The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 559: Competition (4)

Until no one came out at the door, Yan Xiangluo estimated that there were more than 30,000 people participating this time.

Although they are a very small part of the entire continent's population, even among monks, so many people entered and only two hundred people were left in the end. The elimination rate in the first round was not unusually high.

You can imagine how fierce the competition is. If the rules of the competition are not changed this year, it is obvious that many people will not be eliminated due to calculations. Although in Yan Xiangluo's view, being successfully plotted by others is considered a lack of strength, but in such a situation It was obviously unfair to be eliminated in this way during the competition.

After everyone disappeared into the light pillar, the disk shrank away, rotated its angle, and faced the viewing platform with both sides facing the viewing platform. It slowly rose into the air, and the disk became larger and larger until it covered half of the game. The venue just stopped getting bigger.

The magic is that huge screens appear on both sides of the disk. In the small world, everyone is on the screen. Although everyone looks small, you only need to see whoever you want to see. The figure will be very clear, and if you don't look specifically at anyone, you can also see the whole picture.

However, the view of those sitting on both sides of the disc is not so good. Only those who buy seats know why the prices of these seats on the first day of the game are so low, one-third of those on the second and third days. .

Yan Xiangluo was in the best viewing place, so she could see it clearly.

 She was shocked in her heart. Could it be that the small training world of Yunshang Palace was more powerful than the palace space magic weapon given to her by her senior brother?

Just when her idea came up, the palace space magic weapon that had been quiet lit up in her consciousness, and the scene was constantly changing.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that the palace space magic weapon given to her by her senior brother could not only enter the training world, but also hold competitions like the small training world of Yunshang Palace, so that people outside could see the training scene inside. , even much more advanced than the small experience world of Yunshang Palace.

  It can be divided into multiple training and competition venues, and the scenes inside can be projected into the void, on multiple screens, or on one huge screen, and a specific training path for a certain person can also be selected.

If it were her palace space magic weapon, everyone present today could clearly see the competition inside.

Yan Xiangluo was shocked again and again. It turned out that she didn't understand the function of the palace space magic weapon enough.

  Put away the palace space magic weapon and look at the screen of Yunshang Palace’s small world of experience with concentration.

Those who enter at this time have already started the journey of experience. As long as they enter and experience, it will start.

Perhaps most people have never experienced such a small world experience and are a little confused. In an instant, many people are already in a panic.

Yan Xiangluo found Ji Jiuzhong's figure and saw that he was coping with the experience of the small world with ease. She knew that after experiencing the experience of her palace space magic weapon, it should be easy to cope with the experience of Yunshang Palace in the small world.

Before Ji Jiuzhong entered her palace space magic weapon to practice, he would not be in a hurry when he entered here. After all, where does his talent and strength lie? Just relying on his mind, he would not be so embarrassed to deal with some sudden situations. .

 She was not worried about any danger in Ji Jiuzhong's first level. After all, Ji Jiuzhong's real challenge was on the last day of the competition. It's just that she is a little curious whether the small experience world of Yunshang Palace has other functions like her palace space magic weapon.

She didn’t know that at this time, Ji Jiuzhong was also wondering whether the small experience world of Yunshang Palace was as high-level as the palace space magic weapon of Yan Xiangluo. Although their training process can be seen by everyone outside, he was destined to be low-key from the time he wanted to win first place. In this case, there is no need to keep a low profile in the small world. After all, such an opportunity may only be this once.

He wanted to see how far he could go in the small training world of Yunshang Palace under the set premise.

Since the training only lasted for one day, he did not waste time. He went all out from the beginning and passed the set training content at an extremely fast speed. His strength far exceeded those who were expected to win first place.

People outside were stunned. Who is this? Is there going to be another alternative in this competition?

The person in Yunshang Palace narrowed his eyes. Unbeknownst to others, he was the person responsible for practicing the management of the small world. He knew the rules of the small world very well. If the set rules were broken, the difficulty of the small world would be automatically updated.

However, the difficulty is increased as a whole. If Ji Jiuzhong does not stop, the difficulty of other people with low cultivation levels will also be increased, and they will be in danger, even their lives.

 Even he can't control the small world.

 However, the people who are involved in it have no idea how far the experience will end, so they can think that Ji Jiuchong will continue.

 In fact, after experiencing the space magic weapon in Yanxiangluo Palace, he already knew that he had broken through the difficulty of the experience at this time, but he pretended not to know and continued.

Sure enough, the disk vibrated, and the whole scene changed instantly. Everyone exclaimed, and some people even shouted, "The difficulty of the experience has increased again."

In the midst of the exclamations, people were constantly being thrown out of the small world. How fast was it? The people who were thrown out before fell on the stage and off the stage of the competition venue. Before they could stand up, He was suppressed by the person who was thrown out from behind.

This situation lasted for a quarter of an hour. In less than an hour, more than half of the 30,000 people who entered were thrown out, about 20,000 people.

 There were suddenly fewer people on the screen, and it was extremely easy for viewers to find the person they were looking for.

 However, at this time, their eyes were all focused on the person at the front who was stirring up the level of the small world, Ji Jiuzhong.

Even the people in Yunshang Palace were a little worried that the death would be huge, but after seeing the people who were thrown out, they were no longer worried. They had already been thrown out, and the casualties would not be greater. After all, now The people who stay inside are all with high levels of cultivation.

Ji Jiuzhong fought all the way and rushed forward. He didn't know what the experience in the small world was like, but one thing was certain. It was not like Yan Xiangluo's palace space magic weapon, which was promoted layer by layer. At the current position, he thinks the difficulty is still easy.

People outside can't see their own situation, but they can still feel the increasing difficulty of the experience. They are wondering why the difficulty of the experience increases so quickly. They haven't even passed the current level, and the difficulty has increased again. Promoted.

 If this continues, they won't be able to survive for long.

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