The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 557: Competition (2)

“Master, I saw Master’s name, it’s on the 160th position.” Qi Hao shouted excitedly.

“It’s too early to call me master now.” The corner of Yan Xiangluo’s mouth twitched.

 Qi Hao stuck out his tongue and continued to stare at the screen, looking for Mu Zixian's names.

Yan Xiangluo also saw it and was very surprised that Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation was ranked so low according to the cultivation registration ranking. It can be seen that there are many people who have cultivated above the eighth level of Human Saint level in the competition.

This is only above the eighth level of the Holy Level. How many people are there between the first and eighth levels?

If she tells others now that Ji Jiuchong, who is ranked 160th, is running for the first place, they will definitely laugh at him for not knowing how high the sky is.

 In the history of the Continental Competition, no one ranked so far has ever won the first place.

Even Yan Xiangluo’s father was ranked in the top 100 during the last competition.

At this moment, a man wearing a brown robe walked out from the middle of the referee's table. Yan Xiangluo saw that it was Bai Wukian, the lord of Yaoguang City.

 It seems that the host of this competition is him, the lord of a city. Sure enough, the competition is taken seriously.

The referee's stand is sunken deeper than the viewing stand. Because the entire viewing platform is oval, the viewing stand is also arc-shaped inwards.

Yan Xiangluo sat in the front row and could see the people on the referee's stand.

Bai Wukian first made a speech, and then asked the Lord of the Northern Continent to speak. This is the first time that Yan Xiangluo has seen the Lord of the Northern Continent. She did not expect him to be such a young person.

She then understood that it was probably because he was young when he broke through to the **** level, that's why his appearance was so young. As far as she knew, the Lord of the Northern Continent was already over eighty years old this year.

 She has always been unable to adapt to the age of people in this fantasy world. In the higher continent, those who are over eighty years old are young people, very young young people.

 But in another world, eighty years old is already a long-lived old man.

  Even here, ordinary people who cannot become monks only live to be a hundred years old, and they are still old at the age of eighty.

 Yan Xiangluo felt a strange feeling when she thought about what she looked like as a little girl when she was eighty years old.

 She threw away the messy thoughts in her mind and looked at the referee's table, and found that the lords of all the continents were here. If you asked her how she knew, it was very simple. There was a sign in front of their seats, which said the Lord of a certain continent, but did not write his name.

For example, the Lord of the Twilight Continent, the Lord of the Southern Continent, etc. There are no monks who don't know the name of the Lord of the Continent, but not everyone is qualified to call their names.

Of course, the Lord of the Northern Continent, which holds the continental competition, is in the middle, which can be regarded as an improvement in status.

However, although the seat of the Lord of the Northern Continent is in the middle, there are three seats in the middle. The Lord of the Northern Continent sits on the right side. Sitting in the middle was a man wearing a snow-white robe with a very cold face. The man on the left is wearing the same color robe as the man in the middle, but the embroidered patterns are slightly different.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. The status of these two people should be higher than that of the Lords of the Continent, just because the Lord of the Northern Continent was very respectful to them. He said something to them before speaking, and then stood up and walked to the front to speak. of.

And the other continental lords can only sit around and behind them.

When Yan Xiangluo looked at the two of them, the one sitting on the left looked over with sharp eyes. Yan Xiangluo narrowed his eyes and looked at each other. He found that the other person was not hostile, and his eyes were full of inquiry. After Yan Xiangluo looked at him, he calmly withdrew his gaze.

She doesn't know this person, but it's obvious that the other person knows her. Now that her reputation as a miracle doctor has spread throughout the continent, it's not difficult to get information about her, and it's not unusual for someone to inquire about her.

 However, the identity of the other party is different. The person who can surpass the lords of the continent should be the one from Yunshang Palace.

The person in Yunshang Palace who is interested in her, although she doesn't know the person in Yunshang Palace, it is not difficult to guess the identity of this person.

 After all, she achieved the reputation of a miracle doctor by stepping on others.

Since she did it, she was prepared to be embarrassed by the other party. However, when they looked at each other today, she found that this person was still very broad-minded. At least she did not see resentment or dissatisfaction in the other party's eyes.

After Yan Xiangluo withdrew her gaze, she noticed that the other party also withdrew his gaze.

After Qi Hao saw Mu Zixian's ranking, his smile suddenly fell, and he whispered, "Master, can Uncle Zixian and the others enter the top 100?"

Yan Xiangluo heard the worry in Qi Hao's tone, "Just do your best."

Although she knew that Ji Jiuzhong had strict requirements on his subordinates and would never ask them for things they couldn't do. Since he asked them like this, he must have understood the rules of the Continental Competition and the strength of the contestants. Although it seemed that he was not interested in them. The request is impossible, but it must be a goal that they can achieve with their best efforts.

 She will not interfere with Ji Jiuzhong's affairs, that is his freedom.

Qi Hao said with a frown after hearing the master's words, "But Uncle Zixian and the others definitely want to enter the top hundred."

During the time Qi Hao spent with them, he could see that Mu Zixian and the others were obedient to Ji Jiuzhong's words, and they would complete what Ji Jiuzhong ordered even if they risked their lives not to do so.

Although he could also see that Ji Jiuzhong was very kind to his subordinates, he was very strict on business matters.

 He was very worried that Mu Zixian and the others had worked so hard to get into the top 100 that they had been injured or even killed.

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew what he was thinking, "That is their goal, and this game is also an opportunity for them. If they can really enter the top 100, their realm and cultivation will be improved."

This is a rare opportunity to transcend oneself. The effect is no worse than the experience in her copper tower, or even more effective. After all, this is a real life and death battle.

Hearing this, Qi Hao immediately understood Ji Jiuzhong’s intention. I’m afraid he mainly wanted to train them. He hadn't heard of any special rewards for the top 100 this year.

For once he didn’t say anything, but started watching seriously, wanting to see how the continental competition would compare. He would also participate in it in the future, and he would also get first place.

Bai Wukian finally announced the rules of the competition. "This year's competition has a lot of changes. It was decided after research by sixteen continental lords and after soliciting the opinions of the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace."

Bai Wukian's words immediately caused a commotion, and everyone was talking about what rules had been changed. Sixteen continental lords actually participated, and they also sought the consent of the lord of Yunshang Palace. Obviously, the change was not an ordinary trivial matter.

Dear friends, I have been delayed due to family matters today, so I am updating this. Sorry.

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