The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 567: Wei Lan Demigod (1)

Chapter 567 Wei Lan Demigod (1)

 She sighed silently in her heart. No matter what, Ji Jiuzhong was the one who had entered her heart and became one of her weaknesses.

Qi Hao came over on time to help. After breakfast, Qi Hao asked, "Master, when will the people from Yunshang Palace come?"

 “It should be noon.”

Yan Xiangluo guessed that Demigod Wei Lan would not waste time and it would be inconvenient to come at night. After all, there are differences between men and women, so he would come at noon.

Qi Hao said with bright eyes, "Then I will help Master entertain the guests."

Yu Xiangluo laughed. She was sincere in helping her entertain the guests, but she also sincerely wanted to see the demigod Wei Lan.

 She still had to adapt to her apprentice. She nodded and said, "Okay."

 Qi Hao suddenly showed a big smile.

Yan Xiangluo thought about the recipe for a while, then took out the required spiritual energy ingredients and taught Qi Hao how to handle them for better consumption.

At o'clock in the morning, the steward of the city lord's palace came to the door again, and the hidden guard told him that Wei Lan, the demigod, would come at noon.

Yu Xiangluo asked Yinwei to tell the housekeeper to go back and tell the demigod Wei Lan that she was waiting for your visit.

When it's time to lower your posture, you should lower your posture. After all, he is a powerful demigod, and he deserves respect based on his cultivation alone.

  She has not forgotten that this is a world where the strong are respected.

The housekeeper of the city lord's mansion hesitated and asked the hidden guard to ask what Yan Xiangluo meant. City lord Bai Wukan also wanted to come and have a meal. Is it convenient?

Yan Xiangluo was not disgusted with Bai Wuguan. She knew that his main purpose of coming was to make money and asked him what to do with his daughter's face. After all, the Continental Competition normally only lasts three days, but now I don’t know how many days it will take.

 Ask the hidden guard to tell the housekeeper that she has no objection as long as the demigod Wei Lan agrees.

This is what the housekeeper wanted to hear. The city lord naturally knew that whether he could come to have a meal was mainly based on the wishes of the demigod Wei Lan, but Yan Xiangluo and the others did not dare to offend, so they came to ask for her opinion first.

As for whether demigod Wei Lan agrees with the city lord to follow him, that is the city lord's business. He can just take care of his subordinate's affairs.

Qi Hao looked at his master with admiration. How did the master know that the demigod Wei Lan must be coming at noon?

As soon as he thought of it, he asked, and Yan Xiangluo patiently told him what he thought. She believes that since she is Qi Hao's master, she should not only teach him alchemy, medical skills and cultivation, but the most important thing is to teach him how to behave and have a correct worldview, so that he can have a correct and positive way of thinking. To face all the things in the world he will encounter in the future.

 She taught Qi Hao using some of the educational methods she knew from her thirteen years of living in another world.

 You cannot teach him a skill, but make him a person who cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

Qi Hao listened carefully to his master's teachings. His family had hired masters before. There were masters who guided the children's cultivation and there were also masters who taught literacy, but no master could teach him so comprehensively.

 Even his parents and grandfather are not as careful as his master, and their teachings are not as comprehensive as his master's.

What he didn’t know was that his parents had never experienced so many ups and downs in life before.

Yan Xiangluo has different life experiences. It is not easy to live in both worlds, so she thinks a lot.

 Different environments and different ideas naturally lead to different ways of teaching children. This is a comprehensive training for Yan Xiangluo.

After preparing the ingredients to entertain the demigod Wei Lan, Yan Xiangluo tested Qi Hao's knowledge of herbs.

It was only after this assessment that Qi Hao had memorized all the medicinal herbs in the first half of Shi Baicao, and their efficacy and properties were all accurate. The first half of Shi Baicao is about refining some simple and commonly used medicinal herbs. If Qi Hao is familiar with them, he can be taught how to refine elementary elixirs.

Yan Xiangluo took out fresh medicinal herbs for him to identify. Although Qi Hao had seen many of them for the first time, he could accurately name the medicinal herbs through the descriptions he had written down.

 An hour later, Yan Xiangluo said happily, "Xiao Hao can refine the primary elixir."

Qi Hao said in surprise, "Great, I'm finally going to become an alchemist."

As long as you can refine elementary elixirs, you will be an elementary alchemist. The dream you never dared to think about before will come true. Can Qi Hao not be excited?

Yan Xiangluo reminded him, "The journey of alchemy is not easy. The process of alchemy is boring and long. You need to have perseverance to persevere."

Although alchemy relies on talent, for example, her alchemy talent is not comparable to that of ordinary alchemists, but she also knows that there will never be another alchemist like her.

 After all, she now knows that she should have a reason for her previous life.

 But Qi Hao was not an alchemist in his last life, so he was literally starting from scratch, and his progress would not be as fast as his own.

 Many alchemists have given up making progress after being unable to make progress for many years and just enjoy the current results. This is also doomed that their achievements in this life will stop here.

She hopes that Qi Hao will never lose his enterprising spirit. Learning itself is endless, and she has always had this idea.

“Master, don’t worry, I won’t slack off. I will devote my whole life to practicing and practicing medicine.” Qi Hao understood that Master was reminding him not to give up halfway.

 He really likes alchemy and medical skills, and he will never give up.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the time and saw that the demigod Wei Lan was coming, so she took Qi Hao to the front yard to wait.

She has never seen anyone with a god-level cultivation level. She has not even personally received the male lord of the continent, but the actual situation is different.

The Lord of the Southern Continent is seeking medical treatment, so he naturally has to lower his stature. Not only is the demigod Wei Lan higher in cultivation than the Lord of the Southern Continent, he is not here to seek medical treatment, so Yu Xiangluo naturally has to treat him with courtesy.

As soon as noon arrived, the demigod Wei Lan came to the door on time, and Yu Xiangluo took Qi Hao out to greet him.

The main door of the mansion opened, and Yan Xiangluo saw the demigod Wei Lan standing outside the door. There was no one accompanying him, only the steward of the city lord's mansion led the way.

Yu Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. It seemed that the demigod Wei Lan did not agree with Bai Wukan coming to share the meal.

Yu Xiangluo saluted and said, "Yu Xiangluo is waiting for the arrival of the demigod Wei Lan."

Qi Hao followed suit and bowed. The master and apprentice looked like siblings. Wei Lan half-consciously looked at Yu Xiang, who was in a fluttering red dress, and then glanced at Qi Hao. His expression was as usual, showing no emotion.

Yan Xiangluo said secretly: Is this the state of mind of a powerful demigod? It is so peaceful.

She felt that there was something about the demigod Wei Lan that was similar to hers. Maybe it was because they were both alchemists, but Yan Xiangluo didn't care about this feeling.

Demigod Wei Lan nodded, and Yan Xiangluo immediately made a gesture of invitation, "Demigod Wei Lan, please come in."

Wei Lan, the demigod, put his hands behind his hands and walked inside. Yan Xiangluo immediately sent a message to the housekeeper of the city lord's mansion, "Let the city lord rest assured that her daughter's face will not continue to deteriorate."

 (End of this chapter)

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