The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 565: Like-minded

Chapter 565: Like-minded

With Yunshang Palace's aloof attitude, he would not ask her opinion first, but someone would directly call her to see the demigod Wei Lan who has the best medical skills.

Bai Wukan just changed the way he said it. He didn't need to think about it to know that his words would be changed into another way of saying it to Wei Lan, the demigod.

 After all, regardless of his medical skills or his cultivation and status, he is qualified to see him.

Yanxiang Luoxing's eyes narrowed. Originally, the competition would be over in three days, but because of Ji Jiuzhong's opportunity in the small world, I'm afraid the next competition will have to be postponed. The most important thing is that I don't know how many days it will be postponed. No matter how many days it takes, I will never be clean when I leave Yaoguang City, so why not ask this demigod Wei Lan for the purpose of meeting him.

After all, even if she refuses, if someone insists on seeing her, she can't resist. Bai Wukan has already given her a lot of face. They have handed her the ladder, so she should get down quickly.

"Tell the city lord that you can do it any time other than watching the game. Let the city lord arrange the time to meet. As for the location, let's set it at the place where I live. There is no other meaning. My fiancé will not let me go to other places before he goes to compete. ." Yan Xiangluo thought about it and said.

The hidden guards hiding in the dark were stunned. When did the master say such a thing?

The response was immediately understood that Xiang Xiangluo did not want to go to the people with the highest medical skills named Wei Lan's cloud on other places.

The housekeeper was relieved when he heard that Yan Xiangluo had agreed, but when he heard that she actually asked the demigod Wei Lan to come to her place to meet her, his heart suddenly became aroused again.

 Hands on what to say to make Yan Xiangluo change her mind.

Before he could think of a way, Yu Xiangluo said again, "I won't make it difficult for the city lord to tell demigod Wei Lan that my cooking skills are good. At least there is no spiritual chef in Yaoguang City who can compare with his cooking skills." Come on, I will prepare a sumptuous meal to welcome Demigod Wei Lan to my humble home."

When the housekeeper heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Just now, he thought that although Miracle Doctor Yu was highly skilled in medicine, he was still young and energetic and could be so disrespectful to the strong. Unexpectedly, he had already thought of a way to make the demigod Wei Lan willing to come to her place. When we meet, we won't feel like we are neglecting him.

"Okay, I'll go back and report to the city lord for disturbing Dr. Yun." Seeing that the matter was done, the housekeeper left immediately.

Yu Xiangluo nodded. The butler of the City Lord's Mansion didn't drink any tea. Left immediately. Yan Xiangluo asked Qi Hao to send people out.

There is no other way. Now there are only two masters and apprentices in the house, so Qi Hao can only send people off.

Qi Hao came back soon, his big eyes shining with excitement, "Master, are we going to meet the people from Yunshang Palace?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Do you admire Yunshang Palace?"

Qi Hao said, "Of course, Yunshang Palace is the place that all monks dream of."

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed. It seemed that the influence of Yunshang Palace was not that great, but it was understandable. Almost all the powerful people were in Yunshang Palace. It was normal for the monks to look up to Yunshang Palace.

“Do you admire Yunshanggong or the people of Yunshanggong?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Qi Hao looked at Yu Xiangluo with his bright black eyes, "Of course it's Yunshang Palace."

"Why aren't they the powerful ones from Yunshang Palace?" Yan Xiangluo asked pretending to be puzzled.

Qi Hao said like a young adult, "It is because of the existence of Yunshang Palace that there are strong people in Yunshang Palace."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. That's right. Although the apprentice is young, his ability to distinguish is not weak. His brain is not very good. He sticks to his own heart and has his own thoughts and opinions.

"Xiao Hao will definitely have the opportunity to go to Yunshang Palace in the future." Yu Xiangluo said with a smile. Qi Hao nodded seriously, "I must go to Yunshang Palace. If my strength allows, I would like to try the road to the Nine Heavens."

Yan Xiangluo was surprised. She didn’t expect that her young apprentice actually had the same dream as her. No wonder she liked him. Being like-minded is very important.

"You are ambitious, but now Xiaohao, let's go and freshen up first, and then come back to feed your belly." Yuan Xiangluo said with a smile.

Qi Hao felt very hungry when he heard this. The master wanted to cook for him himself, so he hurried to his yard and said, "Master, I will be here soon."

Seeing Qi Hao go back to his yard to wash up, Yan Xiangluo immediately communicated with Yun Tuan, "Yun Tuan, can you leave the city?"

The voice of the cloud sounded in her consciousness, "Yes, I can get out from under the city gate."

All city walls in the higher continent have barriers. Even flying spirit beasts cannot get out of the city walls. If you want to get out, you can only go through the city gate, but once the city gate is closed, no one can get out. Yun Tuan's body is small and soft. , if there is a gap, it can find a way out.

"I can't contact Zhetian. I'm sure it's not injured. It's probably trapped. You go out of the city and go to Qilipo to have a look. Be careful. Check the situation and contact me. Without my order, you can't do anything. Do not do."

Yan Xiangluo was worried that Yun Tuan would see Zhe Tian and impulsively go to save it. As a result, not only could he not rescue Zhe Tian, ​​but he would also hit him, which would be even more troublesome.

Yun Tuan immediately said, "Master, don't worry, I'll go right away."

As soon as Yun Tuan finished speaking, the small figure rushed out. Yan Xiangluo only saw a ray of light passing through the clouds and the figure disappeared.

The clouds have gone, and Yan Xiangluo walks to the kitchen. There is no point in worrying now.

They didn't eat anything while watching the game all day long. She was okay. After all, her cultivation was here. She wouldn't feel hungry if she didn't eat, and it wouldn't affect anything. But the same could not be said for her little apprentice Qi Hao.

 His cultivation level is low and he is still growing. I originally brought him food, but because the game situation changed again and again, his attention was on the small world and he forgot about eating. Now that he returns to his residence, he must be hungry.

Sure enough, before Yan Xiangluo's meal was ready, Qi Hao had already come over and was waiting. He stood aside and watched her cooking. Qi Hao would not miss such a good opportunity to learn cooking skills. Someone who has the foresight to help Yan Xiangluo.

After the master and apprentice had dinner, Yan Xiangluo asked Qi Hao to go back and rest.

Qi Hao didn't take any rest after he returned. He sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced. Watching the game this day made him more deeply aware of the importance of cultivation.

Because he had a clear goal, he didn't want to delay for a moment. The small figure sat cross-legged on the bed in the night, with his eyes closed and his hands on his Dantian. The spiritual energy around him surged into his body.

Although Yan Xiangluo was sitting cross-legged and with her eyes closed, she was not practicing, but thinking about today's events.

She is not worried about Ji Jiuzhong, after all, no one has the ability to enter the small world and do anything to him in full view of the public.

 She was thinking about Fang Xi'er who suddenly appeared in front of her.

 (End of this chapter)

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