The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 553: The opportunity has come

Chapter 553 The opportunity has come

Qi Hao knew that after he changed his clothes, the other party would definitely covet his Qiankun bag, so he immediately took out his own Qiankun bag and said, "I am very poor, I only have a change of clothes in it."

He had already made preparations. He put a few pieces of his own clothes in his original Qiankun bag, and some worthless daily necessities. The other treasures were all in the storage ring.

The ring of holding things was hidden by his master Yu Xiangluo using hidden mysterious patterns so that others could not see it.

The man took the Qiankun bag and looked at it. There were indeed only a few changes of clothes and some daily necessities in it. The Qiankun bag was so small that even he despised it. It only had one square meter of space, so he threw it to Qi Hao.

Qi Hao caught the Qiankun bag and put the precious one in his arms.

The man glanced at him and said, "You can go and lie down on the bed. As long as you don't run away, you can do anything in this room."

Hearing this, Qi Hao walked to the bed with small steps and sat down on the edge of the bed, as if he was too nervous to lie down.

The man ignored him and continued to practice with his eyes closed, but he used some mental energy to pay attention to Qi Hao.

Qi Hao sat for a while, as if he was finally tired, and moved little by little to the bed. Finally, he lay down at the back of the bed with his back to the man, and then closed his eyes.

After a while, the man opened his eyes and looked at Qi Hao curled up on the bed, and felt his breath, which was long and even. He was asleep. He was a child after all, but he could still fall asleep under such circumstances.

The man closed his eyes again. Although he still had some mental energy to look at Qi Hao, he had already sunk into cultivation.

Qi Hao really slept, because he knew that if he wanted to escape, the chance would not come in the first half of the night.

Since his family was wiped out, he has a habit of always waking up in the middle of the night. Usually when he wakes up, he gets up to practice. But tonight he has important things to do.

Sure enough, Qi Hao still woke up in the middle of the night. As soon as he opened his eyes, it was only a moment of haze, and his eyes became clear.

 He did not move. He turned his head slightly and glanced at the man, seeing that he was still practicing. The little mouth grinned, the opportunity came.

Qi Hao did not move. He searched for what he needed in his storage ring. The storage ring was given to him by his master. He only had a Qiankun bag before.

 There are many things in his Qiankun bag, the most common ones are pills and mysterious patterns, both of which were given to him by his master.

Especially elixirs, he has all kinds of weird elixirs here.

Since he hadn't started refining elixirs yet, and the master often refined elixirs, he prepared a copy of all the elixirs he could use.

 Qi Hao never thought that he would be able to use it before. Being suddenly taken away this time made him understand that his master's worries were not unnecessary.

Although he has left the Dusui Continent and is far away from his enemies, it does not mean that there are no other enemies.

I am the only disciple of my master. The higher the reputation of my master, the more things will happen. I am not sure I will offend anyone. When I cannot shake my master, I will think of attacking myself.

Isn't it because I was weak and the master's weakness that I was kidnapped this time?

A bottle of elixir appeared in his hand. He didn't dare to make any big move. He carefully opened the bottle with one hand, poured out an elixir, crushed it in his hand, and then used a very slight spiritual power to remove the elixir. Finally sent it out.

He went straight in the direction of the man on the couch.

He immediately put away the medicine bottle and held his breath to ensure that he would not inhale it. The effect of the medicine lasted for about a dozen breathers. As long as he does not breathe for this period of time, he will not be able to inhale it. When the time is up, the effect of the elixir in the air will disappear, but the effect of the medicine inhaled into the body will be doubled.

This elixir has a very nice name called Charming Pill. Its effect is similar to that of the intoxicating drug, but its effect is many times stronger than the intoxicating drug. Especially this is the perfect quality charming elixir refined by the master.

 The most important thing is that Charming Pill has no taste. Unless you see it with your own eyes, it will never be discovered by the other party.

After taking the medicine, Qi Hao continued to pretend to sleep. The man on the couch noticed a breath and immediately looked over. He saw that Qi Hao's posture had not changed and he was still sleeping.

 Looking at the time, it was just past midnight. At this time, when the child was sleeping soundly, he carefully checked inside and outside the house and found no presence of anyone, so he continued to practice with peace of mind.

After all, this is the place where the young master from Mainland China lives. Even though it is an unoccupied courtyard in the back, no one dares to provoke him.

In just a short time, Qi Hao had already absorbed most of the charming elixir, and he had no idea about it.

Qi Hao continued to practice with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He counted in his mind and waited a moment longer for safety reasons. He took a gentle breath until he could no longer hold his breath.

At this moment, the mental power the man placed on him suddenly disappeared. Qi Hao opened his eyes, feeling excited and nervous. He didn't dare to make any big move until he was sure that the man had indeed been hit by the Charming Pill.

He turned over naturally. The man made no movement and didn't even look at him. He turned over again, but there was still no movement.

After a while, Qi Hao carefully got up from the bed and said in a low voice, "I need to pee."

The man still didn't move. Qi Hao looked hesitant, and finally got off the bed as if he couldn't hold it in any longer, "I can't hold it in any longer."

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly got out of bed and ran to the door, opened the door and walked out of the room. Qi Hao really went to solve his problem and returned to the room.

 The man still did not move.

Qi Hao walked up to the man carefully and said, "I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

The man still didn’t move. Qi Hao boldly tugged on the man’s sleeve, “If you starve me to death, you won’t be able to threaten my master.”

Qi Hao didn't eat last night. The man didn't eat himself, and he didn't think that a child like him needed to eat, so he didn't give him anything to eat. Although Qi Hao was testing whether the man had won the Charming Pill, the pill was really hungry.

 Thinking to himself, when he goes back, he doesn’t care what time it is, he wants to eat.

Qi Hao pulled the man harder and harder, and the man was finally knocked down by him.

Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the man lying on the couch. This guy was really fascinated by the master's charming elixir. The effect of the master's elixir was really good.

  Well, in the future, you must be serious and diligent when refining elixirs yourself, and you must refine elixirs like this without losing face to your master.

 “Clouds, come out.” Qi Hao whispered.

Qi Hao's little movements have always been in Yun Tuan's sight. In fact, Yun Tuan already knew that the man had been hit by the Charming Pill, but the master said that he could not interfere with any of this boy's decisions. Therefore, Yun Tuan has been hiding in the dark without any movement. and tips.

 (End of this chapter)

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