The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 554: Escape easily

Qi Hao called it out, and the cloud jumped out of the darkness and landed on Qi Hao's shoulder. He wanted to know why the boy called it out.

“Yun Tuan, can you find where the master lives?” Qi Hao asked.

Yun Tuan rolled his eyes. It was the spiritual pet contracted by its owner. It could sense the owner's location and naturally find where the owner lived.

Although he disliked the question Qi Hao asked as a bit idiotic, he still nodded.

Qi Hao immediately said, "Go and see which direction is safe outside the yard."

Yun Tuan raised his little paw and pointed without moving. Qi Hao looked at the direction it was pointing, immediately picked up Yu Tuan, looked at the unconscious man on the couch, and turned around to go out.

The direction the clouds pointed was to the back of the courtyard. Qi Hao walked around the house. There was a spacious place behind, covered with weeds, but because it was the rearmost courtyard wall of the entire mansion, it was very high.

Although Qi Hao is at the Yuan level, he cannot fly in the air. He is only ten years old and three times his height. How can he get out of such a high wall?

Yun Tuan glanced at the high wall and then at the little kid Qi Hao, wondering how he would get out.

With a thought, Qi Hao summoned his battle beast, the Ruby Flame Leopard.

Yun Tuan was stunned and forgot that his master gave this boy a war beast yesterday. I'm confused, why didn't he call the war beast to help before?

How did he know that Qi Hao was thinking too much and that he was not good at fighting. If he was just a war beast, if others were attracted, he would have no chance of escaping.

This is what Yan Xiangluo is most worried about. Knowing that he has no use for fighting beasts, he has a clear understanding of Qi Hao's cleverness.

One person and one pet communicated with their spiritual consciousness. The ruby ​​flame leopard lay on the ground. Qi Hao hugged the clouds and climbed onto the ruby ​​flame leopard. Holding its fur tightly, the ruby ​​flame leopard leaped into the air and easily jumped out of the high courtyard. wall.

After landing on the ground, Qi Hao put away the war beast and walked quietly in the alley behind the courtyard wall with the cloud in his arms.

“Where are the clouds going?” Qi Hao asked in a low voice.

Yun Tuan pointed his paws in the direction, and Qi Hao ran lightly but very fast. After turning two corners, Qi Hao finally knew where he was.

After all, Master and I walked around the main streets of Yaoguang City two or three times during the day, but there was no one on the streets at this time. There was a curfew in the city at night. It was just the time of the curfew, and there was no one there. If someone was patrolled The consequences if caught are disastrous.

Especially now that Yaoguang City is hosting the Continental Hegemony Tournament. In order to ensure that the tournament is held safely, there are twice as many patrols in the city as usual.

Qi Hao just showed his head and then retreated into the alley.

This is also the main reason why he didn't let the Ruby Flame Leopard send him back.

The aura of the Ruby Flame Leopard is too strong. As long as there are patrols, they will definitely find it, and then the problem will be even greater.

But now that he knew the direction, he went back to the alley behind and walked in a circle toward where they lived.

 Still cautious. Although this alley is very remote and there are no patrols, I am still worried about what if they suddenly come to patrol and encounter me.

It was late at night, the surroundings were quiet, and the people nearby were resting. There was no light at all, and Qi Hao was actually a little scared. Fortunately, there were clouds in his arms, otherwise he would not have dared to take such a night road.

After walking around for a while, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of Qi Hao's eyes. He was shocked. He attacked with the spiritual power in his hand, and at the same time, he took out a defensive mysterious pattern.

"It's me." Qi Hao's attack was easily resolved by the other party.

Qi Hao, who was about to use the defensive mysterious pattern, heard the other party's voice and said in surprise, "Uncle Yutang."

Jin Yutang immediately said, "Don't resist, I'll take you back." Jin Yutang was very surprised. Yuan Xiangluo said that he would arrange for someone to keep an eye on the area, and it would be fine if he saw Qi Hao and brought him back. He didn't take it seriously.

 After all, Qi Hao was only at the Yuan level, so how could he escape with his own strength if he was captured.

When he saw Qi Hao appear, he was surprised. When he saw Yun Tuan in his arms, he understood in his heart that Miss Yu had already known where Qi Hao was and had arranged for his spiritual pet to watch him, but he had to leave it to himself. Trying to find a way to escape, this kid really did it.

 As expected, the master is evil and the apprentice is also extraordinary.

Qi Hao finally let go of his worries at this time and did not resist. He was picked up by Jin Yutang and ran quickly towards the yard where they lived, stepping on the wall and across the house in the night.

Qi Hao was extremely envious of his extremely fast speed. When did he become so powerful?

“Master, Qi Hao was brought back by Jin Yutang.” Yun Tuan immediately communicated with Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo finally felt relieved and immediately went to the front yard to wait. Ji Jiuzhong noticed her coming and came out.

 “Xiaohao is back?”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Well, I was brought back by Yutang."

Ji Jiuchong raised his eyebrows. This guy is pretty good. He actually escaped back tonight.

As the two of them were talking, they saw Jin Yutang coming back with Qi Hao in his arms.

Qi Hao cried immediately when he saw the master waiting in the yard. All his strength collapsed at the moment he saw the master.

"Master." Qi Hao ran towards Yuan Xiangluo as soon as he landed.

 He immediately threw himself into Yan Xiangluo's arms and hugged her tightly. Yan Xiangluo hugged Qi Hao and patted his back to comfort him.

After all, he is only ten years old. It is not easy for Qi Hao to rely on his own ability to escape from such a big thing.

 In fact, Yan Xiangluo wanted to test him because he knew that only the man was watching him and there was no one else guarding him.

It would be a lie to say she wasn't worried. She only felt relieved after seeing Qi Hao.

Ji Jiuchong's face darkened when he saw Qi Hao rushing into Yan Xiangluo's arms. He reached out and took Qi Hao out of Yan Xiangluo's arms. He had never hugged him before, so why should he be able to hug a brat.

Men and women do not eat at the same table when they are seven years old. Qi Hao is already ten years old, so it is time to avoid suspicion.

Qi Hao was still a little confused when he was taken out. He heard Ji Jiuzhong ask him, "How did Xiao Hao escape?"

Qi Hao thought about the fact that he peed his pants, his eyes flashed, he ignored it, and directly said that he took advantage of the other party's practice to take the charming pill, and then escaped.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at his master. After all, Yun Tuan could see clearly that he peed his pants. His master must have known about it. He had to save face for him and not tell others, and his master couldn't tell either.

Yan Xiangluo received Qi Hao's pleading look and smiled, "Xiao Hao performed well. He calmly faced the enemy and came back safely with his own ability, which is beyond the ability of a child your age."

Qi Hao felt relieved when he saw that his master didn't say anything embarrassing about him. He scratched his head and said, "It's because master's elixir is so powerful."

 Without the master’s elixir, no matter how smart he is, he will not be able to escape.

Yan Xiangluo said, "Even if it's Master's elixir, you can successfully administer it under those circumstances because of your ability."

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