The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 568: Wei Lan Demigod (2)

The housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion felt relieved when he heard this, and he admired Yan Xiangluo in his heart. He was so smart at such a young age that he knew what the City Lord meant without him having to say anything.

 The tone became more respectful, "Thank you so much, Doctor Yu, and I'll take my leave."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and accompanied Wei Lan Demigod to the mansion, while the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion hurried back to the City Lord's Mansion.

 Qi Hao followed Yan Xiangluo obediently, one step behind her. The rules were very good. Apparently the tutoring and rules in his family were extremely strict in the past.

All the way to the main hall in the front yard, Yan Xiangluo asked the demigod Wei Lan to sit on the upper seat. She sat below him, and Qi Hao stood behind her.

 The hidden guard, now the clear guard, immediately brought tea.

 Demigod Wei Lan knew from the breath alone that the aura of this tea was extremely rich and could not be grown in ordinary places.

 When he learned that Yan Xiangluo had cured the son of the city lord of Xiangyang City, he checked all the information about her and found out that she came to the high continent from the lower continent this year.

He has not seen geniuses from lower continents before, but this is the first time he has seen someone as wealthy as her.

Just like the tea at the moment, this tea has no lower concentration of spiritual energy than the spiritual tea grown in their Yunshang Palace. This is not something that a person from a lower-class continent who has just arrived can have it. Not even the big families of high-level families have it, let alone just serve it out to entertain guests. Obviously, there should be a lot of tea.

 This shows that they should also be extremely high-status people in the lower continents.

Demigod Wei Lan took a sip of tea and tasted it carefully, confirming that this tea was definitely not the finest spiritual tea from the higher continent.

With his identity and status, the forces from various continents who asked him to heal are all over the higher continent. He can be said to have drank all the spiritual tea from the higher continent. Therefore, one sip will tell whether this tea is the tea from the higher continent. Even if it was tea from the high-end continent, he would know it was from that tea after just one sip.

“Did you bring this tea from your hometown?” Demigod Wei Lan was curious as to which lower continent could grow tea with such strong aura.

If the spiritual energy is so strong, how can it be so difficult to break through the clan level? He thought for a while, and it seemed that Yan Xiangluo came from a lower continent called Tianqian Continent. Before her, he had never even heard of this continent. It can be seen that this continent is not a continent worthy of attention among lower continents. , the materials will not be very rich, and the spiritual energy will not be very rich.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Yes."

This tea came from her Pangu space. It was not grown by herself, but grew wild in the mountains opposite where she lived. It was also when she was checking the space that she accidentally discovered that there was such a large area of ​​tea garden trees.

 She picked some, cooked it in her own way and found it tasted good, so she made a lot of it and gave a lot to Ji Jiuchong.

She didn’t know whether Ji Jiuzhong gave the tea to the hidden guards, or whether the tea brought out by the hidden guards was prepared by Ji Jiuzhong before he went to participate in the continental competition.

Demigod Wei Lan frowned, "Is there a place in the lower continent with such a strong aura? Can tea with such a high aura content be grown?"

 He instinctively felt that the lower continents could not all be places with such strong spiritual energy, that is, there was a certain place where the spiritual energy was particularly strong for some reasons.

Yan Xiangluo did not hesitate to let Wanghai Forest take the blame.

"There is a special place in the Lower Continent. It is between the Higher Continent and the Great Lower Continent. The people living there are all members of the families who made mistakes and were punished in the Higher Continent. This place in our continent is called Wanghai The forest, the spiritual energy in the forest is particularly rich, and the spiritual energy grown in the forest is also very rich, so practicing in it is also more effective. "

 After hearing Yan Xiangluo’s explanation, Wei Lan was half-conscious. He naturally knows that there are such existences in every lower continent. Even if those families who have made mistakes are demoted to the lower continent, they will not be confused with the lower class people. Their status is still higher than theirs, and There is another purpose of doing this, which is to not let them return to the higher continent.

 That’s why there is such an existence.

The aura of such a place is indeed richer than that of other places on the lower continent, but much less rich than the aura of the higher continent.

  However, it is not ruled out that there are some spirit-gathering treasures that can make the aura more intense. In this way, the origin of this spiritual tea makes sense.

"The master who taught you medical skills is also from a lower continent?" Demigod Wei Lan asked.

Yan Xiangluo said bluntly, "I learned medical skills by myself, I don't have a master."

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, "How is that possible?"

Yan Xiangluo said bluntly, "It cannot be said that there is no master, but I have never met the master, and I don't know if I will have the opportunity to meet him."

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment. How could he learn medical skills if he had never met his master?

Yan Xiangluo continued, "When I was very young, I encountered an opportunity to receive a medical skill inheritance. I like medicine and alchemy very much. In my spare time, I would like to study this medical skill inheritance. It contains both medical skills and alchemy skills. Maybe in There is some talent in this, and I have learned a lot over the years.”

Yan Xiangluo's words were not modest at all. At this time, Demigod Wei Lan didn't care whether she was modest or not, but was shocked that her superb medical skills were actually self-taught.

Even if one has received the inheritance of medical skills from a powerful person, it is not something that ordinary people can do by themselves.

You must know that medical skills and alchemy skills are different from the inheritance of cultivation techniques. To inherit the skills, you only need to practice according to them. However, if there is no one to guide you in medical skills and alchemy skills, it will be difficult to take every step.

 It is not easy to practice this step. No one wants to be treated by a person who has taught himself medicine.

If this is true, then who is he who was given the title of genius since he was a child?

Seeing his obviously disbelieving look, Yan Xiangluo continued, "Many people heard that I learned medical skills by myself, and they didn't believe it like the demigod Wei Lan, but this is the fact."

Wei Lan half-god came back to his senses, "Did you accept the inheritance of that powerful medical skill?"

 Whether it is a higher continent or a lower continent, the inheritance of skills is not restricted by the continent.

The people from their higher continent have always considered themselves superior and look down on the people from the lower continent. But he would never look down on someone just because they were born on a lower continent. After all, those who can come from the lower continent to the higher continent are not ordinary geniuses. He has seen many geniuses from the lower continent.

If Yan Xiangluo really had the chance to receive the inheritance of medical skills from someone powerful, it would not be impossible for her to have the superb medical skills she has now.

 But will she say it?

If it were him, he probably wouldn't tell others, so although Demigod Wei Lan asked, he didn't really hope that Yan Xiangluo would tell the truth.

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