The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 555: Are you still out of town?

Qi Hao was extremely happy after receiving the approval from his master.

Yan Xiangluo was worried about Qi Hao's pride, so after she praised him, she reminded him, "But this time it's also because the other party was careless. The other party only has one person, and you can only succeed without other guards."

Qi Hao nodded, "Master, I understand. I won't be proud. I will be more careful in the future."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "You are hungry. Master has prepared your favorite dishes for you. Your brother Zixian has left them for you. Eat and rest."

Mu Zixian, who had just come over, happened to hear these words, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Girl, this is Uncle Zixian, don't teach me wrong."

Why are both the master and the disciple like this? How come Uncle Yutang and Uncle Changfeng are the elder brothers of Zixian, a generation shorter than him?

Before Yan Xiangluo said anything, she heard her master cooking her favorite dish. She immediately pulled Mu Zixian and said, "Brother Zixian, I'm going to starve to death. Go back and eat quickly."

After finishing the words, I didn’t forget to thank Yuan Xiangluo, “Thank you, Master.”

Mu Zixian was dragged away by Qi Hao, and he was still fighting for a chance to change his shortcomings.

 “Call me uncle, otherwise I won’t give you food.”

“Uncle Zixian.” Qi Hao knows very well when to be serious and when to be soft.

Yan Xiangluo breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at Qi Hao, who was becoming more alive. She was worried that Qi Hao would be frightened due to his young age.

Now it seems that Qi Hao, who has experienced the tragedy of genocide, has a much stronger heart. Although he saw that he lost his strength at that moment, he quickly recovered.

 This child is far stronger than she imagined.

This kind of Qi Hao reminded Yan Xiangluo of his former self, who had grown up alone in school at a young age. Although he still had his grandfather around, the first time he met him was when his grandfather was in danger. Qi Hao was still different from her at that time.

Yan Xiangluo had a rough life in both lives. In this life, her parents taught her to be self-reliant and self-reliant because of their status.

Qi Hao, on the other hand, suddenly lost everything from the love of his relatives. To be able to have such a strong state of mind in less than a year is beyond the endurance of ordinary children.

Yan Xiangluo understood that Qi Hao had a strong soul, and his obsession and destiny in the previous life had affected him in this life.

 Everyone’s hardships and disasters do not happen for no reason and are related to one’s own destiny.

Yan Xiangluo can now see the way of luck. Although she has only practiced for one day, because of her powerful power of soul control, her ability to see the way of luck is growing every moment.

 In the past, when looking at Qi Hao's luck, he only saw his good luck at the moment, but the moment Qi Hao came back, Yan Xiangluo discovered that as long as he used the power of soul control, he could see Qi Hao's luck from his birth to the present.

His fortune had been going smoothly from one to ten years old, but when he was ten years old, his fortune suddenly changed. The moment of change was when his family was destroyed.

Yan Xiangluo wanted to see if she could see Qi Hao's future destiny, but it felt a bit laborious and she couldn't see clearly. She knew it was because she hadn't cultivated to that level yet.

When Ji Jiuzhong saw that Yan Xiangluo had been watching Qi Hao's leaving figure, he thought she was worried about Qi Hao, so he said, "Ever since his family was destroyed, his life has been different from that of other children. This experience will have a profound impact on him." It is a good thing to let him know that his life is not only filled with hatred of genocide, but also other incalculable crises encountered in the process of growing up. The sooner he understands this, the sooner his heart will become stronger. , the state of mind will reach a higher level as soon as possible, which is also a good thing for his cultivation. "

Although Ji Jiuzhong was born into the royal family, he experienced everything earlier than Yan Xiangluo Qi Hao. What he said was his own experience and feelings.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "I understand, and it is precisely because I understand that I feel sorry for him."

Ji Jiuzhong understands Yan Xiangluo's mood. After all, they were both children who experienced extraordinary experiences when they were young. "Are you still leaving the city tomorrow morning?" Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head and said, "Xiao Hao is back. I won't go. You will play tomorrow and I will go watch the game."

She knows who is plotting against her, and with her habit of retribution, she will not let those who plot against her go. But I don't want to affect Ji Jiuzhong's competition in advance.

If she goes out of the city, Ji Jiuzhong will definitely worry about her and will not be able to deal with the game wholeheartedly.

Now that she knows who her enemy is, it is only a matter of time before she takes revenge. As for the man who kidnapped Qi Hao, she has already taken action. She has taken away the good luck from his destiny. I hope he can accept his subsequent misfortune.

Qi Hao is back. With Qin Suyue's selfish and narrow heart, she will not spare the man. It doesn't take a second thought to know that the man will not end well in Qin Suyue's hands.

This is the first time she has interfered with someone's destiny, because it was the man who attacked Qi Hao first, and she only acted in counterattack, without having to accept the backlash.

This time her experiment was considered a success.

She still has a doubt in her heart. In her last life, her Celestial Master was so powerful that he should have interfered with people's destiny a lot. How did she solve the problem of backlash?

  After all, not everyone has a causal relationship with her. Many people come to her as a heavenly master to solve their problems. There must be a solution to the backlash problem.

She knows that things cannot be rushed. The Long family's soul-controlling techniques she has learned so far are only the tip of the iceberg. The fortune-seeing path is just the introduction, and what follows is the essence.

Ji Jiuzhong was relieved to hear that she would not leave the city.

 “Xiaohao is back, you should go and rest too.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, let them rest too."

It was almost dawn, and everyone was worried and busy all night, especially those hidden guards who went out to look for Qi Hao.

Ji Jiuzhong responded and asked Jin Yutang to call everyone back to rest.

Seeing Yan Xiang fall back, he said to Changfeng, "Arrange for someone to go to Qilipo tomorrow morning to have a look. No matter who it is, let him suffer the consequences."

  Is it easy to treat him as a soft persimmon? He actually attacked Luoluo under his nose. Although Luoluo didn't say who he was, who he was, the regent of the Tianshun Empire, his head was not in vain.

For those who want to kill someone with such clumsy means, only the self-righteous Qin Suyue meets the conditions.

And he knew that Qin Suyue and Liu Yu came to Yaoguang City.

Although he doesn't have time now, he doesn't have to do it himself to deal with people like Qin Suyue. It's just right for Qin Suyue to suffer the consequences.

However, Ji Jiuzhong had to admit that Qin Suyue still had some luck, otherwise she would not have been able to find a way out in a dead situation.

 He wanted to see how she could get out of the situation she had set up this time.

Mu Zixian and Qi Hao returned to the courtyard where they lived and took out the food that Yan Xiangluo had cooked for him. Seeing Qi Hao devouring it, they felt a little sad knowing that he really hadn't eaten dinner.

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