The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 556: Competition (1)

 After all, Mu Zixian got along with Qi Hao the most, and Qi Hao was also very close to him, otherwise he wouldn't quarrel with him all the time.

When Qi Hao finished eating, Mu Zixian asked, "Xiao Hao, should I sleep in the same room with you tonight?"

Qi Hao's big eyes flashed with emotion, and then he shook his head, "Thank you, but no, I'm fine."

Mu Zixian was worried that he was pretending to be strong and disbelieving, "Really?"

Qi Hao waved his hand, "It's really okay. I'm going to practice. I will become stronger as soon as possible so that I won't become the master's weakness and burden. This time my opponent underestimated me, otherwise it would be difficult to escape with my strength."

After saying that, he went back to his room.

Qi Hao's words came from his heart. He had not thought of this before his master reminded him. After the master reminded him, he thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the same as what the master said. If there wasn't only one person on the other side who despised him, it would be difficult for him to escape.

The most important thing is that the master hid his treasure ring, otherwise it would have been taken away by the other party. Without the treasure ring, he would not have the protective treasures that the master gave him. How could he escape with his strength alone? come out.

After thinking about it, he realized how weak he was.

Qi Hao was very grateful to his master, Yan Xiangluo, who did not treat him like a child, but taught him how to sort out his mood and improve his mood with an adult's concept.

 Therefore, he has to practice harder.

He finally understood why he mainly wanted to learn alchemy and medical skills with his master, but his master asked him to focus mainly on improving his cultivation. In today's situation, if it weren't for the elixir that Master gave him, no matter how high his alchemy level was, if it weren't for the child who made the other party relax their vigilance, he would never have a chance to escape.

Mu Zixian looked at Qi Hao's back and sighed in his heart, what a strong little guy. Like a master, there must be a disciple. Neither the master nor the disciple are normal people.

 The kid worked so hard that he was too embarrassed to be lazy. Thinking about the big competition tomorrow, it was better to have a good rest tonight. After all, the master asked them to enter the top 100.

 His cultivation level is at the bottom among them. Although he is an alchemist, he cannot drug the opponent during the competition.

 Besides, there is no chance of drugging someone in front of an absolutely strong person. Mu Zixian lay on the bed and fell asleep beautifully.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the room, sat cross-legged, and began to practice.

It feels bad to be plotted against at any time.

She desperately wants to become stronger, but there is still the third level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique ahead. She doesn't know how long it will take to pass this level, but the problems she will face sooner or later should be faced sooner and solved sooner. .

 After watching the Continental Competition, she had a lot to do.

First she will complete the transaction with the soul body, and then go to Qingyun Mountain, which is now the Divine Doctor Mountain, to pay homage to Master Shuyi. If she has the chance, she would also like to meet her sworn brother Ge Tianjun.

I don’t know where my sworn brother is. Is it convenient to meet him?

Yu Xiangluo continued practicing until early the next morning. When she got up, she cooked a sumptuous meal for Ji Jiuzhong and the others. Mu Zixian, Changfeng and Jin Yutang were extremely satisfied with the meal.

They have all eaten the food cooked by Yan Xiangluo and know how good her cooking skills are. They did not expect to be treated like this today, but they also know that they owe it to their master Ji Jiuzhong.

So he frequently looked at the table where Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo were eating. The food was exactly the same as what they were eating, but there was more.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would cook such a sumptuous meal for them this morning. He finally felt something like before, and felt that he was still very important to Luo Luo. After breakfast, the time was almost up, and the group of people went out and walked to the competition venue together.

Yan Xiangluo said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Zhe Tian, ​​go to Qili Slope outside the city to see what kind of trap Qin Suyue has made. If possible, let her suffer the consequences."

Although she didn't want Ji Jiuchong to worry about affecting his game and decided not to go out of the city, it didn't mean that she couldn't do anything. With her retaliatory temperament, how could she just let it go.

Even though Zhe Tian is a plant-type spiritual pet, he has a lot of abilities. It is more appropriate for him to handle this matter than to let Yun Tuan do it.

After receiving the order, Zhetian immediately followed the trees inside and outside the walls of each courtyard and rushed towards the city gate. After leaving the city, he went faster and arrived at Qilipo before Chen hour, just in time to see Qin Suyue also arriving.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had just arrived at the competition venue.

 The entry places for participants and those watching the competition are different. Participants enter from the main entrance of the venue, which happens to enter the viewing stand.

 Those participating in the competition enter through the back door, which is exactly where they are waiting.

Ji Jiuzhong sent Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao to the main entrance to watch the competition, and told her, "After our contestants enter, they can only come out after they are eliminated or the competition is over. If you and Xiao Hao don't find it interesting to watch, You can go back if you don’t want to come, I’ve left someone to protect you, but you have to be careful.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't worry, we will come to watch the game these three days. After the game is over, we will go back to where we live and won't go anywhere."

Ji Jiuzhong knew that Yan Xiangluo could do what he said, so he turned around with confidence and walked towards the back door where the contestants entered, bypassing most of the competition venue.

Yan Xiangluo was helpless. Originally, she wanted to send them in, and then she and Xiaohao could just go in through the main entrance.

After all, people who come to watch the game can come in and out at any time as long as they have a seat token, but those who participate in the game will be disqualified if they do not enter within the specified time.

But Ji Jiuzhong always sent the two of them into the stadium first, making it seem like she and Qi Hao were participating in the competition.

 After taking out the wooden sign, a special person will immediately lead them in and send them to their seats first.

 The seats Ji Jiuzong bought for the two of them were in the first row of the best viewing platform.

 This is the best place to watch besides the referee's table where the referees and specially invited experts from various continents sit.

There are two stands in this position, just on both sides of the referee's stand. Their positions are in the stands on the left side of the referee's stand.

 After sitting down, Yan Xiangluo found that the sight line was indeed very good, no worse than the line of sight from the referee's table.

The entire competition venue is oval-shaped. There are a total of eight competition platforms in the competition venue, which are listed on both sides of a huge square crystal stone in the middle.

The crystal stone is extremely tall, three times higher than the competition platform. There are moving subtitles across it. If you look closely, you can see that it is a list of all the contestants.

Yan Xiangluo was surprised. This felt more advanced than the electronic subtitles in another world.

Qi Hao has already started looking for Ji Jiuchong, Mu Zixian and their names on the subtitles.

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