The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 563: All surprised

Yan Xiangluo came back to her senses and said, "Of course I know her, Fang Xi'er, the eldest daughter of the Fang family, a well-known weapon-refining family."

Yuan Xiangluo didn't mention what happened to Fang Xi'er in Changchuan City before, let alone Fang Xi'er's incident with Zhang Zilu in Changchuan City.

She saw that Zhang Zilu had also come to participate in the continental competition. Unfortunately, he was among the first batch of people eliminated.

I don’t know if there is any reason why Fang Xier is so happy.

However, Fang Xi'er's temperament was different from when we first met her in Changchuan City. At that time, she was experiencing emotional betrayal, was at a low point in her life, and her whole person was gloomy. Nowadays, she is full of vitality and exudes the temperament and style that a daughter of a big family should have.

Seeing that Yan Xiangluo still recognized her, Fang Xier smiled heartily and asked directly, "Does our agreement still count?"


Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that Fang Xi'er wanted to become a sister of the opposite **** with her, but she declined, and agreed to meet him next time. If she still wanted to become a sister of the opposite sex, she could consider agreeing.

Without waiting for her answer, Fang Xi'er said again, "Can you refuse?"

She felt in her heart that Yuan Xiangluo was a well-known miracle doctor in the mainland. Although Yuan Xiangluo did not have strong family support, her own strength and talent could be her support. She became a sworn sworn brother to her, which was a bit high.

 After all, apart from her family, she has nothing to show for her achievements.

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised after hearing her words, "You want me to refuse?"

Fang Xi'er's face suddenly fell, "Of course I don't hope so. You are the first friend I impulsively want to make in my life. I feel like old friends at first sight with someone I have known for such a short time, and I want to become a sister. I never thought that this would happen before." Something will happen to me."

Yan Xiangluo smiled. She didn't reject Fang Xi'er who was so frank and direct at all. She didn't have any best friends or sisters here yet. If possible, she would like to have her own friends and even sisters like normal people.

 But he will not blindly sworn sworn friends with Fang Xi'er because of this.

 “Do you know the restrictions of sworn worship?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Sworn sworn vows to sisters with different surnames are the same as sworn vows to brothers and sisters with different surnames. They are bound by the rules of heaven. When making sworn vows, you must make an oath.

Fang Xi'er immediately nodded and said, "Of course I know. We must share blessings and hardships and cannot betray each other."

“Does your family agree with you doing this?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Fang Xi'er was stunned for a moment and then said, "My sworn sworn relationship with you has nothing to do with the family. It doesn't matter whether they agree or not."

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "It can't be indifferent. If we become sworn sworn friends, we must abide by the oaths we made and cannot betray each other, otherwise we will be punished by heaven. Have you ever thought about it, if your family goes against me, you what to do?"

Fang Xi'er was stunned, she really hadn't thought about this.

 At home, her grandfather was actually very relaxed with her and did not use any rules to restrain her. It was precisely because of this that she had the character she has today. Will give up everything for love.

When Yu Xiangluo mentioned it, she realized that she had thought simply.

Qi Hao frowned as he looked at Fang Xi'er who was standing in front of him. This person wanted to become a sister to his master two or three times. Even so, there was no need to mention this matter now, and there was no need to block him from seeing it. Master’s experienced gaze. Seeing Fang Xi'er frowning, Yan Xiangluo said again, "You can go back and think about it slowly. I will definitely do what I promised. But becoming sworn sisters with different surnames is not a small matter. You have a huge family behind you, and you have received the support of the family. Enhui, of course, you have to think about your family. Every decision you make will affect your relationship with your family. Family interests are very important in the eyes of you, the children of a big family. I don't want you to make decisions that you will regret later because of impulse. ”

Fang Xi'er said seriously when she heard this, "I will think about this issue seriously, but it doesn't mean that my determination to sworn sworn brothers with you is not firm enough. I just want to take this matter seriously, because I appreciate your Personality, I like the way you do things, and I want to be your friend. I also hope that I can bring you help instead of trouble. "

Yan Xiangluo smiled and nodded, "You will know where I live as soon as you find out. When you decide and still want to be sworn sworn friends with me, you can go find me."

 “Okay, it’s a deal.” Fang Xier readily agreed.

Yan Xiangluo pointed to the front, "My fiancé is inside."

Fang Xi'er then realized that she had disturbed Yan Xiangluo's view of her fiancé in the small world, and immediately stepped aside, "I'm going back to my seat first."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded.

Watching Fang Xi'er go back to her seat, Yan Xiangluo realized that they were actually sitting in the same row, but Fang Xi'er was sitting near the referee's table, with a dozen people separated from her.

Thinking about her eye-catching red dress, it’s not surprising that Fang Xi’er would spot her so easily.

Yan Xiangluo didn't think much. She quickly looked at Ji Jiuzhong in the small world, and was surprised to see Ji Jiuzhong practicing cross-legged and suspended in mid-air.

 She just said a few words to Fang Xi'er, how could Ji Jiuzhong change from fighting mode to practicing mode?

 Not only she but everyone was surprised, including the two people from Yunshang Palace.

 Time seemed to have frozen at this moment. Although it was not as fierce as the battle experience, everyone watching was extremely quiet.

 They have a new understanding of the magic of the small world of Yunshang Palace. I was thinking that no wonder the people in Yunshang Palace were promoted quickly. Their training magic weapon was so powerful that they couldn't slow down even if they wanted to.

 They didn’t know that the two people in Yunshang Palace were also shocked at this time, because it was the first time that they discovered that there was such a change in the small world of experience. I am also completely confused. I have no idea what benefits such changes will bring to those who have experienced them, and when they will end.

 As long as the experience of the small world is activated, it will not end until all the people who entered it come out. During this period, even the people who activated it cannot control the small world.

 So they can only wait.

 Time passed little by little, and the sun slowly set in the sky. In the evening, Ji Jiuzhong was still practicing in the small world.

Bai Wuqian discussed it with the Lord of the North Continent, and the Lord of the North Continent went to ask the two people from Yunshang Palace for instructions.

 Finally, it was decided to stop watching the game today and everyone should leave as soon as possible.

As for the final result of Ji Jiuzhong in the small world, an announcement will be made to everyone after the result is available.

 The second game that was supposed to continue tomorrow has been temporarily postponed. Ji Jiuzhong, the first place in the knockout round on the first day, cannot come out, and the second game cannot be played tomorrow.

 Those watching didn’t want to leave. After all, they hadn’t seen the result. They all wanted to know what changes would happen to the small world and whether Ji Jiuzhong would have any big opportunities.

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