The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 564: want to see you

 But the time to watch the game has indeed come, and we cannot keep so many people watching the game inside because of emergencies.

You know, these people have been in there all day without taking a break at noon.

As soon as Qi Hao heard that they were asked to leave, he said anxiously, "Master, what should I do?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, who was still practicing in the small world with his legs crossed, "Don't worry, he encountered his own opportunity while practicing in the small world. Even if there is danger, he can handle it."

Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. It turns out that there are personal opportunities in the small world of Yunshang Palace.

At this moment, he is more determined to practice hard to participate in the continental competition. When the time comes, if the small training world of Yunshang Palace is still used in this way, he can also go in to practice, and maybe he can find his own opportunity.

 At this time, everyone who participated in the small world regretted it, including Liu Yu.

They never expected that h would actually find his own opportunity under the circumstances of Yunshang Palace's experience in the small world.

They all thought that the small world had set rules for training and they could not resist, but Ji Jiuzhong did it. They missed the opportunity to encounter a great opportunity, and one can imagine their regret.

It is useless to regret anymore. They have already come out of the small world, and it is impossible to let them in again. At this time, in addition to regret, the only thing left in my heart is jealousy, jealousy of Ji Jiuzhong's good luck.

Little do they know that good luck is reserved for those who are prepared. Ji Jiuzhong's success today is definitely not just because of good luck. Before doing anything, he will think about it countless times in his mind and take all possibilities into consideration. , the most important thing is that he has a fearless heart.

“All entrances and exits on all sides are open. Everyone watching the game please leave the venue quickly.” Bai Wukan’s voice was transmitted with spiritual power to ensure that everyone present could hear it.

Immediately, Yan Xiangluo saw the guards in Yaoguang City running in quickly and began to "help" the viewers who were left behind to leave.

Yan Xiangluo took Qi Hao's hand and walked out. Qi Hao knew that Master was worried that something would happen to him again because of his kidnapping yesterday, so he held his hand tightly.

 In fact, Master's hands are extremely slender. Although he is only ten years old, he is a boy's hand, and his hands are not small. It feels that Master's hands are as big as his, just a little more slender, but very warm.

This kind of warmth spread into his heart instantly, and his heart also felt warm. Qi Hao knew that besides his grandfather, there was someone who truly loved him.

As Yan Xiangluo walked out, she looked at where the first two hundred contestants were sitting and saw Mu Zixian looking in their direction. When he saw her looking over, he immediately made a reassuring gesture to her.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, indicating that she understood what he meant.

Mu Zixian was telling her to rest assured Ji Jiuzhong. With Mu Zixian’s reminder, Yan Xiangluo felt even more relieved and walked outside the competition venue with confidence.

Qi Hao also looked at where Mu Zixian and the others were, but unfortunately because of their height, everyone watching stood up and walked out, so he couldn't see anything.

Yan Xiangluo saw him frequently looking in the direction of Mu Zixian and the others, and whispered, "Zixian gave me a sign to reassure us."

Qi Hao was completely relieved after hearing this.

The two left the competition venue and followed the flow of people to their residence. Along the way, they heard people talking about Ji Jiuzhong.

So much so that the rules of the competition were changed this year, and the news that Yunshang Palace came up with the small world space magic weapon was suppressed by Ji Jiuzhong's limelight.

Qi Hao listened to everyone's discussion with his ears pricked up. When he heard the good things, he was very happy. When he heard some people were jealous and resentful, he immediately curled his lips, feeling that the grapes they couldn't eat were sour. Yan Xiangluo contacted Zhe Tian while walking along the way. Zhe Tian had been gone all day and had not contacted her.

 Has it been discovered by Qin Suyue?

Even if he is discovered, he will not be caught because of his ability to cover the sky.

But Yan Xiangluo discovered that she could not contact Zhe Tian

She frowned. The contract with Zhe Tian was still there and she had no other feelings. This meant that Zhe Tian was not in any danger.

As long as the contractual relationship exists, if Zhetian is in danger or injured, she will be aware of it. Then there is only one possibility, that is, Zhetian is trapped. And it is an existence that can isolate contractual ties.

In Yan Xiangluo’s understanding, only those who are above the **** level and can use the barrier can isolate the connection between spiritual pets and war pets and their masters.

 But it also depends on the strength of the spiritual pet and the battle pet.

Zhetian is a divine plant. Even people with god-level cultivation cannot trap it with a barrier. Is it some kind of isolation magic weapon?

She was so focused on watching the game that day, and what happened to Ji Jiuzhong in the small world, that she forgot to send Zhetian out of the city to see what trap Qin Suyue had made waiting for her, so she only remembered Zhetian now.

But now that the city gate is closed, she can't leave the city to find Zhe Tian.

On the way, her expression remained the same, she did nothing and said nothing to Qi Hao.

When the master and apprentice arrived at the door of the mansion, they saw a housekeeper of the city lord's mansion standing at the door. When he saw Yu Xiangluo, he immediately saluted and said, "I have seen the miracle doctor Yu."

"Is there something wrong, city lord?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

The steward of the City Lord's Mansion is waiting for me here. It must be that the City Lord has something to do and it is inconvenient for him to come. He is worried about sending others to come and is worried that Yan Xiangluo will misunderstand that he is not sincere. Therefore, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion is the most suitable.

What's more, Yan Xiangluo had met the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion before, and he was considered an acquaintance.

 The housekeeper nodded, "I've indeed seen something."

The outside is not the place to talk, so Yan Xiangluo said, "Butler, please come inside."

The housekeeper of the city lord's palace said flattered, "Sorry for disturbing you."

Qi Hao immediately opened the door of the mansion with discernment.

After entering, they came to the main hall. Yan Xiangluo asked Qi Hao to prepare tea, and then asked, "What's the matter with the city lord?"

The housekeeper immediately said, "Miracle doctor, there are two people coming to Yunshang Palace this time. One is the demigod Changhong who controls the magic weapon of experiencing the small world space, and the other is the demigod Wei Lan who has the highest medical skills in Yunshang Palace. Wei Lan The demigod knows that the divine doctor is also in Yaoguang City and wants to see you. The city lord asked me to ask what the divine doctor means."

Yanxiang realized that the man from Yunshang Palace who looked at her on the referee's table was the demigod Wei Lan.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the respectful housekeeper of the city lord's palace and knew that it was because whether his daughter's face would be good or not depended on him. The city lord was worried about making him unhappy, so he asked the housekeeper to ask him what he wanted first. In fact, the main purpose is to tell himself that the demigod Wei Lan wants to see him, so that he can be mentally prepared, and it will be her turn to agree to the meeting.

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