can't leave yet."

 The man was stunned, "Why?"

"You captured me. I haven't finished my work yet. If you leave, how can I guarantee that you won't betray me?" Qin Suyue said in a mocking tone.

 The man looked horrified, "What do you mean, Miss Qin?"

  It was Miss Qin who saved him when his life was in danger. However, after understanding her personality, the man disliked her very much, but he still had to repay the debt. At this time, he thought that Qin Suyue was going to kill the donkey.

Qin Suyue smiled sweetly and said, "What are you afraid of? I just want you to help me watch him here and bring him to Qilipo outside the city before midnight the day after tomorrow and hand him over to me. Then we will truly be inseparable." ”

The competition is the day after tomorrow. She has to accompany Liu Yu these days, so she has no time to come out. Leaving Qi Hao alone here will be wasted if he is discovered. It is just right to leave it to this man. It also saves him from being easily exposed when he takes Qi Hao out of the city.

She will be free when Liu Yu participates in the competition the day after tomorrow. Liu Yu did not ask women like them to go to the competition. She can take advantage of this opportunity to deal with Yan Xiangluo.

Qin Suyue believed that she was doing things without anyone noticing, and she really didn't want to let the man go. After all, she only believed that the dead would keep secrets.

 But it is not difficult to kill the man, but not now, he still has uses.

 She had to leave the city early the morning after tomorrow to make some preparations. This time, she took action personally to make sure that Yuan Xiangluo never returned.

 The man breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay."

Anyway, everyone has been captured, so what if they have to wait for two nights and one day? As long as Qin Suyue doesn't want to destroy the river and demolish the bridge, that's fine.

Qin Suyue was sure that she had caught the right person, so she didn't stay too long. She found some free time and wanted to go back quickly. She knew very well that Liu Yu was now her supporter and she couldn't make him unhappy.

Qi Hao watched the man sending Qin Suyue out with wide eyes. He didn't shy away from the conversation between the two. Maybe it was because he was a child, or because he felt that he was too weak to escape from their grasp, so he didn't care that he knew.

But Qi Hao understood that the man who arrested her was ordered by the woman named Qin. The day after tomorrow, she asked the man to take her to Qilipo outside the city. She must have wanted to use herself to lure the master out.

 The competition will start the day after tomorrow. Master and the others are going to participate in the competition. Master has to go alone. It is too dangerous. No, I cannot become a burden or encumbrance to my master. I must escape before being taken away.


Qi Hao's eyes lit up, and he finally understood his master's intention.

Master let Yun Tuan come to tell herself that she knew her whereabouts, but she didn't take action to save her because she wanted her to escape on her own.

 Master is testing his ability to respond to crises to see if he can save himself when encountering danger.

 This is the first test that Master has given him, and he must not let Master down.

 But he is now frozen, unable to move, speak, or do anything. How can he escape from the hands of this man whose cultivation level is higher than that of his master?

After sending Qin Suyue away, the man closed the courtyard door, returned to the house, and glanced at Qi Hao, who was standing upright by him.

Then he sat cross-legged on the couch near the window in the house and started practicing.

Evidently, Qi Hao was going to stand like this until the morning of tomorrow.

Qi Hao's eyes moved rapidly. He didn't know how long the mysterious patterns on his body would be able to control. If he wanted to find a chance to escape, he must first untie the mysterious patterns on his body.

 But the man will not take the initiative to untie it for him, so what should we do? Glancing at the clouds hidden in the dark, Qi Hao's eyes flashed with a dark light. After much deliberation, there was only one way to do it, but it was a bit embarrassing, but what else could he do to save face in life and death?

Thinking of this, he couldn't control the urge to urinate that he had been holding back. In an instant, the man who was sitting cross-legged on the couch and practicing was stimulated by the smell of urine and opened his eyes.

The cloud in the darkness opened its dark eyes in surprise, and shouted to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, your little apprentice peed his pants."

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth, why are you so loud?

But he was very surprised in his heart. He was surprised that Qi Hao understood what he meant so quickly. He was even more surprised that he was so flexible and flexible. In this way, the man could not bear to unlock the body-fixing mysterious pattern for him.

 I just don’t know if he can succeed even though he is risking his face?

As soon as the man opened his eyes, he saw the boy he had fixed looking at him with tears in his eyes and embarrassment, and the smell of urine came from him.

 The man frowned, it smelled too bad.

  "Why don't you say anything when you have urine?" After saying this, I realized that I had frozen the person, so how could I speak.

He went down to the ground and walked to Qi Hao. The smell of urine became stronger and he hesitated. The body-fixing mysterious pattern was given to him by Miss Qin. He only had this one. If Qi Hao unlocked it, there wouldn't be another body-fixing mysterious pattern to immobilize him again.

 However, he really couldn't bear the smell. After all, he had to stay here for two nights and a whole day. Now it was urine. If there was feces, could he still stay in this house?

Moreover, he would take people out of the city to Qilipo the day after tomorrow. He didn't want to touch Qi Hao, who smelled of feces and urine.

 Look at how good-looking this child is. You must have never suffered this grievance.

The mysterious pattern can only be unlocked by those who input spiritual power to activate it. After struggling with his thoughts for a while, the man decided to unlock the body-fixing profound pattern for Qi Hao. A talent-level seventh-level practitioner would not be able to escape from his grasp even if he let him go.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand to input spiritual power, unlocked the body-fixing profound pattern, and then said to Qi Hao, "Clean yourself up, don't think about escaping, if you dare to escape, I will immediately destroy your legs." ”

Qi Hao looked frightened and walked out of the door. The man stared at him closely. Qi Hao stood at the door and looked outside, and asked in a low voice, "Where is Gong's room?"

 The man said, "Left side."

"Oh." Qi Hao then walked to the left. In fact, he just took this opportunity to take a look at the terrain of the yard openly.

At this moment, Yun Tuan understood why Qi Hao wet his pants on purpose.

It said with emotion, "Master, your little apprentice is so smart that you actually used this method to unlock the profound pattern of body-fixing for him."

Yan Xiangluo knew that Qi Hao's goal was achieved, and the corner of her mouth curved. Sure enough, Xiao Hao was not ordinary smart. Although the method is a bit disgusting, it works well. I got rid of the body-fixing profound pattern and I have taken a big step on the way back.

The man's mental power was always locked on Qi Hao. He saw him go to Gong's room, then go to the well to get water to wash himself, changed into clean clothes, then returned to the room, and stood obediently where he had stood before. The deputy looked very obedient.

Unexpectedly, he still had a Qiankun bag. Where did he find it? Why didn't he find it?

 (End of this chapter)

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