The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 558: Competition (3)

 Bai Wukian raised his hand and released the pressure. Although he was not a god-level practitioner, everyone understood what he meant. Bai Wukian was not competing with them on their level of cultivation, but rather reminding them to be quiet and that he would continue to talk about the rules. Suddenly everyone became quiet.

“The rules changes mainly take place on the first day.” Bai Wuqian continued when he saw that everyone had calmed down.

Everyone was puzzled when they heard this. The first day of the three-day competition was the least interesting. How could the rules be changed on the first day?

The first day of the competition is the knockout round. Those with lower cultivation levels or those with just enough cultivation levels to qualify for registration will be eliminated on this day. And because there are so many people, it is almost lively to watch, and those who are truly capable of entering the competition in the next two days will win easily.

 It is not easy for you to find someone among many people.

 Hence, the really interesting games are the second and third days.

 But this rule change was actually on the first day. They were all confused about what else could be changed by so many people on the first day's rules.

Just when everyone was confused, Bai Wukan continued, "The first day of the previous competition was also an arena competition. There were a large number of people, and what everyone watched was actually a messy scene. On the first day of this year's competition, sixteen mainland Chinese The master’s research invited the small world of experience in Yunshang Palace.” Bai Wukian finally got to the point.

Suddenly everyone booed. They had all heard of the small experience world of Yunshang Palace, but had never seen it before. Because only those who enter Yunshang Palace are qualified to enter the small world to experience. Those who are watching will never have the opportunity to enter Yunshang Palace in this life, let alone experience in the small world.

 In an instant, they all envied the people who participated this time. Some of the qualified people even regretted not signing up because they could not get any rankings.

Who would have thought that the knockout round would be held in the small world of Yunshang Palace on the first day of this year? I missed this opportunity so much that I regretted it in my intestines.

Although they have never seen it, they have heard about the magic of this small world.

It is said that the difficulty of the experience in this small world is determined by the level of cultivation of the person entering the experience. The longer the person who enters has been practicing, the higher the talent and the higher the level.

The registration requirements for the Continental Competition are from the Zong level to the Saint level, which spans two levels. Therefore, the real strength of the participants is very different. If you enter the small world to experience and eliminate, it will not only be fair and just, but also use the fastest Time will eliminate those with low cultivation levels.

Bai Wukian continued amidst the boos of the crowd, "When all the contestants enter the small world, the last 200 people who come out will be the list of qualified candidates. Everyone can see the scene of training in the entire small world, and the rules of the competition remain the same. The competition rules for the competition will be established before the Small World starts, and those who violate the rules of the competition will be automatically eliminated from the Small World.”

  Everyone was stunned, and their moods were extremely complicated: happy, disappointed, nervous, and worried.

 Happy because the people in their family who competed purely wanted to rank based on their ability, and this rule undoubtedly protected them.

 Those who are nervous, disappointed, or worried are those who have taught their competitors some ways to win or given some magic weapons.

With such rules, once they use these things and means, they will be eliminated immediately. If they do not use them, the possibility of them getting a good ranking is too small.

 Bai Wukan's words were heard by everyone participating in the competition. Players who were not interested in making small moves were very happy. After all, the changed rules of the competition were more suitable for people with good intentions like them.

Ji Jiuzhong stood in the crowd. He had no idea about the rules of the game. He didn't bother to use any means to win. He wanted to get first place simply by relying on his strength. Otherwise, not to mention others, even he would look down on himself. Therefore, at this time, Ji Jiuzhong was more interested in the small world of experience in Yunshang Palace.

The Luoluo Copper Tower Palace Space Magical Artifact is a rare experience treasure in the world. What kind of existence is the experience small world of Yunshang Palace? Can it be compared with the fallen copper tower palace space magic weapon?

 No matter what everyone's mood is, the game has officially begun.

After Bai Wuqian announced the rules, he emphasized again, "Entering the small world, the dangers are unpredictable and may even be life-threatening. Participants who are worried about their lives can now choose to withdraw from the competition directly."

Although this point has been specially emphasized, these people have been so lucky that they don't care about the danger to their lives. Especially those who have no hope of getting a place, they all feel that they did not sign up for nothing this time and can enter Yunshang Palace. It is a great luck to experience it once in the small world of experience. Maybe you can improve your cultivation level by one level.

 Hence, no one quits.

"Since you don't want to quit, you will be responsible for your own life and death after entering." After Bai Wuguan finished speaking, he stepped aside.

The person sitting with the Lord of the North Continent, the Yunshang Palace man in the middle, stood up, walked to the front, and took out a disk-like thing, which should be the Yunshang Palace's small experience world.

He input his spiritual power, and the disk lit up. Then he threw it with his hand, and the disk flew out and floated in front of the crystal screen.

 A ray of light fell from the disk to the ground, forming a pillar of light.

Bai Wukan waved his hand, and the door under the viewing platform opposite the referee's stand opened, and all the participants walked out.

There was a person leading the team in front, guiding them to walk directly into the pillar of light. Those who walked into the pillar of light would automatically disappear.

Yan Xiangluo saw Ji Jiuzhong's figure and immediately waved to him. When Ji Jiuzhong walked out of the door, he found Yan Xiangluo's position at a glance. After all, he bought this position. He had found out that this position was facing the door where the contestants entered and exited, and he could see her at a glance.

Sure enough, when he looked over, he saw a fiery red figure. The little girl waved to him with a smile on her face. She had obviously been waiting for him to come out. He smiled and nodded.

 Competitors cannot make too big movements, otherwise they will think you are cheating, so he can only smile and nod.

Yan Xiangluo naturally saw Ji Jiuzhong’s smile and nod, and immediately waved her hand to indicate that he could go to the game with confidence.

The viewing platform was filled with people, all cheering for their own people participating in the competition. The one after another noise was so chaotic that the people competing below could not hear their own voices at all.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was heightened to the climax.

 The door opened and contestants kept coming out. From the door to the light pillar, a long queue of five people formed. Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that there were so many contestants.

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