The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 560: Competition (5)

 They all mentally estimate how long they can survive. Some people cannot survive noon even on the current difficulty level, not to mention that the difficulty level is still increasing.

Suddenly, people who thought they could easily enter the top 200 became nervous and worried that they might not be able to enter the top 200.

 You can show off your strength in an instant. You can’t be eliminated on the first day. It would be too embarrassing.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know the mentality of those people, nor did he know how his behavior affected other people, nor did he care what the people watching outside thought of him. He only had one idea, which was to dig out the limits of the small world of experience. If he could get the experience, It would be best if you improve your cultivation level again.

If not, he also wants to dig out the difference between this kind of space magic weapon and Luoluo's palace space magic weapon. He can talk to Luoluo after he goes out.

Ji Jiuzhong felt in her heart that the space magic weapon of Luoluo's senior brother in her previous life was definitely not an ordinary space magic weapon. Maybe Luoluo hadn't discovered it yet, so she could remind her when she went back.

It was then that he discovered that although he had recovered a lot of past life memories, there were too few about Luo Luo and the people around her.

 About her master and senior brothers, he only had the memory of one sentence her master said to him, but nothing about her senior brothers.

Ji Jiuzhong realized that this was not the time to be distracted, so he shook off these thoughts and continued fighting with concentration.

I have to say that the experience battle here is different from the Luoluo palace space magic weapon, and it also has its merits.

When people outside looked at Ji Jiuzhong, they thought he had the audacity to overcome five levels and kill six generals with a bold move, as if the experience levels in the small experience world of Yunshang Palace had no effect on him.

  The two people in Yun Shang Palace frowned and then relaxed as they watched, and occasionally the corners of their eyes would twitch.

When Ji Jiuzhong once again triggered a higher experience level, a large number of the 10,000 people inside were eliminated. Before noon, the number of people inside was getting smaller and smaller, and finally there were only a few hundred people left.

 And among these hundreds of people, most of them are standing still.

These people are all capable of competing for the top 100 in this competition, and some of them are even at the ninth level of holy level, and they are working hard to be in the top ten.

Without exception, these people are very talented. They know very well that it is not easy to enter the small world. No matter whether it is for ranking or not, they cannot miss this opportunity to gain experience. Unless their lives are endangered, they will not be able to escape until the last moment. They will not give up and leave.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and understood that he was taking this opportunity to explore the bottom line of the small world.

Seeing that he has been doing it with ease, Yan Xiangluo is even more certain that the small experience world of Yunshang Palace is not on the same level as her palace space magic weapon.

Qi Hao originally had been looking for Mu Zixian and the others, but then Ji Jiuchong became the focus of the entire experience, and he was stunned.

He had always known that his master's fiancé was not simple. Whether it was his temperament, his eyes, the aura emanating from his body, or even his attitude and tone of doing things, Qi Hao unconsciously felt a sense of awe. In his heart, Ji Hao felt a sense of awe. Kunou is a very powerful person who should not be messed with.

 But he only thought so in his heart. This was the first time he saw Ji Jiuzhong crushing everyone so arrogantly, and Ji Jiuzhong's image instantly grew taller in his heart.

 The admiration for him in his heart increased steadily, and Qi Hao made a decision in his heart that he would become a person like his master. Yan Xiang was an irreplaceable presence in his heart and a reference for him to observe others. Now he finally understood why Ji Jiuzhong could become his master's fiancé, because he was as good as his master.

Since the master chose him to be his lifelong partner, he must like a man like him, so he must become the kind of existence that the master likes, and he will not make a mistake by following the example of his master.

Qi Hao turned his head to look at his master and saw Yan Xiangluo staring at the screen with a smile on his face. He didn't need to think twice to know that the person his master was looking at must be his master.

 Blinking his big eyes, he was even more sure that Ji Jiuzhong was his role model.

 All contestants who are eliminated can watch all subsequent games for free. That is, those who are eliminated today can watch the three-day game for free. The people who had been eliminated before, regardless of the severity of their injuries, quickly took the healing elixir, and then went to the viewing stand prepared for them to watch the game on the big screen.

Hence, the first people to be eliminated clearly saw Ji Jiuchong's arrogance. At first, I was a little unconvinced, thinking that he just wanted to be in the spotlight, but when the Small World Disk lit up again, only a few dozen of the hundreds of people left inside instantly remained.

 Seeing that the people who were eliminated were more seriously injured than them, and among the dozens of people left behind, only a few were in good condition, and the others were obviously struggling to hold on.

 Looking at Ji Jiuzhong again, he still didn't slow down, rushing forward in the small world, and suddenly he didn't think so anymore.

 The rankings of the big list have also come out, and the list of 200 people will appear on the screen starting from the 200th place. The names that are not ranked in the front are the ones that are not ranked in the front.

Everyone looked at the clock, and it was a quarter of an hour before noon. They all speculated whether the remaining dozens of people could survive until noon. They didn't dare to think about it, and they all agreed that it was impossible.

At this time, they were all curious. Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level on the big screen was written as Saint Level 8, but how come those people with Saint Level 9 cultivation were weaker than him in combat effectiveness? Could he fight beyond the level?

Everyone's mood was extremely complicated, and they were all thinking in their minds whether there was going to be another one who won the first place in the competition this time.

After the disk lit up again, as expected, there were only three people left except Ji Jiuzhong. These three people were also the ones they predicted would be the first place before this competition.

Yan Xiangluo also looked at the remaining three people. Liu Yu was among them. She didn't expect that a person who likes women so much could have such a high level of cultivation. Obviously Liu Yu is not a person who is immersed in the **** of men and women, but a man who has his own plans and will not delay business because of any woman.

 This also shows that in his heart, women have no place at all.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the other two people. She looked at the list and then faced the right person.

 On the list of 200 names, only the top four have not yet been determined, so the four names appear side by side in the first row.

Ji Jiuzhong had told her about a competitive opponent before. Although Yan Xiangluo didn't know who the two were, she knew that one was the young master of Chuyang Continent and the other was the young master of Bei Continent.

Coupled with Liu Yu, a twilight young master from the mainland, the most powerful people in this competition are almost all young masters from all continents.

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